
signing contract



鉴于双方签订合同是房屋按暂测面积计算As to the area in the contract between Party A and Party B, it refers to the area by interim survey.



English sign a contract 英文签合同


4,英语翻译之签订合同 Signing the Contract

1. The contract includes all the matters we had agreed in the discussion.2. We are both unanimous on the terms and conditions of the contract.3. This is our standardized contract.4. Do you think we should amend the description of the payment terms?5. I propose to specify in the contract: ”Loading of goods should be on 20th September or earlier.”6. Any amendment to the contract details can only be done with mutual consent.7. How long is the duration of this contract?8. The valid period of this contract is three years.9. The contract should be extended annually.10. Payment will be made when the draft is due to be paid provided you have fulfilled all the terms and conditions of the contract. Dialogue 1A: Mr. Wang, any news on the transaction we discussed before?B: We had talked to our customer; generally, they are satisfied with the quality and styles of your products.A: Im so glad to hear this good news. This transaction can be successful thanks to your efforts and cooperation. Can I ask when will the contract be signed?B: I think the contract can be drafted tonight; you can come over tomorrow morning at nine to have a look.A: But I had made an appointment with someone else!B: Then lets change it to 3 p.m.; is that okay with you?A: Okay, its 3p.m. then.B: Ill be waiting for you. Dialogue 2A: Let us peruse the terms and conditions of the contract first before we sign it, just in case we may overlook some issues that will create disagreement in future.B: Okay, lets do it together.A: Do you think this clause should be modified? It says all the goods should be packed in paper boxes, and then put in cardboard cases. It is alright for garments, but its not necessary for accessories.B: Yes, the accessories should be packed separately.A: Besides, the contract specifies that partial shipment and transshipment is not allowed. But we had agreed in our discussion that this is permissible.B: Yes, this should be corrected.A: One more point about arbitration. We propose that the arbitration should be held in China, and the resolution of the arbitration will be legally binding on both parties.


Signing a contract;Concluding a contract.
Sign a contract


sign the contract 或 sign the agreement
by : (空,什么也不必填)name: 名字title: 职位(如:总裁,秘书等)date: 日期

7,签协议 英文怎么说

complementary agreement 这个amendment意思是 改正,修正
sign contract
签协议:可以是Reach(sign) an agreement.中间冠词要随情况变化


to sign a contract,
our company has already sighed the contract(treaty), how can we send it to you later on?in nice way:would you please me let us know that how could we send it to you?


签订劳动合同 Signing an Employee Contract与本单位签订劳动合同 With this unit labor contracts
劳动合同的英语是contract of labour,详细信息如下:  contract of labour 英 [k?n?tr?kt ?v ?leib?] 美 [?kɑn?tr?kt ?v ?leb?]  【词典】劳动合同  例句:  the termination of labour contract by employer or employee is one of the importantparts of the law of labour contract and even of labor law.  劳动合同单方解除制度是劳动合同法乃至劳动法的重要组成部分之一。

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