

给你推荐一本书 法律英语基础听说900句(附光盘) 宋雷,田慧文,宋云璇法律出版社 (2005-02出版)不贵,才十四块多钱,很多法律方面的都有


2,法学专业的外语语种英语是什么意思 是不就说还得学英语

选是可以! 不过要花很大的力气才能将编程学好!!时间长了外语就不是问题了!

法学专业的外语语种英语是什么意思 是不就说还得学英语


非法占用农用地罪研究Farm-oriented, crime studies the illegal occupancy
你好!The crime of illegal occupation of agricultural land study如果对你有帮助,望采纳。



农村土地承包经营权Rural land contractual management right土地权益纠纷案件Land rights and interests dispute case 《土地承包法》Law of land contract 《婚姻法》Marriage law《妇女权益保障法》The woman rights and interests ensure the law村规民约Rules and regulations for the village and villagers pledges


在这里我保证 部门通告决议是按照公司章程第X款而制定的 已经本人阅读 此处的TOM和MIKE签名为其亲笔签名 并向我保证具有完全民事行为能力 执行上述附属文件本人无民事能力执行附属文件的内容2000年2月20日 在证人面前本人于此办公室签名盖章首席检察官批准此草案与2007年6月7号生效,效力终止于2009年6月17号于2000年2月20日生效
公证证明。。。在此证明依照公司章程X文件的主管函件决议,向我当面呈现并且其中的TOM和MIKE的签名,据我所知,已经足龄并且自愿履行上述所提文件的TOM和MIKE的亲笔签名,在此附上并列举。我对所附文件的内容无需了解并且不负任何责任。为了证明真实,我在2000年2月20号在此印上手印和办公章。检察官批准号。。。 日期 六月七号,有效至2009年六月17号。日期: 2000年2月20号
1 这些应该都是些法律条款的条款编号 section 2319 of title 18 应该是第18条下2319 项/款 2 according to section 506(a) of the copyright act...was punishable according to provisions of 18 usc 2319 根据版权法案的第506(a)项/款。。。根据美国国会法案的第2319款的规定,是应受惩罚的 以上供参考,本人非法律专业


Abstract Distribution of burden of proof is the core of the testifying theory in criminal proceedings. That who should bear the burden of proof is the primary problem to be solved in the process of criminal prosecution, which is also crucial in the implement of norms of the substantive criminal law. Therefore, to establish the distribution principle of criminal burden of proof is of great significance in guiding the practice of criminal proceedings in China. Based on a comparative study, this thesis is going to give a brief review and analysis on the difference between the statements of burden of proof, its distribution methods and its causes in the two legal genealogies (legal genealogy of civil law and legal genealogy of common law), aiming at briefly revealing the disputes existed in distribution of criminal burden of proof in our country and some places requiring improvements, and attempting to put forward an idea about constructing a distribution system of burden of proof in China. 【Key words】: criminal proceedings, burden of proof, subject of burden of proof, distribution of criminal burden of proof
刑事诉讼 a criminal suit; a criminal action; a criminal prosecution

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