

RT表示客户关系技术OU(Organizational Unit,组织单位)是可以将用户、组、计算机和其它组织单位放入其中的AD容器,是可以指派组策略设置或委派管理权限的最小作用域或单元。通俗一点说,如果把AD比作一个公司的话,那么每个OU就是一个相对独立的部门。 TK 热能与动力工程的图书检索号



no matter what difficulties that we meet in the project, we must go on
Whatever difficulties we will be confronted of ,we must carry the project through the end.



结构工程师很早就认识到部件延展性, 即是 (member rotation, 具体学术名我不知道,大概是 “部件旋转力或扭力”), 在钢筋混凝土结构中去重新分配受力时间和吸收动态,地震和爆炸载荷的重要性。 真正的理解回转原理是一项艰巨的任务主要因为钢筋混凝土的复杂和多变的行为特性, 而这种困难体现在对于它缓慢却稳步的研究进程。 在这篇论文中, 将对钢筋混凝土的回转原理的三个构成部分进行描述。 这种由于对钢筋穿透产生的回转将会用不完全相互作用理论来进行数学量化, 这个过程取决于成键特性。然后用得到的结果跟已发表的实践性方法所得到的结果进行比较。 最后, 一个由于钢筋断裂所产生的枢纽长度将会用数学方法建立起来。具体专业名词不太懂了。



裁缝:tailor | Tailoring | sewers工程:engineering | Project | BOT附魔:Enchanting | possession,diabolical | Runed Arcanite Rod锻造:forge | forging | casting珠宝:jewellery | JEWELRY | Tiffany铭刻:Engraved | imprint | impress采矿:Mining | winning operations | ore mining剥皮:peeling | barking | strip barking炼金术:Alchemy | AlchemyDeluxe | Alchemie草药学:Herbology | Herbalism | Herbal Lore术士:Warlock | sorcerer | Wizard德鲁伊:Druid | DLY | Druid DRUID战士 soldier|warrior|fighter法师rabbi牧师:priest: | Cleric | pastor圣骑士:PALADIN | PAL | Chen萨满祭司:Shaman潜行者:Stalker | Lurker | Stalker STALKER猎人hunter
engineering / project / work 都是 工程 的意思.
工程概算表 [词典] priced bill of quantities; priced bill; item pricing is an important but difficult task in priced bill of quantities. 在工程量清单计价中,清单项目组价是其重点和难点。
工程 1.[Architecture] works; construction; a project; engineering
工程 gong cheng 1.[Architecture] works; construction; a project; engineering


Pacifies 36-1 terminal wharf extension projects 5 10 thousand-ton crude oil wharf project to use the caisson gravity type independent pillar structure, the superstructure for the prefabricated installment segment and the cast-in-place concrete platform, various platforms through steel bridge connection. The article mainly introduced the segment, the steel bridge hoisting construction difficulty and the solution measure, the hoisting rigging stress computation. This project segment, the steel bridge hoisting construction completed smoothly, gained in the construction experience, will provide for the next same type project construction profits from the significance.
在你的小狗周围讲话时你可得注意点。因为它可能听得懂你所说的话,而且超乎你的想象。德国研究者声称,一只叫rico的边境牧羊犬能够辨认出大约200个物体的名称,并且这只小狗似乎能像一个3岁大的小孩那般轻松地学习新单词。它的词汇学习技能堪比鹦鹉或者黑猩猩。在一个实验当中,研究者准备了200个rioco认识的物件并把它们分成20组,每组10个。接着,小狗的主人会告诉它过去把其中的某个物体叼过来身边。在4次测试当中,rico总共接到40条指令,并做对了37个。由于rico无法从任何人那里得到线索和提示,因此科学家们相信它一定懂得某些单词的意思。在另一个实验中,科学家们把一个rico之前从未见过的玩具和其他7个rico已经知道名字的玩具放到同一个房间里,然后主人说了一个rico从未听过的单词,让它把对应的玩具叼过来。在10次测试中,rico做对了7次,这表明它通过排除法选出了答案。一个月后,rico记住了一半的新名字,这真令人感到惊讶。 rico被认为比一般的狗聪明。一个原因是,rico是一只边境牧羊犬,这个品种的狗以其智力见长。而且,这只九岁大的牧羊犬从它九个月大的时候就开始接受听名字叼玩具的训练。 但我们难以得知是否所有的狗都至少听懂我们的只言片语。即使它们听得懂,它们也无法还嘴。不过,这并不妨碍你和你的小狗偶尔说说甜言蜜语,你有可能得到一个大大的湿吻作为回应哦。 【人工翻译,望采纳,谢谢!——ivan】
Sz 36-1 terminals Wharf expansion project of 50,000 tons of crude oil terminal project gravity caisson-type independent pier structures, superstructures for prefabricated installation arc segments and cast in place concrete Pier, pier over a steel bridge connection. Article focuses on the fan-shaped blocks, steel bridge erection problems and their solutions, lifting sling load calculation. This project is fan-shaped blocks, smooth finish of the steel bridge erection and accumulated experience in the construction for future similar construction provides the significance


专业的翻译:Descriptivegeometry TheoreticalMechanicsMechanics of MaterialsEngineering GeologyEngineering SurveyStructural MechanicsRock and Soil MechanicsSoil MechanicsSteel Structure Design PrinciplesConcrete structure design principleGeotechnicalConcrete and Masonry Structure DesignConstruction TechnologyProject SupervisionCivil Engineering and CADProgram Design and Application StructureLoad and structural design principlesIn-situ testing and detection of curriculum designStructural DynamicsGeotechnical Engineering Testing TechnologyEngineering wave theory and analysis methodStrengthening and reform of engineering structuresNumerical Analysis简历的翻译:1. To visit and understanding of practical in-situ concrete construction technology, processes, to help measure in-situ concrete slump, concrete pouring process of checking whether there is cellular, hollow phenomenon. Reinforcement learning framework structure, banding, lapping, welding, construction technology, check whether the quality of its construction meet the specification requirements. 2. To inspect the physical quality. Problems are identified, to help engineering identify the causes and propose solutions And preventive measures, and to assist construction workers read construction drawings. To assist on-site during the construction works to solve the technical focus and difficult problems. Check on the construction site safe and civilized construction of the proposed rectification to the Engineering Department comments. 3. The completion of on-site discharge points, surveying, drilling, sampling, in-situ testing, on-site geological documentation and laboratory testing on the basis of the preliminary work, transfer of information collation. Compilation drilling engineering geology and engineering geological cross-section integrated histogram Fig. involved in the preparation of geotechnical engineering investigation report and the site safety evaluation report。
哎呀 好久没翻译我的专业英语了 !我给你好好翻一下! 本章让你有机会很好的了解奇异函数的性质,并且你也看到奇异函数的应用可以大大简化某些特定的问题。在此,书中只给出了一些题目的说明,而对于有兴趣的读者可以进一步去加深学习。为了解决我们现阶段知识的一个局限性,我们可以理解为分布荷载是不连续变化的,但是我们不能写出一个集中荷载的荷载函数。如果我们想进一步研究如何处理一个集中荷载,我们应当从奇异函数的概念入手,然而限于此书的研究范围,我们不再做进一步的研究! 哎呀 ,土木什么时候学习这个啊?我都研一了,怎么没见过啊?

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