



福州景点多不胜数,主要有: 1名山有:鼓山、旗山、青云山。 2名墓有:王审知墓、李纲墓、林则徐墓。 3名园有:西湖、南公园、烟台山等。 4名塔有:白塔、乌塔、罗星塔、瑞云塔、三峰塔。 5名桥有:万寿桥、回龙桥、龙江桥。 6名居有:林翰尚书故居、郑振铎故居、陈绍宽故居、林觉民故居、萨镇冰故居等.



福州镇海楼在福州鼓楼区屏山顶上。 屏山是福州三山之一,因为山峰形状像一座大屏风,所以称屏山。越王时在山麓建故都,所以又名越王山。宋代诗人陈轩诗曰:城里三山古越都,楼台相望跨蓬壶;有时细雨微烟罩,便是天然水墨图, 镇海楼,北倚北峰,南有五虎山为案,东衬鼓山,西托旗山。左前于山相扶,右前乌山呼应。乌龙、白龙双江如玉带环腰。明代闽中十才子之一的陈亮,写下《冶山怀古》诗:东西屹立两浮屠,百里台江似帝纡。八郡河山闽故国,双门楼阁宋行都。自从风俗归文化,几见封疆入版图。惟有越王城上月,年年流影照西湖。当年的样楼望海与龙舌品泉等被列入福州西湖八景,载入《新修西湖志》。 重建的镇海楼已于2009年1月24日正式对外开放。 fuzhou zhenhai tower first 鼓楼区 屏山顶 in fuzhou. the ping shan is one of the three mountain fuzhou, because the shape of a big screen, so called. wang ping shan in the foothills 故都 built, the more the name of poet. the poem. : 陈轩 sanshan furugoshi the city, is a disheveled ; 相望 of smoke, little rain sometimes it is natural ink, zhenhai tower first, the north and south 倚北峰 five tiger hill, with the east, west, gu shan kizan. the mountain before, and the right to be supported before dark. 山呼 attempt some movie-script breakout, bailong shuangjiang as 玉带 the waist. the ming dynasty 闽中 ten wit of one of chen liang, and wrote romantic poetry of the mountain mere sentimental archaism : the sword stands two things, like tweedy 纡 taijiang century, fujian 八郡 country. old castles have two-door 宋行 customs and cultures. since the better-trained and see the letter into the territory. only last month, year after year to run a 王城 according to the west lake. the 样楼 望海 龙舌品泉 waiting to be included in the west lake in fuzhou eight, the aim of the new practitioners. in 2009 镇海楼 has officially open on january 24.


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