



 外国人在中国工作的劳动合同中英文版,可以参照以下方式写。   全 日 制 劳 动 合 同 Full-time Employment Contract  甲方(用人单位)名称:Name of Party A (Employer):  住所Address:  法定代表人(或主要负责人):Legal Representative (or Principal Responsible Person):  乙方:(劳动者)姓名Name of Party B (Employee):  性别:Sex  居民身份证号:ID Card No:  文化程度:Education Background  住址:Address  根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等法律、法规、规章的规定,在平等自愿,协商一致的基础上,同意订立本劳动合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。  The Parties, intending to be bound hereby, agree to enter into this Employment Contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation pursuant to the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China (“PRC”), the Employment Contract Law of the PRC and other laws, regulations and rules.  第一条 劳动合同类型及期限  Article 1 Type and Term of the Employment Contract  一、劳动合同类型及期限按下列第 项确定。  1. The type and term of the Employment Contract shall be determined as set forth in Item ___ below:  1、固定期限:自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。  (1) Fixed Term: From ____ to ________;  2、无固定期限:自 年 月 日起至法定的解除或终止合同的条件出现时止。  (2) Open-ended: From _______ to the date when a statutory obligation or agreement to terminate the contract arises; or  3、以完成一定工作为期限:自 年 月 日起至 终止。  (3) Project-based: From _____ to the expiration of the term.  二、本合同约定试用期,试用期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。  2. This Contract specifies a probationary period commencing on ________ and ending on _______.  第二条 工作内容、工作地点及要求  Article 2 Job Description, Workplace Location and Work Requirements  乙方从事 工作,工作地点在 。  Party B shall engage in the job of ______, with the workplace located at ____________.  乙方工作应达到以下标准 。  根据甲方工作需要,经甲、乙双方协商同意,可以变更工作岗位、工作地点。  Party Bs work shall meet the following standards: ________. Party Bs job positions and workplace locations may be changed with the Parties mutual consent based on Party As work needs.  第三条 工作时间和休息休假  Article 3 Working Hours, Rest and Leave Entitlements  一、工作时间按下列第 项确定:  1. The working hours shall be determined as set forth in Item ___ below:  1、实行标准工时制。乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时,每周至少休息一天。  (1) The normal working hours system shall be implemented. Party B shall work no more than 8 hours a day, and 40 hours a week, and shall have at least one days rest each week.  2、实行经劳动保障行政部门批准实行的不定时工作制。  (2) A non-fixed working hours system shall be implemented with the necessary approval from the relevant labor administration authorities.  3、实行经劳动保障行政部门批准实行的综合计算工时工作制。结算周期:按 结算。  (3) A cumulative working hours system shall be implemented with the necessary approval from the relevant labor administration authorities.  二、甲方由于生产经营需要经与工会和乙方协商后可以延长乙方工作时间,一般每日不得超过一小时;因特殊原因需要延长工作时间的,每日不得超过三小时,但每月不得超过三十六小时。甲方依法保证乙方的休息休假权利。  2. Due to its operational needs, Party may extend Party Bs working hours upon consultation with the Trade Union and Party B, provided that the extended working hours for a given day should generally not exceed one hour. If an extension of working hours is necessary for special reasons, the extended working hours for a given day should not exceed three hours, provided that the extended working hours for a month should not exceed 36 hours. Party A shall ensure that Party B will receive their rest and leave entitlements according to the law.  第四条 劳动报酬及支付方式与时间  Article 4 Work Remuneration, Payment Method and Date of Payment.  一、乙方试用期间的月劳动报酬为 元。  1. The monthly remuneration payable to Party B during the probationary period shall be RMB___________.  二、试用期满后,乙方在法定工作时间内提供正常劳动的月劳动报酬为 元,或根据甲方确定的薪酬制度确定为 。  2. After the expiration of the probationary period, the monthly remuneration for Party Bs performance of his normal labor obligations within statutory working hours shall be RMB_______, or RMB ____ determined under Party As remuneration policies.  乙方工资的增减,奖金、津贴、补贴、加班加点工资的发放,以及特殊情况下的工资支付等,均按相关法律法规及甲方依法制定的规章制度执行。甲方支付给乙方的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。  Party Bs wage increase/decrease, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, and overtime wages, as well as the wage payment in special circumstances, shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations and Party As internal rules and policies. The wages paid by Party A to Party B shall not be less than the minimum wage standard stipulated by the peoples government where the employer is located.  三、甲方的工资发放日为每月 日。甲方应当以货币形式按月支付工资,不得拖欠。  3. Party A will pay wages to Party B on the ___th day of each month. Party A shall wages in monetary form on a monthly basis, without delay.  四、乙方在享受法定休假日以及依法参加社会活动期间,甲方应当依法支付工资。  4. During any period when Party B participates in any social activities which citizens are requested to perform for national or public interests, during statutory working hours, Party A shall pay wages to Party B according to the law.  第五条 社会保险  Article 5 Social Insurance  甲、乙双方必须依法参加社会保险,按月缴纳社会保险费。乙方缴纳部分,由甲方在乙方工资中代为扣缴。  Party a and Party B must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums on a monthly basis in accordance with the law. The amount payable by Party B shall be withheld by Party B from the Party As monthly wages.  第六条 劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护  Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Conditions and Protections Against Occupational Hazards  甲乙双方都必须严格执行国家有关安全生产、劳动保护、职业卫生等规定。有职业危害的工种应在合同约定中告知,甲方应为乙方的生产工作提供符合规定的劳动保护设施、劳动防护用品及其他劳动保护条件。乙方应严格遵守各项安全操作规程。甲方必须自觉执行国家有关女职工劳动保护和未成年工特殊保护规定。  The Parties must strictly implement relevant national occupational safety, labor protection and occupational sanitation procedures and standards. Any job exposed to occupational hazards shall be specified in the contract, and Party A shall provide Party B with work safety and hygiene facilities, labor protection equipment and other necessary conditions for Party Bs work activities. Party B must strictly comply with the work disciplines, operating procedures and safety rules set by Party A. Party A must conscientiously carry out relevant provisions formulated by the state for the protection of female and under-aged employees,  第七条 劳动合同变更、解除、终止  Article 7 Modification, Cancellation and Termination the Employment Contract  一、经甲乙双方协商一致,可以变更劳动合同相关内容。变更劳动合同,应当采用书面形式。变更后的劳动合同文本由甲乙双方各执一份。  1. The Parties may modify relevant terms of the Employment Contract where they have agreed to do so through mutual consultation and agreement.  二、经甲乙双方协商一致,可以解除劳动合同。  2. The Parties may terminate the Employment Contract where they have agreed to do so through mutual consultation and agreement.  三、乙方提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方,可以解除劳动合同。乙方在试用期内提前三日通知甲方,可以解除劳动合同。  3. Party B may terminate the Employment Contract with 30 days prior written notice to Party A. Party B may terminate the Employment Contract during the probationary period with 3 days written notice to Party A.  四、甲方有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除劳动合同:  4. Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A:  1、未按劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的;  (1) Where Party A has failed to provide labor protection or working conditions as stipulated in the employment contract;  2、未及时足额支付劳动报酬的;  (2) Where Part A has failed to pay remuneration on time or in full;  3、未依法缴纳社会保险费的;  (3) Where Party A has failed to contribute social insurance premiums on behalf of Party B in accordance with the law;  4、规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害乙方权益的;  4. Where Party As policies violate laws or regulations, thereby infringing upon Party Bs rights and interests;  5、以欺诈、胁迫的手段或乘人之危,使乙方在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同致使劳动合同无效的;  (5) Where Party A has concluded or modified the Employment Contract against the true intentions of Party B through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party B, as a result of which this Agreement is deemed null and void; or  6、法律、法规规定乙方可以解除劳动合同的其他情形。  (6) Other circumstances for termination by Party B as specified under laws and regulations.  甲方以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫乙方劳动的,或者甲方违章指挥、强令冒险作业危及乙方人身安全的,乙方可以立即解除劳动合同,不需事先告知甲方。  Party B may terminate the Employment Contract with immediate effect and without advance notice to Party A If Party A uses violence, intimidation, or an unlawful restraint of individual freedom to compel Party B to work, or if Party A instructs Party B to violate the law or engage in hazardous work that endangers his personal safety.



If a nation values anything more than freedom



3 may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation. 三、 工作时间 Article Three Working Hours 3.1 甲方实行每周工作 小时和 天休息日的标准工时制度。 Party A carries out standard working hours system of 40 hours per week and two rest days (maybe they are not Saturday, Sunday). 3.2 甲方因工作需要,在乙方愿意的前提下,可依法安排乙方超时工作或公休日加班。 Party A may legitimate arrange Party B to work overtime or work on general holidays due to business requirements on condition that Party B is willing to do so. 3.3 甲方由于工作需要更改工时制度,经政府有关部门批准后,乙方应密切配合执行。 Party A may change working hours system for business requirement after approval by relevant government authorities and Party B shall execute it of his own will. 四、 薪酬 Article Four Remuneration 4.1 甲方支付乙方的每月基本工资为人民币 元。上述薪酬不包括甲方按公司补贴规定按月向乙方支付的所有补贴。 Party A pays RMB to Party B as basic wage per month. The aforesaid remuneration excludes all subsidies paid to Party B pursuant to Party As stipulation. 4.2 甲方严格执行国家有关最低工资的规定和标准。 Party A shall strictly implement relevant regulations and standard per the lowest wage. 4.3 甲方的发薪日期为每月 日。 Party A shall pay the wage on the day every month. 五、 劳动保护与劳动条件 Article Five Labor Protection and Labor Conditions 5.1 甲方须对乙方进行劳动安全、业务技术及劳动纪律等方面的教育和培训,并根据国家对劳动保护、安全生产的要求,为乙方提供必要的生产(工作)条件,保障乙方的安全健康。 Party A shall give Party B education and training programs relating to labor safety, professional skills and labor disciplines etc. According to the requirements of state labor protection and safe-production, Party A shall provide necessary working condition to ensure Party Bs safety and health. 六、 社会保险和福利 Article Six Social Insurance and Welfare 6.1 甲方依法替乙方办理各项社会保险并缴纳保险费用。但依法规定之分摊比例,属于乙方须自行负担之各项社会保险金,由甲方于每月发薪时,从乙方薪资中代扣代缴。 Party A shall transact social insurance and pay them for Party B. Party A shall withhold the social security contribution legally undertook by Party B when paying the remuneration every month. 6.2 乙方享有国家规定的所有法定假日。 Party B will take all statutory holidays stipulated by the State. 6.3甲方实行年休假制度,乙方连续工作满一年以上的可享受有薪年假,申请享受办法按甲方制 4 定的年假规定执行。 Party A carries out annual vocation system, Party B can take paid annual vocation after continuously working for 1 year and the applying procedure for annual vocation shall be done pursuant to Party As stipulation. 七、 乙方责任 Article Seven Party Bs Responsibility 7.1 乙方必须认真工作和劳动,保质保量地完成自己的生产任务。 Party B must work earnestly and accomplish its own tasks with quality and quantity. 7.2 乙方必须如实汇报工作,积极配合和协助上级的工作。 Party B must report its job according to the facts and shall cooperate with its uppers and assist their jobs. 7.3 乙方应严格履行甲方依法制定的规章制度和《员工手册》。 Party B shall strictly implement the rules and regulations and Handbook legally stipulated by Party A. 7.4 乙方应爱护甲方的财物,对由于本人责任造成的直接经济损失,必须予以赔偿并接受甲方的处罚。Party B shall take good care of Party As property and he/she must indemnify direct damage due to his/her liability and accepts Party As punishment. 7.5 乙方在劳动合同有效期内未经甲方事先书面同意,不得为另一家雇主工作。Party B can not work for another employer without Party As written consent in the duration of Labor Contract. 7.6 乙方应严格保守甲方的商业秘密,不得向任何第三方泄露。Party B shall strictly keep Party As trade secret and can not divulge to any third party 7.7 如实陈述履历和学历。 Party B shall state his/her curriculum vitae and educational background according to the facts. 7.8 如甲方委派乙方培训(包括海外培训),乙方必须遵守甲方的培训条规和承诺。 Party B shall observe Party As training rules and undertaking when Party A assigns Party B to be trained. 八、 甲方无偿解除合同 Article Eight Cancellation of the Contract without Compensation by Party A 若符合下列情况之一的,甲方可以随时解除合同,而不必给予乙方任何经济补偿: Party A may cancel the Contract at any time without compensation to Party B under the following circumstances: 8.1 当乙方在试用期内不符合甲方的职工录用条件,甲方无须给予乙方解除的原因。When Party B is proven to be unqualified for Party As employment conditions during probation period, Party A need not give Party B the reason for cancellation. 8.2 乙方严重违反甲方依法制定的规章制度和劳动纪律。 Party B seriously violates rules and regulations, labor discipline legally stipulated 5 by Party A. 8.3 乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方利益造成重大损失。Party B seriously neglects his/her duty and grafts resulting in Party As great loss. 8.4 乙方违反中国法律,受到司法处罚或追究刑事责任。 Party B violates the laws of PRC and gains judicial punishment or is found a guilty. 九、 甲方有偿解除合同 Article Night Cancellation of the Contract with Compensation by Party A 有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前30天以书面形式通知乙方或支付一个月基本工资代替,并依法支付乙方经济补偿金或补助费。 Under the following circumstances, Party A may cancel the Contract with 30 days prior written notice to Party B or paying one month basic wage instead and legally pay economic compensation or subsidy to Party B. 9.1 乙方患病或非因工受伤,医疗期满后仍不能从事原工作或由甲方另行安排的工作的。 Party B is ill or non-work-related injured, and unable to do the former job or other job assigned by Party A after medical treatment. 9.2 乙方不能胜任工作,经过培训或调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任的。 Party B is not competent for the job and still remains so after training or adjustment of the post. 9.3 本合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使本合同无法履行,甲乙双方不能就变更本合同达成协 议的。 The basis for the conclusion of the contract has greatly changed so that the contract can no longer be carried out, while both parties can not reach an agreement on modifying the contract by mutual negotiation. 9.4甲方濒临破产,进入法定整顿期间或者生产经营状况发生严重困难,达到当地人民政府规定的严重困难企 业标准,确须裁减人员,并按法定程序解除劳动合同的。 Party A is close to bankruptcy and enters into legal rectification period or it is in a severe difficulty to meet the standard of severe difficult enterprise stipulated by the local government and the retrenchment is needed, and then Party A cancels the contract according to legal procedure. 十、 乙方要求解除合同 Article Ten Cancellation of the Contract at Party Bs request 10.1 乙方要求解除劳动合同,应当提前三十天以书面形式通知甲方,但必须依照11.2条款赔偿甲方。 Party B shall give 30days prior written notice to Party A when requesting to cancel the Contract, but he/she shall indemnify Party A according to Article 11.2. 10.2 乙方在下列情况下,可随时通知甲方解除劳动合同。 Under the following circumstances, Party B may inform Party A to terminate the Contract at any time. a. 在试用期内。6 Be in probation period. b. 甲方不按照劳动合同支付劳动报酬或者提供劳动条件的。 Party A didnt pay the remuneration or provide working conditions according to the Contact. c. 甲方以暴力威胁或者非法限制人身自由的方法强迫乙方工作的。 Party A forces Party B to work by means of force, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom. 十一、 违约责任 Article Eleven Liability for Breach of Contract 11.1 甲方依第9条提前解除合同,应按法律规定向乙方支付经济补偿金。 Party A shall legally pay economic compensation to Party B when canceling the Contract pursuant to Article Night. 11.2 乙方违约不履行合同,应按《培训合同》的约定及法律法规的规定赔偿甲方的经济损失。 Party B shall indemnify Party A for its economic loss according to laws and regulations and Training Agreement when he/she breaches the Contract. 十二、 合同附件 Article Twelve Annexes of the Contract 12.1 本合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有相等的法律效力。 The Annexes are indivisible parts of this contract and they have the same effect as this contract. 12.2 甲方依法制定的《员工手册》及各项规章制度是本合同的附件。 Handbook and other rules and regulations legally stipulated by Party A are annexes of this Contract. 十三、 劳动争议 Article Thirteen Labor Dispute 甲乙双方若发生劳动争议,应通过友好协商解决;若不能解决,可以向当地有管辖权的劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁;对仲裁不服的,可向人民法院起诉。提出仲裁的一方应当在劳动争议发生之日起60天内向劳动争议仲裁委员会提出书面申请;当事人对仲裁裁决不服的,可以在收到仲裁裁决书之日起15天内向人民法院起诉。 If labor dispute occurs, both parties shall resolve it through consultation. In case of failing to reach an agreement, each party may submit the dispute to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee having jurisdiction. If rejecting the award, each party can take a proceeding. The party applying for arbitration shall submit the arbitration application to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee within 60 days when the labor dispute arises. If rejecting the award, the party can sue to the court within 15 days after receipt of the award. 十四、 合同生效 Article Fourteen Effectiveness of the Contract 本合同自甲、乙双方签订后生效。7 This contract is effective by signatures of both parties. 十五、 其它 Article Fifteen Miscellaneous 15.1 本合同未尽事宜,可由甲、乙双方另行订立补充条款,补充条款与本合同具有相同的法律效力。 If there is something unclear, both parties may conclude a supplement clause and the clause shall have the same effect as this contract. 15.2 在合同履行中,发生其他事项而本合同未明确的,按国家和地方有关法规执行。有关条款如国家和地方有新的法规规定,按新的规定执行。 If there is something undefined in this contract when implementing this contract, IT SHALL BE EXECUTED ACCORDING TO RELEVANT LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE AND REGION. If there is a new stipulation per relevant clauses, they shall be carried out pursuant to aforesaid stipulation. 15.3 本劳动合同的变更须经甲、乙双方协商同意,并办理合同变更手续,合同变更的内容,可由双方商定。 The modification of this contract shall be mutually agreed by both parties and shall be facilitated with the relevant procedure. The modified content can be agreed by both parties. 15.4 本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 This contract is made in duplicate and each party holds one counterpart. 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签名): Party A(stamp): Party B(signature): 法定代表人(签章): Legal Representative (stamp): 年 月 日 年 月 日 Dated this (date) of (month) (year) Dated this(date) of (month) (year)






您好!请问您是要和外企签订劳动合同吗?人事部门有中国工作人员吗?如果有,您其实可以要求对方出示相应中文版本的劳动合同,否则您可以拒绝签订。 当然,如果您愿意接受签订外文版本的劳动合同,那么建议您首先通读,看有没有不理解之处,如果有,您有权要求对方翻译、解释,对于您不能接受的地方进行商榷。 在阅读劳动合同的过程中,您要尤其注意关于劳动时间、工资计算、工作地点、休假制度等方面的内容,发现有可能损害您合法权益的内容,要向对方提出修改的要求。 如果合同内容与中国相关劳动法律冲突,您有权拒绝签订相关协议。 总之,尽量签订中文版本,如果不能,那么一定不懂就要问,确定合同所有条款的内容合法、合理后,再签订,不要贸然签订。 如果您有英文比较好的朋友,您可以向他们寻求帮助。 希望答案对您有所帮助:)

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