来源:整理 编辑:律生活 2023-12-23 09:12:24
http://tianzhu.gscn.com.cn/Html/tzjj/170448335.html 2008年国家宏观经济政策
我国目前的财政政策仍定性为积极的财政政策,是基于以下几个因素1前几年的大规模投资的基建项目,按其基建周期看,还没有完成,必须继续追加投资。2.我国目前的经济增长引擎,仍然没有以消费拉动为主,仍然是以投资与出口为主,在出口受到较大阻力时,内需没有短期激发出来,必须坚持以投资为主。3.目前的扩大内需的方针仍然要靠财政的转移支出为主,通过再分配的方面向民生等方面倾斜。目前我国最新的财政政策和货币政策为积极的财政政策和适度宽松货币政策。财政政策:通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求。什么是政府支出,就是如政府出钱购买,象现在的40000亿的刺激内需政策。现在采取积极的,而非紧缩的财政政策。说明现在市场流通性匮乏,需要政府调节,通过政府购买的形式提高市场流通性,刺激投资和需求。就目前中国的情况出台积极的财政政策是为了防止经济增长大幅回落。稳定经济。货币政策:就是中央银行通过调整货币供给来挑战总需求。如利率,银行准备金率,公开市场业务等。去年末和今年上半年通货膨胀处于高位,国家一直采取紧缩的货币政策,频频提高准备金率和利率就是为了收回流通性,控制通货膨胀。下半年,通胀得到控制,但是经济下滑风险加大,于是得将紧缩的货币政策调整为适度宽松的货币政策。 可以如此简单的理解,政府采取宽松(积极)的财政货币政策,就是刺激经济,提高投资和消费,但是同时可能会造成经济过热引发通货膨胀;而紧缩的政策会抑制通货膨胀,也会抑制经济发展。因此看来经济得稳定,不热也不冷。所以我们的政策得~稳定和谐~。采取两边摆的态度。来适应经济的发展。
自贸区这种运行模式,可以达到自由贸易区内人与货物的高效快捷流动。总之,就是简化手续,降低成本,在自由贸易区实现“境内关外”。 所谓的境内关外,就是在我国境内,海关辟出一个专门区域,进出的货物就相当于进口和出口。区内可以免关税,免增值税,流通可以减免流通税,这样这个区域使企业可以不出国门,就能享受有关优惠政策,通关速度和便利程度也大大提高,有利于两头在外、大进大出的加工贸易发展,对企业整个物流的运作可以减少很多成本,对于发展经济非常有利。
经济环境 (economic environment) 所谓经济环境是指构成企业生存和发展的社会经济状况和国家经济政 策,是影响消费者购买能力和支出模式的因素,它包括收入的变化, 消费者支出模式的变化等。 社会经济状况包括经济要素的性质、水平、结构、 变动趋势等多方面的内容,涉及国家、社会、 市场及自然等多个领域。 国家经济政策 是国家履行经济管理职能, 调控国家宏观经济水平,结构,实施国家经济发展战略的指导方针, 对企业经济环境有着重要的影响。正方陈词:good morning everyone! we are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in china we think its environment growth should be chosen. i have three reasons to prove this point. first as a developing country the economy power is far behind the developed counties china have one fifth of the people in the world but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries. so the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy. second economy growth doesnt necessarily conflict with environment protection. we can develop our economy without environment pollution .third when our economy strength become strong we can spend more money and energy on environment protectiontill then it will be a win-win. in a word considering the current situations economy growth should take priority in china. 反方陈词:we agree econonmic growth is needed.but think about the past decadeswe followed the old model of “first pollutionlast treament” however how did it come out? the environment problems have become increasingly prominent and some local regions environment have been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.whats more the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means it placed us in a completely passive position. at the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life urban conservation and the environment.sowe must get to the bottom of the problem and learne from the past that is to say in the course of development we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority. only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably. thats all i want to say. 自由辩论 正方:we all know that in many places of china like many poor contrieswhere the environment is pretty goodthere are thousands people 徘徊在贫困线上,lack of maoneyfor the food the need to live.then opponent debatersdo you think we still need to develop our economics? 反方:but opponent debaters cant ignore a fact that most areas of china have solved the problem of food and clothing at present.we have had the ability to help them.on the contrary the level of economic development in many cities in eastern china is very high .but the pollution is pretty serious accordingly. the overcrowded living areas the foul air the impure water the unbearable noise and rush hour traffic all these things have affected the quality of life. we have money but being under the sub health condition.does it make any sense opponent debaters? 正方:there do exist some estern cities whose economy is quite developed but you forget that china has 130 billion people. and in most place the economy is quite backward the estern cities cant support all need of chinese people. we know that environment protection need high-technology high-tech personnel and science research. they all need a lot of moneyand money is created by economy. i want ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strenth? 反方:environmental protection needs economy . but we cant sacrifice the environment for the economic growth . if you drink polluted water eat the toxic food can we have a high quality of life ? economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection . the policy of “returning farmland to forests and grass” slow down the speed of economic development to protect the environment. doses it show that the environmental protection is more important? 正方:opponent debaters have refered the returning farmland to forest policy.we admit our country has pay a lot of money for the environment even sacrificing the profit .but we hold the idea that the ep is an appro.. to ensure our economic develop better. as for the incident why we give up the money 。。。。。 正方总杰 反方总结: our opponent said ” the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy” .the goal we develop the economy today is to create a happy and comfortable life for people in the future . if the economic growth lead to the pollution of the environment can we live a better life ? the excessive economic growth has caused the greenhouse effect which lead to sea-level rises . as a result thousands of coastal dweller have to face the fate of the migration . moreoverthe opponent also said ” when our economy strength become strong we can spend more money and energy on environment protection.” i want to question that when the animals and plants have died out what the opponent debater protect with the money and energy . if the economic growth delays for two years we can wait two years to develop it .but if the environmental protection delays two years the species will be extinct the resources will exhaust . the urgency like this cant wait . so our side advocate the environmental protection should receive priority in china.thank you.
国家经济政策 我国的基本经济政策是什么为什么有什么作用