




1. law 2. Legal 3. Outlaws
law 法律






lay down a law
您好!make a law或enact a statute谢谢!望楼主采纳!
1.把……打死 2.为...而忧虑 3.逃脱;爆发;突然出现


2001 revised \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; for the first time in the field of marriage and family established a system of divorce damages, to fill our system of divorce damages the gaps in the legislative level, for the marriage divorce damages the parties to provide a legal basis for the request . This paper focuses on \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; in the compensation system for Divorce law, divorce, and then as a basis for analysis of the constituent elements of damages, and damages system of divorce in recent years, combined with the application to the system\u0026#39;s shortcomings in the judicial practice discussed and then the perfect proposal, only hope that the system can adapt to the social development
都是机器翻译 ,现在的人啊,搞乱风气


doing就是动名词吧,这个用法如下英语中动名词是将动词名词化的手段,其目的是为满足一定的句子成分对词性的需要,如主语,宾语或表语要用名词充当动名词表抽象意义,无复数。1.Explaining this problem cost me lots of time.(这里主语是动词短语explan the problem ,须将它名词化)2.My dreams is going aboard someday.(这里的go aboard 动词短语作表语,要名词化)至于enjoy/like 等动词后接动名词,是因为这些动名词在此作宾语,故也要名词化。现在进行时中的doing不是动名词而是现在分词,分词相当动词。英语中动词有谓语形式和非谓语形式: 前者指当动词用在谓语构成中的谓语形式包括原形,单三式,过去式,现在分词过去分词五种。 后者则指用作非动词,可充当谓语以外的任何一种句子成分,包括动名词doing和不定式 to do.examples: 1.My goal is to enter/entering a top -classed university some day.(to enter/entering 宾语)2I come here to see u.(to see u目的状语)3.Glad to meet you here.(to meet 原因状语)4,NO need calling him。 readingcleaningwashingwatching很多
enjoy doing sth / advise sb doing sth / suggest doing sth/ like or dislike doing sth / finish doing sth / imagine doing sth / mind doing sth/ /practise doing sth / / have a good time doing sth have fun doing sth ..............
be busy doing 还有些楼上的都回答了 doing sth 可以就写成doing的形式
以下动词后,只能接Ving 做宾语。如:enjoy/ advise/ suggest/ dislike/ excuse/ finish / give up / imagine/ mind / miss/ practise/ risk / have a good time 等等。仅供参考。

7,法律英语翻译 谢谢了

Legal English is a specialized English with normative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source language and target language .These are the basis of translating legal English files.Besides,keep in mind to maintain the normative of legal English style.大概~~
Legal English is a normativity, seriousness special english.During the process of translation, we need pay highly attention to its trait of terminology, phrase and sentence. and flexibly applying the skills of translation. Master the trait of original language and target language. these are the bases of accuracy translating legal document. Meantime, pay more attention to keeping the normativity of Legal English literary Form
还有代表旅行机构的出差的外国人a long-term residence visa with a validity term of up to one year and entitlement to reside of up to 360 days may be issued to foreigners conducting scientific research or students under one-year education programmes.中文翻译,是1年以下教育计划的学生,他们是从事科学研究的外国人:具有长达1年时间的有效期的长期居住签证和长达360天的居住资格权可能会签发给这些人外国人,还有包括, scholars or trainees,代表一个外国雇主并在促进投资程序下实行的被公认的投资活动的外国商务人员, foreigners on business trips on behalf of a tourist services contract as well as foreigners on business trips o behalf of a foreign employer for effecting investments certified under the procedure of the investment promotion act.如果满意,谢谢,请及时采纳,实习生,学者
Legal English is a kind of normative and serious professional English. In the translation process, we should pay close attention to the characteristics of terminologies, phrases and sentences. We should also use translation skills flexibly by grasping the difference between the source language and the target language. These are the fundamental of an accurately translated legal document. And at the same time, it is more important to maintain the normative style of legal English.

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