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2,本协议自签署之日起生效 用英文怎么说

This agreement will take effect since being signed
The cantract will work as signing.
本协议自签署之日起生效this agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing

本协议自签署之日起生效 用英文怎么说


bring [br??] v. 带…到某处; 带来; 取来; 提供; 供给; 导致; 引起; [例句]Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes记得带一个围裙或者一件旧衬衫来,免得弄脏你的衣服。
带来的英文是bring bring 英[br??] 美[br??]



动词: sign 名词: signature
签名 signature
签名的英文单词是autograph,详细信息如下: autograph 英 [??:t?grɑ:f] 美 [??:t?gr?f] n.亲笔签名;亲笔稿;手稿;真迹石版复制品 vt.在…上亲笔签名;亲笔书写;亲笔签字;用石版术复制 adj.亲笔的;自署的 例句: I autographed a copy of one of my books. 我在自己的一本书上签了名。 Does she ever get asked for her autograph? 有人向她索要过签名吗?


Advance payment of 30% of the contract value shall be paid along with the date of signing the contract, then 60% when received the goods immediately, payoff the rest after the goods check and accept.
to put 20% of down payment, and pay the remaining 20% in full on delivery of the goods/shipment.
The payment should be as below:30% of contractual amount need to be paid upon signature on the contract;60% of contractual amount need to be paid upon goods reception;The balance of 10% amount need to be paid upon completion delivery.


签约 [qiān yuē] sign a contract网络释义新汉英大辞典 -签约: signing of contract;make a contract;The Signing of a Contract;sign contract signing of contract 主题:商务英语词汇 ...shut the book 停止交易signing of contract 签约sight bill 即期汇票 ... make a contract 托业考试-汉译英(12) ... close a deal 成交 make a contract 签约 break a contract 毁约 ... The Signing of a Contract 国际商务英语综合教程 ...Business Negotiation(交易磋商)The Signing of a Contract(签约)The Performance of an Export Contract(出口合同的履行) ... sign contract ...industry insider行业内部人士sign contract签约be market-oriented以市场为导向 ... -签约日期: dateofcontract;Date of Signature;Contract date dateofcontract 最新商务行业英语,行业英语词汇大全 ...datedue到期日 dateofcontract签约日期 dateofdelivery发货日 ...Date of Signature ...期限(协议期限) duration 签订日期;签约日期 Date of Signature 权利义务 rights and duties ... Contract date Price Clause (价格条款) ... Contract clause 合同条款 Contract date 签约日期 Contract fee 合同费 ... -签约年数: SING
sign a contract望采纳谢谢~~
shit /?it/
sign a contract

7,求英文翻译 急啊

THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY appoints the following attorneys, with full power of substitution and revocation , to sign on behalf of the undersigned all documents necessary to electronically file any documents concerning the above-identified mark,to prosecute the above-identified mark to register (if applicable), to transact all business in the Patent and trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive the Certificate of Registration, and to sign future declarations to maintain and renew the registration thereof. 下述签署人指定以下是律师,替代,充满力量,代表撤销,签署的所有文件必须签署任何单证电子文件above-identified马克,起诉above-identified马克登记(如适用),办理一切业务的专利和商标办公室,职业病危害项目和接受登记证书,并签署声明的维护和更新未来登记帐簿。
THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY appoints the following attorneys, with full power of substitution and revocation , to sign on behalf of the undersigned all documents necessary to electronically file any documents concerning the above-identified mark,to prosecute the above-identified mark to register (if applicable), to transact all business in the Patent and trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive the Certificate of Registration, and to sign future declarations to maintain and renew the registration thereof. 下述签署人现委任以下律师充满电的替代和撤销,下述签署人签署电子文件关于确定上面的标记,任何文档所需的所有 档中起诉以上标识标记注册 (如果适用)、 办理专利中的所有业务和订定条文,连接在商标局和接收注册证书并签署未来声明维护和更新登记。
THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY appoints the following attorneys, with full power of substitution and revocation , to sign on behalf of the undersigned all documents necessary to electronically file any documents concerning the above-identified mark,to prosecute the above-identified mark to register (if applicable), to transact all business in the Patent and trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive the Certificate of Registration, and to sign future declarations to maintain and renew the registration thereof. 下述签署人现委任以下律师充满电的替代和撤销,下述签署人签署电子文件关于确定上面的标记,任何文档所需的所有 档中起诉以上标识标记注册 (如果适用)、 办理专利中的所有业务和订定条文,连接在商标局和接收注册证书并签署未来声明维护和更新登记。

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