



2,英文合同 In no eventhowevershall such termination notice be deemed


英文合同 In no eventhowevershall such termination notice be deemed

3,英文合同中的 on an exclusive basis 是什么意思最好能提供一下对此

"on an exclusive basis=exclusively 独一无二的,专属的"楼下有正确大案,不会的不要误人子弟。

英文合同中的 on an exclusive basis 是什么意思最好能提供一下对此


Both parties, in order to achieve certain goals, in compliance with national laws, decrees, policies, plans and equality and mutual benefit, under the principle of consensus, clearly their mutual rights and obligations of the agreement


1.1 服务费应当具有约束力,且不得调整服务费,使之涵盖包括但不限于通胀,成本改变,欧元兑其他国家货币汇率变化,或其他任何情形。1.2 本协议第3.1条提及的服务费应为净额,不含任何中国或德国税款,收费和印花税。


根据该合同 买方定制货物的退回是由在卖方合法代理人的银行账户中的买方 按照预付金的100%执行的
The retirement of the goods ordered by the Buyer is executed by the Buyer on the bank account of the legal successor of the Seller on the conditions of 100% prepayment according to the current contract. 退订货物,买方订购的应由买方执行卖方在银行账户的合法继承以100%预先支付为条件根据现在的合同。---》退订买方订购的货物,根据现在的合同,应由买方执行,以买方合法继承卖方在银行账户的100%预先支付为条件。
这里的retirement用法比较罕见,是"提货"的意思retirement by instalment分批付款分批提货The retirement of the goods ordered by the Buyer is executed by the Buyer on the bank account of the legal successor of the Seller on the conditions of 100% prepayment according to the current contract. 据现行合同,预付金付讫后,卖方合法继承者账户上的买方可提取其所订货物。


给您一份能看明白的翻译:subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, licensor hereby grants to licensee a limited, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide, exclusive license (without the right to sublicense except as provided in section 2.1.4 below, and without the right to assign except as provided in section 12.2 below), to the licensee licensed intellectual property identified on schedule 2.1.1 hereto, to practice, make and use the inventions, ideas and information embodied therein, and to make, use, offer to sell, sell, lease or import products, services, processes, methods and materials embodying or deriving from the inventions, ideas and information from such licensee licensed intellectual property solely in the conduct of the licensed business. 根据本协议所规定的条款与条件,许可方将其已付讫的、全球独家的、在附件2.1.1里所明确的知识产权资格证,有限制的授予被许可方免交特许费使用(除了本协议2.1.4节的规定以外,被许可方无权将本使用权再向下分发许可,而且除了12.2节的规定,被许可方也无权将此使用权转让出去)。只要是完全在授权业务的范畴内,被许可方可以对该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息进行操作、制造或使用;并且还可以制造、使用、提议出售、销售、租赁或进口源自于该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息所衍生的产品、服务、工艺、方法及材料。for the purpose of this agreement, an exclusive license means a license from licensor conferring on licensee, to the exclusion of all other persons (including licensor), the rights granted in this agreement in respect of the licensee licensed intellectual property in connection with the conduct of the licensed business. as to any item of licensee licensed intellectual property, the term of such license shall continue for the period of validity for such licensee licensed intellectual property.就本协议的目的而言,独家许可证是指许可方将本知识产权许可协议所指定涉及授权业务范畴的权利只授予被许可方,所有其他人士(包括许可方)都被排除在外。至于知识产权资格中的任何一项许可证,其有效期与该知识产权资格许可的有效期一致。【英语牛人团】

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