

http://www.ebigear.com/news-89-52159.html 英语十大翻译方法
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小窍门之一:主语不要用人,要用物。举例:老师打开门,走了进来。Bad:Teacher opens the door and comes in.Good: The door is openned,comes in the teacher.



我觉得首先需要较好的英文功底。这个主要还是要靠自己好好学习英文。 更重要的是,我觉得要了解西方的文化,这一点不容忽视。很多东西是不能根据字面意思完全直译的,那样无论是英译汉还是汉译英,译出来都是不够贴切的,相信大家都有所体会。我想强调的就在于此。比如我们想汉译英,就需要了解西方文化中要表达出中国这句话的意思时是要用一个怎样的比喻,要用怎样的一个寓言。我认为这,才是真正的难点。 鄙人浅见,望楼主指教,谢谢。
多看多记是硬道理。 有相关的翻译书籍教你英译中的类型,《英汉互译》等(针对笔译) 同时自己多看些美文杂志报纸等,涉及多方领域,记住常用语(针对笔译、口译) 翻译必备字典。(针对笔译) 多看新闻报道。(针对口译)


4,科技英语翻译技巧有哪些 科技英语翻译技巧介绍

专业术语的翻译:音译法:calorie 卡路里意译法:green house 温室音译法加意译法:acrowax 阿克罗蜡形象翻译法:V-belt 三角皮带长句的翻译:顺序法:按照原文顺序进行翻译。逆序法:从原文的后面译起,逆着原文的顺序翻译。分译法:把长句中所包含的从句或短语转化为句子,分开来翻译,有时还可适当的增加词语,使译文语意连贯流畅。综合法:综合采用顺译、逆译、分译方法。省略:Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength. 不锈钢硬度大、强度高。引申:The metal is then cast into the resulting hollow mould. 然后,把金属液浇入成型的空模。具体化:The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity. 瞳孔可以随着光线强弱的变化放大或缩小。上下文的变化:根据上下文的内在联系、语义、语境,运用符合汉语习惯的表现法,选用确切的汉语词句,准确表达原文内容。The tests on the cooled air are given in the table. 冷空气的实验数据已经列入表中。


How to learn English wellHow to learn English well? I think there are three things you must do. They are listening,speaking,and practicing.First,since English is a tool of communication, so the pronunciation is very importent. You should listen to the tape or use the Internet to imitate the pronunciation. Second,in order to have a good pronunciation and improve the level of communication, you should do more speaking. You can watch the American television series and learn how to talk with others. Finally,also the most important thing is that you should do more practice. As the saying goes: Practice makes perfect. If you grasp these methods,I think you can learn English well.


我的学校是中外合作办学考试口语两分钟提前准备好的话题演讲得200-230字如果是准备的幻灯片的presentation要求4-5分钟 你大概需要430-450字你要的3-4分钟据我推测应该要300-350字如果是给几个话题 提前准备的可以提前脱稿用秒表算算时间还有可能如果你紧张的话 忘词会造成误差 还有紧张的气氛下不知道你是越说越快还是越说越慢演讲时要注意眼神交流还有适当的手势


1. It takes half an hour for him to go to school everyday. He spends half an hour to go to school everyday.2. It takes about one hour for her to cook. She spends about one hour to cook.3. It takes one and half hour for us to do eye exexcises everyday. We spend one and half hour to do eye excercises everyday.
He spends half an hour going to school everyday.Going to school takes him half an hour everyday.She spent about an hour cooking.Cooking took her about an hour.We spend one and a half hour doing eye-exercise everyday.Eye-exercise takes us an and a half hour everyday.
1. twenty past two, two twenty 2. twenty five to four, three thirty five 3. a quater past ten, ten fifteen 4. a quarter to twelve, eleven forty five
关键是要掌握两种固定句式:(take some time to do sth./spend some time on doing sth.)1、I take half an hour to go to school every day!I spend half an hour on going to shool!2、She takes about an hour to cook dinner!She spends about an hour on cooking dinner!3、We take an hour and a half to do eye exercise!We spend an hour and a half on doing eye exercises!O(∩_∩)O~
1. 他每天花费半小时去学校A: It takes him half an hour to go to school every dayB:He spends half an hour (on) going to school every day.2.她花费了大约一个小时去做饭。A: It took her about an hour to cookB:she spent about an hour (on) cooking.3.我们每天花费一个半小时去做眼保健操A: It takes un one and a half hour to do eye exercises every day.B:We spend one and a half hour (on) doing eye exercises every day.

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