

产品翻译1.product;2. goods; 3.produce; 4.merchandise;[例句]有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的?How many products are made from nylon?



问题一:“产品名称”用英文怎么说 产品名称 product name 问题二:产品参数用英语怎么说 重要参数: important parameter 或者 the key parameter 问题三:”产品型号“用英语怎么说? 产品型号 Product Typ功 / Model 满意请采纳,谢谢 问题四:知识产品 用英文怎么说 知识产品 [词典] intellectual products; [例句]知识产品的价值实现是一种低价递减机制; It is a kind of low-priced mechani *** of successively decrease that the value ofknowledge product realizes. 问题五:产品介绍 英文怎么说 10分 如果是那种用幻灯片等展示的口头介绍,用product presentation 比较合适 如果是书面的,product耽introduction 吧 问题六:指定产品用英语怎么说 designated products/appointed producted 问题七:“套装”产品用英语怎么说 set package 问题八:品名(产品名称)用英语怎么翻译?谢谢! 我做外贸已经有好几年了。”品名”的英语用“Item或是“Item name"即可,一般是包装明细中用得多,例如Item No., quantities, unit price,Price(FOB basis)等。 问题九:产品展示的英文怎么翻译? 产品展示 product display 短语 最新产品展示 New Products Exhibition ; News Products 虚拟产品展示 virtual products ; virtual product exhibition 产品展示设计 STANDS & PRODUCT DISPLAYS ; Design for Products Display 相关例句: 1.但是我的这项举动的最好的作用就是将那些确实很棒的但具有争议的产品展示到公众的视线里,引起公众的注意。 The best part of this job is stumbling across some obscure product thats truly great― and helping bring it to the publics attention. 2.媒体中心:提供推广服务、媒体结算、通讯工具、互动媒介、产品展示等服务。 Media Center: providing extension and outsourcing services, media clearing, munications tools, interactive media platforms, exhibition and product displayservices. 3.说到产品展示,在计算机产业和其他相关产业领域,没有人能像史蒂夫?乔布斯做得这样好。 WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the puter industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. 问题十:同类产品用英语怎么说? 一楼的用法是可以的,除此之外还有: 1、likewise products 例句:该设计对同类产品具有一定的参考价值。 This design offers a certain reference value for the likewise products. 2、fellow product 例句:产品性能达到同类产品耽先进水平。 The obility reaches advanced level of fellow products. 另附例句: 作为我们的代理,你不能销售其他厂商的同类产品,这一点必须讲得非常清楚。 As our agent,you cannot sell similar products for other manufactures we must make these very clear.


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