
English sign a contract 英文签合同



contract 合同contract clause 合同条款contract item 合同项目



Cooporative contractContract to cooporate
contract 合同agreement协议



The contract


“采购” 指在市场上选购,选购的不一定是一家的商品,不可能用同一个 “采购合同”,应该用 “购买 ... 的合同书” 与相关方分别签订,翻译为英语是 A Contract on the Purchase of ...。
采购 procurement / purchase + 合同 agreement / contract 都可以, 看你需要purchase order 是指采购订单, 也可以用, 订单是合同的一种, 相对格式简单些

6,合同英语翻译 This Agreement was made and entered into this day of

这句子有点问题 通常应该如下This Agreement was made on November 16 2012 and will enter into force on December 14 2012.本协议于2012年11月16日订立并与2012年12月14日生效。
这项协议是在6月14日达成并生效执行的。by and between the由xx在谁谁之间(签订合约,根据上一句推断)ministry of industry,mines and energy.工业、矿业、能源部


This agreement is not comprehensive, both parties shall sign supplementary agreement, the supplementary agreement as part of the agreement shall have the same legal effect as this agreement.是我自己翻译的,不知道用词算不算恰当,希望能帮到你吧。
本协议未尽事宜双方另行签订补充协议 the parties to this agreement not only signed a supplemental agreement英 [??ɡri:m?nt] 美 [??ɡrim?nt] n. 协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致;


一)告示:告示,提供以下,以获得由任何一方当事人向另一方当事人应采用书面形式,并应张贴预付挂号邮件,电子邮件,电传或传真到下列各自的地址或以其他地址作为当事方可能以下简称沟通,向对方以书面形式,不言而喻,这样的通知,应给的人执行本协定的名称和代表性,每个党和它应被视为给予的日期,以便邮寄或传送电子邮件,电传或传真。 b )在整个协议,修订和豁免:这项协议,附表和展品,并为所有协议合同转达以下的所有协议,各方之间的有关交易,这是主题。说,协议充分和明确取消,并取代所有其他文件,合同,要约,协议或其他文书或书面的文本,其中已准备就绪,发送或当事方商定的之间或其他人在这方面或涉及说,交易之前,以签署的这项协议。这项协议可能只是修正和当事方之一,可能只有放弃的权利,所产生的由本协定根据一份书面协议各方签署的。 任何放弃任何一方本协议的任何条款或违反此规定,并不构成放弃这一规定,或违反有关今后的任何场合或任何其他规定或违反本协议的。 就是这个意思
EIGHTH .- MISCELLANEUS a) Notices: Notices provided hereunder to be given by either party to the other party shall be in writing and shall be posted by prepaid registered mail, e-mail, telex or fax to the following respective addresses or to such other addresses as the parties may hereinafter communicate to each other in writing,it being understood that such notice shall be addressed to the person executing this Agreement in the name and representation of each party and that it shall be deemed given on the date so mailed or transmitted by e-mail, telex or telefax. b) Entire agreement, amendments and waivers: This Agreement, the schedules and exhibits thereto and all agreements contemplated hereunder convey all of the agreements between the Parties regarding the transaction which is the subject thereof. Said Agreement fully and definitively cancels and supersedes all the other documents, contracts, offers, agreements or other instruments or written texts which have been prepared,sent or agreed upon by the Parties or between other persons in this respect or which relate to said transaction prior to the signature of this Agreement. This Agreement may only be amended and one of the Parties may only waive a right arising from this Agreement pursuant to a written agreement signed by the Parties. Any waiver by either party of any provision of this Agreement or breach hereof shall not constitute a waiver of that provision or that breach on any future occasion or of any other provision or breach of this Agreement.

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