来源:整理 编辑:律生活 2024-02-05 13:22:10
ETC是不停车电子收费系统,ETC专用车道是给那些装了ETC车载器的车辆使用的,采用电子收费方式.ETC( Electronic Toll Collection ) 电子不停车收费系统是高速公路或桥梁自动收费。通过安装在车辆挡风玻璃上的车载电子标签与在收费站 ETC 车道上的微波天线之间进行的专用短程通讯,利用计算机联网技术与银行进行后台结算处理,从而达到车辆通过高速公路或桥梁收费站无需停车而能交纳高速公路或桥梁费用的目的。2019年5月10日,交通运输部副部长戴东昌表示,取消省级收费站后,要确保在今年年底之前,ETC的使用率达到90%以上,以保证整个路网运行通畅
2,5S问题 未能恢复iphone 发生未知错误3194
恢复的话要越狱了才能正常恢复 苹果只让你继续升级系统 不让你降级系统您好,很高兴为您解答:最新版本的itunes3194错误出现的原因是iphone固件从服务器获取验证失败,如果是越狱用户需要安装越狱工具tinyumbrela步骤/方法 1如果你没有越狱,且没有使用过小雨伞这类越狱工具,3194错误的原因可能是itunes版本过于陈旧。2解决方法:点击帮助,选择检查更新,随后按提示操作即可。3如果你是越狱用户,出现3194的原因应该是host被修改导致的问题。如果你没有手动修改过原因应该是越狱工具tinyumbrela设置中勾选了从cydia服务器获取shsh验证的选项。4解决方法如图:点击advanced,取消勾选红圈中的选项5如果是手动修改的host文件,只需手动删除host一些内容,c盘:windows/system32/drivers/etc/,有个hosts文件,记事本打开,删掉最后一行类似74.208.10.249 gs.apple.com之类的内容,保存。6同时查看电脑的messenger,telnet,terminal services服务有没有开启。右键我的电脑,点管理,再点系统服务,再找你要的这三个服务,开启就可以了。希望能帮到您!
优惠有:全国高速95折,广东省内600家中石油加油立减+最低9折,450家中油BP加油立减+最低97折。办理工商银行ETC可以享受到以下优惠:1、免费办理etc,无需任何费用,免费赠送OBU设备;2、全国高速道路通行费享9.5折优惠;3、参加工商银行etc办理且达标的新用户,可以在工银e生活获得一次换购机会;4、绑定工行信用卡在苏宁易购“爱购ETC专区”,汽车用品享受满99元减20,加油卡满200元减20元的活动。扩展资料:银行办理ETC优缺点:优点:除了有道路通行优惠外,银行还有其他优惠,比如免费洗车、初次安装送通行费等。缺点:注意年费以及卡费等相关费用。另外,银行ETC大多需要用户自己安 装操作,因此有一定风险。如果使用次数少,设备收费比过路费还贵。办理程序繁琐,便捷程度不如移动支付。目前ETC的应用范围除了高速收费站通行,运营单位也在积极开拓使用领域,例如与停车场、加油站开展合作,为ETC车主提供便利,但整体来说,可使用范围还不够。参考资料来源:凤凰网-五大银行深圳分行ETC优惠攻略办理ETC最大的优惠还是来自于高速通行费9.5折,更有部分省市可享受9折优惠。这相对于一些银行的98折优惠,也还是很有吸引力的。办理工商银行ETC可以享受到以下优惠:1、免费办理etc,无需任何费用,免费赠送OBU设备;2、全国高速道路通行费享9.5折优惠;3、参加工商银行etc办理且达标的新用户,可以在工银e生活获得一次换购机会;4、绑定工行信用卡在苏宁易购“爱购ETC专区”,汽车用品享受满99元减20,加油卡满200元减20元的活动。扩展资料:ETC系统是采用车辆自动识别技术完成车辆与收费站之间的无线数据通讯,进行车辆自动感应识别和相关收费数据的交换。采用计算机网络进行收费数据的处理,实现不停车、不设收费窗口也能实现全自动电子收费系统。ETC系统通过安装于车辆上的车载装置和安装在收费站车道上的天线之间进行无线通信和信息交换。主要由车辆自动识别系统、中心管理系统和其他辅助设施等组成。其中,车辆自动识别系统有车载单元又称应答器或电子标签、路边单元(Road side unit,RSU)、环路感应器等组成。OBU中存有车辆的识别信息,一般安装于车辆前面的挡风玻璃上,RSU安装于收费站旁边,环路感应器安装于车道地面下。中心管理系统有大型的数据库,存储大量注册车辆和用户的信息。当车辆通过收费站口时,环路感应器感知车辆,RSU发出询问信号,OBU做出响应,并进行双向通信和数据交换;中心管理系统获取车辆识别信息。参考资料来源:凤凰网-五大银行深圳分行ETC优惠攻略工行ETC优惠政策工行推出ETC超值优惠,有卡无卡都可以办理。1、免费ETC设备2、高速通行费低至6.8折(每月每户封顶50元)3、新办享100元中石化加油卡(名额有限,先到先得)4、每月指定中石油加油站满300减30 5、新客礼1元充20元话费6、62开头银联信用卡公交、地铁五折出行7、月刷月开心抽奖,最高奖励2000元8、9.9元看电影9、爱购扫码满30立减15(罗森、可莎蜜儿、新华书店等)10、工银信使包年优惠价20元,次日返现10元11、ETC客户购车险,尊享专属高收益理财12、微信/支付宝绑卡随机立减,最高减99元以上优惠仅限杭州客户专享!所有网点都是一样的,第一季度只要是第一次开通网上银行就会免费送u盾或是密码器,如果是五星以上客户就一直免费办理
微内核与宏内核比较内核按照体系结构分为两类:微内核(microkernel)与宏内核(macrokernel). 微内核的系统有WindowNT,Minix,Mach,etc.宏内核的系统有Unix,Linux,etc.通过比较Minix和Linux来比较微内核和宏内核是很有意思的,因为当年两个系统的创始人对两种内核的优劣有过争论.两个系统的内核是通过进程的创建FORK的实现来比较,因为进程的创建涉及到系统调用,内存管理,文件管理等系统的主要方面.因此通过比较FORK的实现可以大致看到内核的差别.微内核的代表:Minix在Minix中,操作系统的内核,内存管理,系统管理都有自己的进程表,每个部分的表包含了自己需要的域。表象是精确对应的,为了保持同步,在进程创建或结束时,这三个部分都要更新各自的表。由内存管理器协调。系统启动后,kernel,mm,fs系统进程在各自的空间运行main()函数循环等待消息While(TRUE)receive(ANY,&mm_in);…}当一个FORK传给mmmain(),main()调用do_fork(),do_fork()函数把父进程的data segment和stack segment创造了一个精确副本给子进程,并把父进程的text segment 与子进程共享,然后在mm的进程表mproc[]中添加新进程,并设置各属性。添加完后发送消息给kernel(sys_fork(…))和 fs(tell_fs(…)).,kernel中的函数sys_task()接收到系统信息,调用do_fork(message * m_ptr),copy parentproc struct to child.并设置进程在内核进程表中的属性。tell_fs()是内存管理器与文件系统之间的接口,tell_fs(…)调用 _taskcall(…),文件管理器接收到FORK系统消息,调用do_fork()函数,copy parentfproc struct to child.并设置进程在文件进程表中的属性。这样整个进程的属性就设置完成.在Minix创建新进程的过程中,可以看到一个很大特点,就是整个系统按功能分成几个部分,各模块之间利用消息机制通信,调用其他模块的函数必须通过目标模块的守护进程调用.宏内核的代表:Linux在Linux中,进程的结构如下:Struct task_structpid_t pid;pid_t pgrp;…/* filesystem information */struct fs_struct *fs;/* memory management info*/struct mm_struct *mm;…};在Linux进程的结构定义中,task_struct包含了所有的信息,包括进程的内存情况,文件系统情况。在创建新进程时,系统调用sys_fork调用do_fork(…)函数.int do_fork(unsigned long clong_flags,… )struct task_struct *p;p->pid = get_pid(clone_flags);…/* copy all the process information*/copy_files(clone_flags,p);copy_fs(clone_flags,p);copy_mm(nr,clone_flags,p);…}在创建进程时,do_fork函数把所有的工作完成,分配pid…号,拷贝父进程数据段,堆栈段,等等。Linux的进程创建过程是一个完整的过程,直接调用其他模块的函数,而不是消息传递。Minix与Linux创建新进程的过程比较可以看出二者之间的区别,Minix是建立在分模块之上的,模块之间以信息传递联系。Linux内部也是分模块的,但在运行的时候,他是一个独立的二进制大映像,其模块间的通讯是通过直接调用其他模块中的函数实现的。宏内核与微内核的区别也就在这吧,微内核是一个信息中转站,自身完成很少功能,主要是传递一个模块对另一个模块的功能请求,而宏内核则是一个大主管,把内存管理,文件管理等等一股脑全部接管。从理论上来看,微内核的思想更好些,微内核把系统分为各个小的功能块,降低了设计难度,系统的维护与修改也容易,但通信带来的效率损失是个问题。宏内核的功能块之间的耦合度太高造成修改与维护的代价太高,不过在目前的Linux里面还不算大问题,因为Linux目前还不算太复杂,宏内核因为是直接调用,所以效率是比较高的。
农行ETC申办可选择“农行信用卡办理”或“ETC钱包办理”,不能重复办理。您可凭全国境内工农中建交邮储六大银行任意一家发行的同名Ⅰ类借记卡(社保卡除外)自助申请新开立我行II类电子账户(也称ETC钱包)用于核验身份信息及ETC钱包资金划转。农行ETC申请可通过柜台、个人掌银、微信小程序、微信公众号渠道进行办理。柜台具体办理方式和要求请以各分行经办网点实际操作为准。线上申请方式如下:1.个人掌银申请ETC的方法:登录掌银APP,点击“(+)全部→(生活)ETC申请”,根据页面提示选择办理类型,进行申请(包括:ETC开户、代扣卡签约、绑定车辆信息、OBU邮寄下单等)。2.微信小程序申请ETC的方法:微信搜索“农业银行信用卡”微信小程序,点击“ETC申办”,根据页面提示选择办理类型,进行申请(包括:ETC开户、代扣卡签约、绑定车辆信息、OBU邮寄下单等)。3.微信公众号申请ETC的方法:微信搜索“中国农业银行公众号”,关注进入点击“微生活→ETC申办”,根据页面提示选择办理类型,进行申请(包括:ETC开户、代扣卡签约、绑定车辆信息、OBU邮寄下单等)。未满16周岁,监护人持身份证、户口簿陪同前往;年满16周岁及以上,持身份证前往即可。银行卡办卡的流程:1. 携带身份证、以及少量现金前往银行营业网点;2. 在银行大堂工作人员的协助下填写表格;3. 取号排队,同时再工作人员协助下复印身份证;4. 柜台叫号,前往柜台,将填好的表格和身份证交给银行柜员,办卡的时候会需要签字及输入密码,密码为六位数字,设置后之后自己要记住,这就是以后的取款密码;5. 全部办理完成之后会得到一张银行卡,如果同时办理网上银行业务,会同时得到一个U盾;6. 完成办卡,带上自己的物品离开即可需提供车主有效身份证件和行驶证的原件及复印件(非车主本人还需带上代理人的有效身份证件),行驶证复印件副本需要复印盖有最近一次年检的刻章那一页;填写一张信用卡申请表,该信用卡用于绑定ETC卡,拿到信用卡以后,刷卡两次凭POS单即可到指定网点免费领取安装ETC车载设备(OBU),其间不收取任何费用;如果车主已经拥有信用卡并且想用来绑定ETC功能,这个不属于本次免费赠送设备的范围,所以即使手里有信用卡,要免费获得OBU设备,还是要重新办理一张新的信用卡,原有的卡跟新卡共享额度,当然也可以注销原有的信用卡仅使用新卡;如果车主有储蓄卡想绑定ETC功能,按照交通部门要求,必须冻结一定数额的存款,同样也是不免费赠送设备的。ETC快捷免费办理具体流程:(一)办理信用卡或储蓄卡(若有卡,此步省略)信用卡:①持本人身份证、驾照、行驶证,到工行、建行所有网点现场填写信用卡申请表。②客户通过网上银行或手机银行申请办理信用卡,银行后台审核通过后制卡并邮寄至客户指定地址。通过信用卡绑定ETC,因信用卡拥有一定透支额度,客户可先通行高速再对信用卡进行还款,无需事先预存资金。储蓄卡:持本人身份证至所有“成都市高速公路ETC安装点”现场办理。(二)绑卡及激活(约15分钟)持本人身份证、行驶证、已有的信用卡或储蓄卡驱车到“成都市高速公路ETC安装点”,填写绑定ETC卡相关申请资料(约3分钟),提交ETC专用柜台绑定ETC卡及ETC设备(约8分钟),绑定后由各安装点工作人员负责进行安装、激活(约4分钟)。扩展资料:一、农业银行办理ect优缺点:1、优点:(1)短信服务免费;(2)取现手续费用仅1%;(3)挂失手续费需要50元;(4)免首年年费,刷五次免次年年费;2、缺点:(1)积分可兑换礼品种类少;(2)信用卡种类少;(3)办卡手续相对烦琐;二、免费办理方法:1、至农业银行申请办理“金穗速通卡”一张,卡内储蓄额不低于2000元。(可直接转账至ETC账户)2、持“金穗速通卡”及银行开具办理凭单至ETC营业厅,通过自助终端转账或现场充值高速通行费免费获赠电子标签。个人用户不低于2000元/车,10辆以上单位用户不低于1000元/车。流程如下:需提供车主有效身份证件和行驶证的原件及复印件(非车主本人还需带上代理人的有效身份证件),行驶证复印件副本需要复印盖有最近一次年检的刻章那一页;填写一张信用卡申请表,该信用卡用于绑定etc卡,拿到信用卡以后,刷卡两次凭pos单即可到指定网点免费领取安装etc车载设备(obu),其间不收取任何费用; 如果车主已经拥有信用卡并且想用来绑定etc功能,很抱歉,这个不属于本次免费赠送设备的范围,所以即使手里有信用卡,要免费获得obu设备,还是要重新办理一张新的信用卡,原有的卡跟新卡共享额度,当然也可以注销原有的信用卡仅使用新卡;如果车主有储蓄卡想绑定etc功能,按照交通部门要求,必须冻结一定数额的存款,同样也是不免费赠送设备的。要先申请ETC的信用卡,等卡收到以后再去柜台激活,然后去安装ETC设备的地方安装就可以了,要带本人身份证和行驶证,如果行驶证不是自己的名字,就要让车主带身份证去办。
The Internet has a great impact on the current world. For me, surfing on the internet is part of my life. Everyday, I will open the computer, and click the Internet explorer for news, information and different websites.When I miss friends, I will open WeChat to discuss with my friends. When I have pleasure or joy things, I will take pictures for them and send to my MicroBlog. All these are realized by Internet. It makes the world smaller and people closer. It gives us more channels to communicate each other and exchange information in a quicker way.On the other side, however, there is something bad in the Internet. For example, pornographic website, oral attacks, on-line fraud, etc. We need to watch out the bad things and keep away from them. Fortunately, the government officials have noticed that and are taking measures to put them under control.the internet and our lifewe know the internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. on the internet, we can get as much information as we can. we can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. besides, on the internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. we can also doshopping without leaving our homes. but many students spend too much time playing internet games. they waste a lot of time. we must make good use of the internet.t goes without saying that almost everyone enjoys the invention of the Internet. I cannot but to admit that the Internet is the greatest invention in the 20th century. In fact, today our global communication is functioning based on the Internet as it transmits all kinds of information. Certainly, teenagers compose a major group of the Internet users as they research for papers, chat with friends, read e-mails, and so on. It appears to us that the Internet has become so convenient to us that we can barely live without it; however, we might want to examine its pros and cons to the younger generation.Lets start with the pros. May I ask a question? Is here anyone younger than 30 not using the Internet? If you raise your hand, then what are you doing right now? Obviously, we use the Internet because we need it. We need the quick access to information and knowledge. We need the convenience that the cyberspace offers. We can use email, Skype, and MSN to communicate with friends for free. Of course there are much more thing that we can do through the Internet. Im not going to list everything because I think most of them you already know. All what we got from the Internet can be conclude in a word, convenience. And the convenience is stronger enough to surpass all the cons that Im going to tell you put together.One important impact of the Internet to the younger generation is that it has changed the way they communicate. Instead of hanging out with friends, teenagers had showed a trend that they would rather stay at home and chat with each other. However, it is not obviously good for health since sitting in front of their personal computer chatting throughout their free time is not the best way to release pressure. Furthermore, the Internet has become a major source of entertainment for the younger generation according to the development of flash and web-based games. Some youngsters are so addicted to it that they start perform poorly in other fields, such as academy and athletics.What is also worth noticing is that there is no certain way that can restrict the information on the Internet. It is saying that youngsters may receive all kinds of information without the ability of judging it, though it may sometimes be beneficial. Some invisible hazards are inside the internet world. Children sometimes go to the websites that contain violent, porn, and other inappropriate information. However, so far, there has been no good method to completely restrain information before it gets to the children.Besides, I think most of you have heard the tragic news, Emma Watson, the girl who acted as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter movie series, was reported dead at age 19. Shock, isnt it? But its not true. Its just another internet rumor, AGAIN. What is real, and what isnt? Its a new challenge that our younger generations are facing right now. Is it a bad thing, then? Some vote yes, but some says no. The yes people alleged that our children are too young to distinguish the true stories from the false ones, and theyll easily get the wrong information and the wrong concept of our society. On the other hand, theres a theory called the “New Darwins Law of Internet Selection”. That is, our children will learn from the true and fake news by themselves, and therefore, they will get smarter and smarter. Anyway I disagree with this law. I dont think its a good idea to dump our children in the wild and learn how to survive from the beasts instead of me. These certainly showed some cons of the Internet; however, whether it is good or bad for the younger generation still remains controversial.Anyway, although we create the Internet, do we really dominate the Internet? Or are we actually dominated by the Internet while thinking that we dominate it. Twenty years ago, we had to go to the real store to buy what we want. On the way to the store, we might bump into a friend and had a nice chat. We might meet a hot clerk in the store. Indeed, we can save our time buying things through the Internet now, but we lose the chance to talk with people face to face. For what? What do we get? Only more time on the Internet! The Internet has lowered the temperature of our feelings. I dont think an emoticon is better than a real smile, or a real hug. If we can meet, then dont talk on the phone. If we can talk on the phone, then do use MSN. Go out to the real world. Everything will be better. After all, we are made by flesh, not by metal.Another example, ancient people have to convey their love through the moon, but their love is more sincere, more impressive, more touching and more romantic. Now we can send “I love you” through a click. But is it true? Is it just a perfunctory message? The Internet does shorten the distance between people, but does it shorten the distance between hearts?Internet And My Life In the 10 years since Internet Explorer was first released as an add-on for Windows 95, the Internet landscape has changed in many ways — maturing from an environment populated mainly by the military, academia and professional research groups into a world open to everybody in which sound, movement, and dynamic content is the norm. It is difficult to underestimate the change that easy and widespread access to the Internet has made to our way of life. "The Web" is now so popular it has permeated our everyday life, changing how we stay in touch, share information, complete chores, and even earn an income. A whole new industry has sprung up dedicated to providing new ways to improve productivity, in the process changing how we communicate and allowing us to fit ever more into our ever busier lives. When we think of the Internet, and how it has changed our lives, the first things that come to mind for many are e-mail, Internet banking, and online shopping. But there is so much more than that. As part of preparing for this column, I had a look at all of computers in my home, old and new, to see what we had installed over time. Over the years my family and I have used an amazing array of programs as part of our day to day life including flight trackers when any of us are traveling, scrolling stock tickers to monitor our investments, online news and weather alerts and e-mail subscriptions. I also found quite a few instant messenger programs including ICQ, Microsoft MSN, AOL, Trillian, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk.
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