

Whereas: In order to establish and realize long-term and comprehensive cooperation and common development between the Parties herein, and further to provide a solid foundation for other future programs, in witness hereof, both Parties herein reach this Agreement after amicable negotiations.手工原创,欢迎借鉴。
Where as: Party A and Party B, upon agreement by both parties, in order to build a long-term and comprehensive partnership, to achieve the collective development, and found a foundation for the outstanding projects,hereby make this Agreement which both Parties shall comply with.
Both parties of equal rights, the principle of complementary advantages, knot growth period, the comprehensive partnership of cooperation, realize common development, and later the other project a solid foundation on which to build, by mutual consensus, the enactment of this protocol, in order to keep



1.按照一般公文要求,合同排版打印的字体字号标准为: 标题:宋体二号,可加粗。 正文:仿宋三号,也有使用四号的。 正文前甲乙双方单位,可以使用宋体三号。2.段落格式 (一)应有完整正确的标题。 (二)正文段落的首字要空2个字的距离。正文中分层次使用的序号为: 第一级使用“一、”“二、”“三、”……同时要选择加粗。
一、按照一般公文要求,合同排版打印的字体字号标准为:标题:宋体二号,可加粗。正文:仿宋三号,也有使用四号的。正文前甲乙双方单位,可以使用宋体三号。二、段落格式(一)应有完整正确的标题。(二)正文段落的首字要空2个字的距离。正文中分层次使用的序号为:第一级使用“一、”“二、”“三、”……同时要选择加粗。第二级使用“(一)”“(二)”“(三)”……第三级使用“1、”“2、”“3、”……第四级使用“(1)”“(2)”“(3)”……(三)要有落款和日期。1、落款应使用“右对齐”,与正文间隔一行。2、日期应使用“年月日”格式。日期位置应调整至落款正下方。扩展资料:供排版、印刷用的规范化文字形态,叫做印刷字体。1、汉字字体汉字是世界上最古老、最优美的文字之一。在长期的发展、演变过程中,创造了多种便于阅读、结构严谨的印刷字体。常用的字体如图4-1所示,有宋体、黑体、楷体、仿宋体,除此之外,还有美术体、标准体、书写体等特种字体。2、民族文字字体我国是一个多民族的国家,少数民族出版物中常用的民族文字有:蒙文、维吾尔文、朝鲜文、藏文、哈萨克文等。一般书刊的正文用白体,标题用黑体。3、外文字体外文字体的种类较多,常用的有白正体、黑正体、白斜体、黑斜体、花体等。白体一般用于书刊的正文,黑体用于标题。字体规格1、活字的规格活字是用金属或非金属材料制成的单个排版用字。在方柱体或长方体体的顶端的反向的文字或符号。汉字活字各部分的名称如图4-4所示。 汉字活字各部分的名称常用的印刷活字,俗称铅字,是以金属铅为主,配以一定比例的锡、锑金属,用铸字机铸造出来的。从活字的字面到字脚的距离,叫做活字的高度。活字的高度,国际上统一采用公制,用毫米计算。我国的少.44mm。从活字的字背到字腹的距离,叫做活字的大小。我国的活字采用以点数制为辅、号数制为主的混合制来计量。点数制又帝叫磅数制,是英文point的音译,缩写为P,既不是公制也不是英制,是印刷中专用的尺度。我国大都使用英美点数制。1点(1P)=0.35146mm号数制是以互不成倍数的几种活字为标准,加倍或减半自成体系,如表4-1中的活字,字号的大小可以分为以下四个序列。四号序列:一号、四号、小六号;五号序列:初号、二号、五号、七号小五号序列:小初号、小二号、小五号、八号;参考资料来源:百度百科-文字排版



甲方:Party A/first party乙方:Party B/second party例句:1、So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?那么如果我在这里签字的话,那我就算是甲方了,对吗?2、Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs.扩展资料相关短语:一:甲方1、项目甲方 Project Party ; Project stakeholders2、甲方资料 Informations of the buyer3、甲方确定 Party to determine ; Party A determining ; Party a shall determine4、甲方签字 Party Signature ; Party a signature5、甲方产品 first-partyproducts二、乙方1、项目乙方 Party B projects ; Project2、乙方义务 Obligations of Party ; responsibility of party3、乙方免责 Party B exemption ; B Disclaimer
甲方:Party A/first party乙方:Party B/second party例句:1、So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right? 那么如果我在这里签字的话,那我就算是甲方了,对吗?2、Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs.乙方应尊重中国的道德规范和社会习俗。词语解释:甲方 (first party) 一般是指提出目标的一方,在合同拟订过程中主要是提出要实现什么目标,是合同的主导方。是合同中双方平等主体的代称,也是为了方便在下文表述时使用简称。乙方 (second party) 一般是指接受目标的一方,在合同拟订过程中主要是接受甲方提出的目标。合同中双方平等主体代称,方便在下文表述时用简称使用。扩展资料:相关短语:一:甲方1、项目甲方 Project Party ; Project stakeholders2、甲方资料 Informations of the buyer3、甲方确定 Party to determine ; Party A determining ; Party a shall determine 4、甲方签字 Party Signature ; Party a signature5、甲方产品 first-partyproducts二、乙方1、项目乙方 Party B projects ; Project2、乙方义务 Obligations of Party ; responsibility of party3、乙方免责 Party B exemption ; B Disclaimer4、甲方乙方 The Dream Factory ; Part A and Party ; jiafang ; Party A Party5、乙方代表 Representative of party ; Party B represents
大多数中国人在翻译上始终走不出汉语这个瓶颈,其实,英语翻译要灵活,不能钻牛角尖。正如你所说的甲、乙方吧!楼上的翻译也算是其中的一部分:我现在给你举个例子,让你了解一下平时的翻译如何才能更好的进行!Party A and Party B talk about signing a long-term agreement. 甲乙双方商谈签订一项长期协议在这里A与B其实就是中文中的甲方与乙方!
Buyer ,Seller 我告诉你的,即使正式合同中的用语!祝你好运吧!
1. owner buyer2. the first party the secend party3. party A party B楼上说得就是买卖合同,还有很多种类的合同,根据实际情况而定,我是做海事的,还是合同中就市专业的术语,根本不是buyer seller.
法律上并没有明确规定。 在实践中,依据的都是一些惯例:通常将付款方列为甲方,也有将要约方列为甲方的。 但甲方、乙方无论如何列,均不影响合同的效力。



去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:莉莉一般货物出口合同格式(附英文)合同号:日期:订单号:买方:卖方:买卖双方签订本合同并同意按下列条款进行交易:(1)品名及规格(2)数量(3)单价(4)金额合计允许溢短装__%(5)包装:(6)装运口岸:(7)目的口岸:(8)装船标记:(9)装运期限:收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证__天内装出。(10)付款条件:开给我方100%保兑的不可撤回即期付款之信用证,并须注明可在装运日期后15天内议付有效。(11)保险:按发票110%保全险及战争险。由客户自理。(12)买方须于__年__月__日前开出本批交易信用证,否则,售方有权:不经通知取消本合同,或接受买方对本约未执行的全部或一部,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。(13)单据:卖方应向议付银行提供已装船清洁提单、发票、中国商品检验局或工厂出具的品质证明、中国商品检验局出具的数量/重量签定书;如果本合同按CIF条件,应再提供可转让的保险单或保险凭证。(14)凡以CIF条件成交的业务,保额为发票价值的110%,投保险别以本售货合同中所开列的为限,买方如要求增加保额或保险范围,应于装船前经售方同意,因此而增加的保险费由买方负责。(15)质量、数量索赔:(18)买方在开给售方的信用证上请填注本确认书号码。(11) Insurance:1. The party of the first part for promotes its image, the product or serves, agreed issues the advertisement according to this
The contract is signed by the Seller, the Buyer and the Agent through agreement. The Seller and Buyer agree to purchase and sell the goods under the contract in accordance with the provision hereof. For the reason that the Seller and Buyer still have divergence in payment terms, in order to continue the contact, the Buyer will issue L/C to the Agent and authorize the agent to pay the full amount under the provision in the contract to Seller on Buyers behalf. The Buyer promises to pay unconditionally the full amount before the maturity date of L/C.Total amount: Euro 96,966.08 (including SGS cost of the freight at the Chinese port and all the costs before customs declaration and shipment.) After the confirmation by the three parties, the Buyer will issue an irrevocable 60 days usance L/C in the amount of the contract value to the Agent within THREE (3) working days.2) After the Agent receives the qualified L/C from the Buyer and the advice note of the shipment provided by the Seller, the Agent shall pay the 100% payment to the Seller by TT within TWO (2) working days.Sellers Bank Route:Beneficiary: Laiwu Steel Corporation Issuing Bank: China Everbright Bank, Qingdao BranchTransferring Bank: EVERCNBJQD1Bank Account: 087710121400301002774.The Seller shall provide the following documents which are conformable to the terms of L/C to the Agent within the prescribed time.1) Full set (3/3) of original clean on board Charter Party Bill of Lading and 3 copies (the name of bill of lading for the shipment: SME INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD2) The original commercial invoice in triplicate.3) The original proof of the suppliers quality.4) The packing listBuyers Bank Route:1) Should the goods fail to be delivered due to the arrangement of the Seller, the Seller shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Buyer2) Should the Seller fail to provide the documents required in the contract on time or the Agent fail to receive the payment due to the reasons of the Seller, the Seller shall pay all the economic losses to the Agent.3)Should the Buyer fail to issue L/C in time or the goods fail to be delivered due to the reasons of the Buyer, the Buyer shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Seller and Agent respectively.终于翻好咯,希望可以帮助到你,呵呵

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