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Western and Oriental Style of Wedding Different Culture 西方和东方的婚礼风格文化的不同
Dear sirs:

5,商务英语函电翻译 研究现状

摘 要:随着全球经济一体化进程的不断推进,国际商务活动日益频繁,经济贸易合作的领域不断扩大,商务英语函电作为信息的使者,感情的纽带和友谊的桥梁,显得尤为重要。商务函电翻译与普通英语翻译有很大的区别。对于普通英语翻译,译者只要精通源语语言,译语语言以及源语文化、译语文化,再加上具备娴熟的翻译技巧,那么翻译就可能是成功的。而商务函电翻译重点在语言,往往会出现这种情况,句中专业术语确知其含义但整个句子译不出来,或译出来后读起来诘屈聱牙,与汉语规范表达不符;或者译得通顺流畅,却缺少行业味道。因此,商务函电翻译要在保持“信达雅”的同时,还要广泛了解相关的经济、贸易、法律、金融等方面的知识。  在翻译过程中,掌握商务其原则和特点,有助于我们做好翻译工作,本文就商务函电中涉及到的相关问题,分析和总结了翻译的思想和常用技巧。  关键词: 标准,典型问题,技巧, 注意事项  1 绪论  翻译是一种跨语言,跨文化的信息交流过程。它通过把一种语言(即原语)表达的信息用另一种语言(即译语)再现出来的方式帮助相同的感受,以达到帮助不同语言的交际者进行信息与情感交流的目的。当今世界经济全球化的大趋势,使中国有机会在跨国商务活动中扮演十分重要的角色。商务函电翻译成为商务合作,贸易洽谈等商业活动中不可缺少的一部分。


当我们注意一下公司贸易利润间的关系时,会发现有趣的模式。在国内企业中(国企和私企),交易越多产品的企业每样产品的交易量越少。 在外企和合资企业中,这种关系并不是单调的,而是呈现u字型的规律:产品种类密集程度出于中流的企业平均每样产品的交易量最低。当我们用交易对象的多少来区分企业时,交易方式变得比企业的类型更为重要:无论企业的类型是哪种,从越多国家进口货物的进口商在每个国家的进口量越多。 另一方面,出口商也表现出u字型:那些交易对象的数量位于中间的企业出口到每个到达地地平均出口量最低。

7,商务英语合同的语言特点 英文开题报告怎么写

Business English contract characteristics of the English language problem that the format of the report (Universal) As the report of the problem that is embodied in the text of the total concept papers, which do not have too much space, but should plan to study how to study the application of theory, and other major issues to make it clear that should include two parts: Overview, outline. 1 Overview The overall problem that the report should make reference to some of the topics and concise explanation of the purpose of topics, issues related to the current study, the application of theory, methodology, the necessary data and so on. 2 outline Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be a broad-brush, is a study of the idea of the basic framework. May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in the form of an outline. In the opening phase of the title, the outline aims to make clear the basic framework of the paper, there is no need to catalog as detailed as the paper. 3 References Problem that the report should include the relevant reference directory 4 request Problem that should be the cover page of the report, the total number of pages should not be less than 4. Page format should meet the following requirements. Open title report Students: First, subjects significance 1, the theoretical significance 2, the practical significance Second, the paper Summary 1, the theory of the origin and evolution 2, the study of foreign Summary 3, domestic research Summary 4, I summarized above assessment Third, the papers outline Preface, I. 1, 2, 3, ? ? ? ? ? ? Two, 1, 2, 3, ? ? ? ? ? ? Three, 1, 2, 3, Conclusion Fourth, the progress of thesis writing arrangements Thesis problem that the outline of the report First, open the cover title of the report: Title, branches, professional, grade, name, tutor Second, the meaning and purpose of the study at home and abroad Third, the paper based on the theory, research methods, research Fourth, to study the conditions and possible problems Fifth, the desired results Sixth, progress of the arrangements
