

有下列情形之一乙方可以随时解除其对甲方产品的独家代表和经销权:(一) 如果甲方未能及时装运乙方采购订单。(二)如果甲方的产品不符合已经确定的质量和/或安全标准。(三)如果甲方犯有实质违反该协议项下的条款。
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Contract Translation 十三、如有下列情形的一发生视为甲方违约,乙方无需发出任何通知即可终止本约,并要求甲方进行违约赔偿: 13, If the following conditions occur as a Party of a breach of contract, Party B issued without any notice to terminate this about, and asked for damages for breach of contract Party A: 1、 甲方未能依本约第五条第一点的规定按时支付租费时。 1, about the Fifth Party could not be in accordance with the provisions of the first point when the timely payment of rent. 2、 甲方遭受法律上的查封、执行、重整、破产或公司进行重大改组或银行拒付其支票或其他信用完全丧失时。 2, Party suffered the legal attachment, the implementation of the restructuring, bankruptcy or major restructuring of the company or bank check or other non-payment of their credit when completely lost. 3、 甲方没有尽到本约中应负义务的任何条款时。 3, Party A has not fulfilled the obligations of this should be about any of the terms.





4,两句法律合同相关英文翻译 在线等 急

Any trustee acts for the client in above-mentionedly entrust legal power as above-mentioned real estate carry out of legal act and the law result that result in, the client all acceptsAbove-mentioned the term that entrust signs this authorization letter from the client of go to the trustee to complete the day of entrust the items from day
3.20不可抗力: 3.20.1尽管规定第3.17,3.18和3.19,供应商不得用于其高性能的安全责任没收违约金或违约而终止,如果并且只要其拖延执行或其他不履行其根据合同义务,是一个不可抗力事件的结果。 对于这一条款的目的3.20.2,“不可抗力”是指超出了供应商控制的事件,不涉及供应商的疏忽或过失,而不是可以预见的。这些事件可能包括,但不限于,买方在其主权的行为能力,战争或革命,火灾,洪水,流行病,检疫限制,货运禁运。 3.20.3如果不可抗力情况时,供应商应及时通知这种条件和原因及其书面买方。除非买方书面指示,供应商应继续履行合同规定的义务,尽可能在合理的切实可行,并应寻求一切合理的替代手段不属于不可抗力事件阻止性能。 3.21破产终止: 3.21.1买方可随时终止以书面通知到供应商的合同,如果供应商破产或无力偿还债务。在这种情况下,终止将不赔偿的供应商,提供的这种终止将不会损害或影响任何行动或补救措施已产生或将产生其后买方的权利。 3.22终止的便利: 3.22.1的书面通知买方,发送到供应商,可终止合同的全部或部分,它在任何方便的时间。终止通知应具体终止对买方的便利,在何种程度上对供应商绩效依照合同终止,以及当日即终止 生效。 3.22.2的货物齐全,并准备装运后三十日内供应商的终止通知后(30)天,应接受买方在合同条款和价格。至于余下的货物,买方可以选择: 1)有任何部分的完成,并在合同条款和价格交付;和/或 b)将取消余下的供应商支付商定的部分完成,以前采购的货物的数量。

5,法律合同的翻译 急求 十分感激

先分析句子结构,搞清楚原文究竟在说什么,然后一气呵成的翻译成中文;如果不能看懂,就无法翻译,翻译中这一步总是要走出去的,何况这一段在法律法规类的翻译文件中属于难度很普通的To be signed by one Director (of Company or IncorporatedAssociation)需(公司或法人团体的)董事签字I, the undersigned Director of the undersignedcorporation (the "Corporation"), organized under the lawsof the governing body specified below do hereby certify that at a meeting ofthe Board of Directors of the said Corporation, held in accordance with itscharter and by-laws on the date at which a quorum was at all times present and acting, the attached resolutions were duly adopted, that said resolutions havenot been amended, rescinded or revoked, and are in no way in conflict with anyof the provisions of the charter or by-laws of said Corporation.本人系根据下述主管机构法规成立之署名公司(以下简称为“公司”)的董事,兹证明: 公司董事会已在某次会议上采纳所附决议。该会议的召开符合公司章程和相关法律规定,且该会议当时列席代表及代理人之总数达到会议法定人数。所采纳之决议未做过任何修订、废止或撤销,且决议内容与公司章程或法律之间不存在任何冲突。--- 本人水平有限,上述翻译仅供参考!
须由董事(公司或法人机构的)签署1. 署名公司系依照下述主管机关之法规成立,本人系该公司董事。特此证明如次:本次公司董事会会议的召开符合公司章程及其议事细则。会议期间,出席代表或其代理人人数一直符合法定人数。所附决议及时通过,相关决议未作更改、撤销或废除并且在所有方面都不与该公司章程及其细则的任何条款相决突。


请参照The loan Facility is granted on an uncommitted basis and subject to the review of the Agent (upon the instructions of all the Lenders at their absolute discretion) from time to time.贷款是授予的对未提交的基础和主体代理的审查(对所有银行的指示在其绝对酌情权)的时间。As such, notwithstanding any other terms applicable to the Loan Facility, the Loan Facility (or any part there of) shall be available until terminated by the Agent (upon the instructions of all the Lenders at their absolute discretion) either: (a) by immediate written notice to the Borrower by the Agent (upon the instructions of all the Lenders at their absolute discretion) at any time without cause, without having to give any reason and regardless of whether any default has occurred or whether any part of the Loan Facility has been utilised; or (b) as per the terms applicable to the Loan Facility因此,尽管适用于贷款的任何其他条款,贷款(或任何有)应提供到代理终止(在所有贷款人的指示在其绝对酌情权):(a)立即书面通知借款人的代理人(在全银行指示在其绝对酌情权)在任何时间,没有原因,没有给出任何理由,无论发生任何违约或是贷款的任何部分已使用;或(b)按照适用的贷款条款

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