
您好,这几句话用提示的词组翻译成英文就是: 我们不应该在教室里吸烟:we are not supposed to smoke in the classroom. 尊重别人、理解别人、帮助别人等是礼貌的重要方面:to respect,understand and help others are important aspects in good manner. 信任对方是保持友谊的金科玉律:trust is the Golden Rule to maintain friendship. 翻译表述不唯一,这是个用了提示的英语而且比较符合英文语言习惯的表述。 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧。



1 许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会 be present at many old people were present at the concert of us yesterday. 2她坐公交车上班只需20分钟 it takes it takes her 20 minutes to go to work by bus. 3 虽然下着大雨,他们仍然坚持在田里劳动although although it was rainging, they were still working in the field. 4 请把电视机开响点好吗? turn up could you please turn up the tv? 5 the football match was affected by the heavy rain in some way. 足球比赛或多或少受了大雨的影响。


3,翻译句子 中翻英

,如果你酒后开车,你会惹上麻烦的(get into trouble) if you drive after drinking, you will get into trouble.2.他说服我买下了这所房子(persuade) he persuaded me to buy this house3.他走进厨房去寻找一些吃的(in search of) he entered the kitchen in search of something to eat. 4.根据最新报告,有3个人死于这次意外事故,(according to/up-to-date) according to the up-to-date report, three people died in this accident. 5,我工作地越努力,我感觉越高兴(the+比较级,the+比较级) the harder i work, the happier i will feel.

翻译句子 中翻英

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