

red read eat erhu head juice jaket january erhu red read ride unbrella
Jerusalem jerquer
injure vt. 伤 害,损 害
perjury n.伪证。



主要是心理上的“依靠”这个词,The term "reliance" is largely psychological.词语解释:reliance 英 [r??la??ns] 美 [r??la??ns] n. 依靠,依赖; 信任,信赖,信心; 所信赖的人或物; [例句]This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.这名证人作了伪证,她的证词不可信。


3,penalty of perjury是什么意思

penalty of perjury 伪证罪 例句筛选1.hereby irrevocably confirm and warrant under penalty of perjury.特此在伪证罪的惩罚下,不可撤消地证实与保证;2.We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.我们宣誓没有触犯伪证罪条款,上述所有内容都属实。
under penalty of perjury of law that根据惩罚伪证的法律

penalty of perjury是什么意思


concoct v. 捏造;调制 (concoction n. 调配(物);谎言)counterfeit v. 伪造,仿造fabricate v. 捏造;制造 (fabrication n. 编造,捏造;伪造的事物)fake v. 伪造;佯装forge v. 伪造;锤炼;n. 铁匠铺forger n. 伪造者;打铁匠forgery n. 伪造(物)phony adj. 伪造的,假的rig v. 伪造,舞弊,欺骗spurious adj. 伪造的;假的perjure v. 作伪证,发假誓perjury n. 作伪证,发假誓


per- 1、表示“贯穿,自始至终” perspective 透视的(per+spect 看+ive→看透了→透视的) perennial 全年的(per+ennial 年→全年的) perspire 出汗(per+spire 呼吸→全身呼吸→出汗) permanent 永久的(per+man 拿住+ent→永久拿住→永恒的) persist 坚持(per+sist 站→站到最后→坚持) persuade 劝说(per+suade 劝→一直劝→劝说) percussion 敲打(per+cuss 震+ion→震动→敲打) perspicacious 独具慧眼的(per+spic 看+acious→全部看到→独具慧眼) pernicious 有害的,有毒的(per+nic 毒+ious→有毒的) perplexed 困惑的(per+plex 重叠+ed→全部重叠在一起→困惑了) perforate 打洞(per+forate 打孔→打孔穿过→打洞) permeate 渗透(per+me 走+ate→走过去→渗透过去)2、表示“假,坏” perfidy 不忠,背叛(per+fid 相信+y→假相信→不忠诚) perjury 伪证,假誓(per+jur 发誓+y→假发誓;参考:jury陪审团) perfunctory 草率的(per+funct 作用+ory→没起好作用→草率的) perpetrate 做坏事;犯罪(per+petr=patr 父亲+ate→以父亲式态度对待别人→专横,做坏事) pervert 堕落,滥用(per+vert 转→转向坏→堕落)祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!!!(⊙o⊙)


1 perjury 2 Thief 3 the Body-Snatcher 4 Delirium Tremens 5 bribery/the Filthy Corruptionist6 blackmailing/the Loathsome Embracer7 crime of arson 8 murder 9 abuse of power 10 bigamy下面是其中一段原文: Look upon the Infamous Perjurer! The Montana Thief! The Body-Snatcher! Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! Your Filthy Corruptionist! Your Loath some Embracer! 看看你们这位候选人吧!看看这位声名狼藉的伪证犯!这位蒙大拿的小偷!这位拐尸犯!好好看一看你们这个具体化的酒疯子!你们这位肮脏的贿赂犯!你们这位令人恶心的讹诈犯!
1. perjury2. theft3. shui corpse sin4. wine crazy5. bribery crimes6. blackmail crime7. arson8. murder9. the crime of abuse of power10. bigamy就是这几个吧!你可以好好看看的
1 perjury2 stealing3 turn corpse4 wine mad5 bribery crime6 blackmail7. Burglary8) murder9 abuse10. Commit bigamy offense

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