

1. 吊牌要打在帆布孔上。2. 每箱装入件数要适中。如果一箱只装了半满,则要换个小箱,但是此小箱只在高度上变小(也就是说箱子的长和宽不变)。封箱前要在上面加天地盖,以免开箱时把货物划破。



  包装为在流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售,按一定的技术 方法 所用的容器、材料和辅助物等的总体名称。一个产品的包装如何对于产品的销售影响很大,那么你知道包装用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来包装的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家学习。   包装的英语说法1:   packing   英 [?p?k??] 美 [?p?k??]   包装的英语说法2:   package   英 [?p?kid?] 美 [?p?k?d?]   包装的英语说法3:   wrap up   英 [r?p ?p] 美 [r?p ?p]   包装相关英语表达:   包装板 packing plate;   包装标准 packaging standard   包装标志 packing mark   包装部分 packaged unit   包装车间 packing department   包装英语说法例句:   我们用锡纸包装以保持原味。   Our foil packets seal the flavour in.   他们的产品总是包装得非常精美。   Their products are always attractively packaged.   包装瓷器时在周围多放些包装材料。   Put plenty of wrapping round the china when you pack it.   包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。   There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet.   铝箔用于包装食物。   Aluminum foil can be used for wrapping food.   包装可以分成工业包装和消费包装两种。   Packing can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging.   泡罩包装一直以来以小盒包装为主要外包装。   Blister packaging has to box packaging as the main overpack.   包装可分为工业性包装和消费型包装两大类。   Packaging can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging.   袋子必须包装厂中远离包装包装线的地方摘除。   Bags must be removed in the packinghouse away from the packing line.   熟悉各类包装规范及包装材料。   Be familiar with package specification and material.   他已经把文件包装好了。   He has packed up the papers.   机器的速度可调节得同包装的速度相一致。   The speed of the machine may be regulated to pace the packing operation.   包装的改良和销售近来一直在相互促进。   Packaging improvements and sales have been leapfrogging each otherrecently.   你知道,我们对服装包装有特定的方式。   You know, we have definite ways of packaging garments.   这其中当然还包含着大量的商业决议,从产品到定价,策略到包装,和这之间的一切。   This, of course, encompasses a host of business decisions, from product topricing, policy to packaging, and everything in between.   这里我们需要将选中的文本包装到选定的样式标签中,并使用这个新的字符串替换文档里选中的文本。   Here, we need to wrap the selected text into the selected style tags andreplace the selected text in the document with this new string.   他们是否真的关心这些包装的样子?   Do they really care what the packaging looks like?   有些货物是散装的,没有包装在箱子里,你们为什么这么做?   They were not packed in the carton. Why did you do it this way?   我希望你收到了正确的包装设计。   I hope you get the packaging designs right.   所有这些所说的都是包装。   Its all about the package.   通过在每个部门内部改善装载卡车的后勤工作和运输包装,可以获得一些成本的节约。   Some cost savings could have been achieved by improving the logistics ofloading trucks and shipping packages within each division.   这周都是关于商标化和包装设计的东西。   This week has been all about branding and package design.   是走这条路线还是走那条路线,她忙得不可开交,打好包后,又把我为她找到的挎包和帆布背包装上东西。   She went this way and that over what to take, and packed and repacked thesaddlebag and rucksack I had got hold of for her.   年复一年,我们看过许多样式的啤酒包装,但是现在,我发现一家啤酒公司竟然把酒放在一只松鼠里?!?!   Years after years we saw many types of beer packaging but right now Ifound out that a company put beer in a squirrel ?



Packaging and decoration print
packaging and decorating print
Packaging and decorating the print!
Packaging and decoration print



整箱货:FCL (full container load)散装货:LCL (less than container load)如果是集装箱,还有full container load整装less than container load散货in bulk 散装in container
seperate package, 散装complete package,独立包装。


Packaging has four kinds of effects:1. Protect the packaged goods.2. Provide convenient move.3. In order to distinguish, find the goods.4. To attract attention to promote the sale of a certain brand.
packaging has four kinds of effects:1. protect the packaged goods.2. provide convenient move.3. in order to distinguish, find the goods.4. to attract attention to promote the sale of a certain brand.

6,电视栏目包装 和 电视频道包装 英文咋滴说

电视栏目包装 Television Program Package (TV Program Package) 电视频道包装 Television Channel Package (TV Channel Package) 注:“Package”在当修饰后面名词的时候才"+ing”,例如:TV Column Packaging Designer = 电视栏目包装设计师电视节目包装中的设计 Design of TV Program Package
这行可不是你想象那么容易,我当时也是一腔热血,最后累半死。天天加班熬夜通宵家常便饭,市场在渐渐消退,2字:坚持,其实电视包装就没市场。你工作你就体会了,不要在地方学 我在包装这行干了2年了,10年左右您能1万,也不是不行,但是你基本是拿这些钱花钱治病。 如果想做,考研是我工作后想干的事,好的也就5000底薪吧,起初3年内你工资不会太宽裕想学也要来北京学


There are thousands of products of all colors and shapes in a supermarket, mak-ing you believe that they are worth a try. How? Packaging(包装) is the silent but persuading salesman. There on the shelves, each bottle, can, box, and jar has been carefully de-signed and measured to speak to the inner self of the consumer, so that is buying not only a product but also his belief in life. Scientists have studied consumer- 有成千上万的产品的颜色与形状在超市里,mak-ing你相信他们是值得一试的。怎么了?包装(包装)是一种无声但说服的推销员。在书架上,每个瓶子、可以,箱子,罐子是经过精心设计和测量说话,你的内在自我的消费者的需要,所以那是买不仅是产品,又是他的信念,在生活中。科学家已经研究了消费者- behavior recently and found that the look of the package has a great effect on the“quality”of the product and on how well it sells, because“Consumers generally can-not tell between a product and its package. Many prducts are packages and many - 最近,发现行为的包装外观的影响巨大的“质量”的产品和如何为它出售,因为“消费者一般can-not告诉之间产品及其包装。许多产品是包装和许多-

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