
1,请问议论文 说明文这两个单词的英语怎么翻译

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请问议论文 说明文这两个单词的英语怎么翻译


on oct, 16th, 1998, he was born in taiwan. he has parents, sisters and brothers at home. he has many hobbies, such as music, fishing, playing chess, playing the piano, singing and dancing. his favourite seasn is autumn and his favourite color is blue. he dreams that he can be a singer when he grows up.



如下:就“说明对象”而言,英语说明文可分为对“客观具体事物”的说明和对“主观抽象观念”的说明两大类。对中学生来说,在汉语说明文的教学中似乎比较侧重前者,即解释客观具体事物的说明文。但在英语说明文中,阐述和说明 “主观抽象观念”的说明文占了很大的比重,其中有些类似汉语中的议论文。但是无论是对“客观具体事物”的说明还是对“主观抽象观念”的阐述,英语说明文从结构上看大致可分为三个部分:第一部分一般是文章的第一段,提出文章的主题,也就是说,文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容;第二部分是文章的主体,可由若干个段落组成,对文章的主题进行展开说明;第三部分是结尾段,对文章的主题作归纳总结。从英语说明文的结构可以看出,要写好英语说明文的关键在于第二部分如何对文章主题进行展开说明。


4,说明文 用英语翻译

He was born in Taiwan on the 16th of September, 1998. His family consists of his parents, a younger sister and a younger brother. He has a variety of hobbies such as music, fishing, playing chess, playing the piano, singing and dancing. His favourite season of the year is autumn and blue is his favourite colour. He aspires to be a singer when he grows up.
On Oct, 16th, 1998, he was born in Taiwan. He has parents, sisters and brothers at home. He has many hobbies, such as music, fishing, playing chess, playing the piano, singing and dancing. His favourite seasn is autumn and his favourite color is blue. He dreams that he can be a singer when he grows up.
On September 16 , 1998, he was born in Taiwan. There are parents ,younger sister and younger brother at the home. His interests are very many. If: like the music , fish ,play chess ,play the piano ,sing ,dance .He favors the autumn, his favorite colour is blue . He is hoping in vain and up can become a singer.

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