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4,隐私 的英语怎么说

隐私 n. privacy, secrecy, solitude, seclusion, retirement
隐私的英语 名词privacy 形容词private
privacy english你下载谷歌金山词霸合作版吧!会翻译,还会发音呢,还有学习英语的
privacy privacy privacy


尤其是如何保护个人信用、身份帐户这方面的隐私,用来英语课堂上演讲用尤其是如何保护个人信用、身份帐户这方面的隐私,用来英语课堂上演讲用尤其是如何保护个人信用、身份帐户这方面的隐私,用来英语课堂上演讲用50 ways to protect your ID 你随便选几个吧,这么多种http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/76895/50-ways-to-protect-your-id.html

6,中英文翻译 论网络环境下隐私权的保护 高手帮忙 急

The Legal Protection of the Right to Privacy in Cyberspace【Summary】The freedom and openness of internet has attracted the large number of Internet users, for the Internet provides an alternative space for people to fully display the spirit of freedom and development. But the freedom and randomness of network is also breeding more privacy violations,unprecedented infringement on the right to individual privacy in cyberspace is getting more and more serious, which has hampered the progress of electronic commerce and network economy. How to protect personal privacy under the network environment has become an important topic in academia and industry. 【key words】:Privacy in Cyberspace ,tort,protection of law
On the protection of privacy under the network environment【Summary】 Internet, the freedom, openness has attracted a large number of Internet users, because the Internet provides an alternative for people to fully display the spirit of freedom and development of space. But the network that freely shaped, randomness is also breeding more privacy violations, making cyberspace privacy unprecedented challenges, this situation has seriously hampered the e-commerce and the further development of the network economy. How to protect personal privacy under the network environment has become an important topic in academia and industry.Key words network of legal protection of privacy violations
试论我国隐私权保护的不足与完善try the theory our country right of privacy protective shortage with perfect

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