1,合同英语翻译 This Agreement was made and entered into this day of

这句子有点问题 通常应该如下This Agreement was made on November 16 2012 and will enter into force on December 14 2012.本协议于2012年11月16日订立并与2012年12月14日生效。

合同英语翻译 This Agreement was made and entered into this day of

2,协议的英语翻译 协议用英语怎么说


协议的英语翻译 协议用英语怎么说





揭露获许可的人一般的义务许可了智慧财产。受权者为获许可的人将提供获许可的人获许可的人适当揭发得到许可的智慧财产同样必需,买方或者任何的购买子公司当它在结束日期上被引导,继续处理得到许可的生意,和二十 - 四 (24)个数个月期间随着结束日期将另外提供是必需的合理的协助让获许可的人使用,练习而且另外拥有利益的权利的获许可的人当到以下的获许可的人被允许的被许可的智慧财产。 第 6.2 节. 协助。 二十 - 四 (24)个数个月期间随着结束日期,而且在获许可的人的之前的注意之上,受权者将对获许可的人合理的接触受权者有对获许可的人充份了解得到许可的智慧财产提供对被许可智慧财产的获许可的人在此被注视的使用适度必需的协助的技术上的人员允许。 在连接中被招致的所有合理、付现的费用和费用 (将不包括被受权者技术上人员招致的时间)随其将被获许可的人生。


注意。 任何的注意、要求或请求必需的或允许以下有将在写作方面而且将在有有效的二十四 (24) 数小时之后被认为被在美国邮件存放, 邮资预付了, 登记了或在它的主要办公室检定而且演说到收件人, 如组往前在下面。 任何的宴会可能根据同此被屈服一致的书面注意将它的住址换成协议的目的。


Cargo transfer of risk: B before the delivery of goods by Party A commitment to deliver the goods Party B, Party B by the commitment if the Party is responsible for the delivery transport, cargo transport risks and responsibility for the quality of the goods to the transportation company when the transfer Party To B. B did not pay all the money before the ownership of the goods is still all Party


Whereas: In order to establish and realize long-term and comprehensive cooperation and common development between the Parties herein, and further to provide a solid foundation for other future programs, in witness hereof, both Parties herein reach this Agreement after amicable negotiations.手工原创,欢迎借鉴。
Where as: Party A and Party B, upon agreement by both parties, in order to build a long-term and comprehensive partnership, to achieve the collective development, and found a foundation for the outstanding projects,hereby make this Agreement which both Parties shall comply with.
Both parties of equal rights, the principle of complementary advantages, knot growth period, the comprehensive partnership of cooperation, realize common development, and later the other project a solid foundation on which to build, by mutual consensus, the enactment of this protocol, in order to keep


营销方独自负责实施营销计划,并且保护【插入公司名称】和其关联公司、管理人员、雇员、代理免于来源于或是关联到营销计划材料的使用,或是实施营销计划中的所有责任、费用、损失、索赔、破坏和成本花费(来源于请求者的和其客户的,不管是由他们引发的还是基于免赔事项的补偿)。 arising out of or in connection with the use of the Marketing Programme Material, or carrying out the Marketing Plan.意为“来源于或是关联到营销计划材料的使用,或是实施营销计划。”状语,最好如文中前置,修饰责任、费用、损失、索赔、破坏和成本花费。我是专业人员哦!
市场营销方是完成营销计划的唯一负责人,在关于营销计划材料的使用上,或是实施营销计划中,对 [插入公司名称] 其相关机构,职员,雇员及代理人的费用,损失,索赔,破坏和成本负全责,(在赔偿方面以律师和自己的客户为基础)


给您一份能看明白的翻译:subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, licensor hereby grants to licensee a limited, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide, exclusive license (without the right to sublicense except as provided in section 2.1.4 below, and without the right to assign except as provided in section 12.2 below), to the licensee licensed intellectual property identified on schedule 2.1.1 hereto, to practice, make and use the inventions, ideas and information embodied therein, and to make, use, offer to sell, sell, lease or import products, services, processes, methods and materials embodying or deriving from the inventions, ideas and information from such licensee licensed intellectual property solely in the conduct of the licensed business. 根据本协议所规定的条款与条件,许可方将其已付讫的、全球独家的、在附件2.1.1里所明确的知识产权资格证,有限制的授予被许可方免交特许费使用(除了本协议2.1.4节的规定以外,被许可方无权将本使用权再向下分发许可,而且除了12.2节的规定,被许可方也无权将此使用权转让出去)。只要是完全在授权业务的范畴内,被许可方可以对该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息进行操作、制造或使用;并且还可以制造、使用、提议出售、销售、租赁或进口源自于该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息所衍生的产品、服务、工艺、方法及材料。for the purpose of this agreement, an exclusive license means a license from licensor conferring on licensee, to the exclusion of all other persons (including licensor), the rights granted in this agreement in respect of the licensee licensed intellectual property in connection with the conduct of the licensed business. as to any item of licensee licensed intellectual property, the term of such license shall continue for the period of validity for such licensee licensed intellectual property.就本协议的目的而言,独家许可证是指许可方将本知识产权许可协议所指定涉及授权业务范畴的权利只授予被许可方,所有其他人士(包括许可方)都被排除在外。至于知识产权资格中的任何一项许可证,其有效期与该知识产权资格许可的有效期一致。【英语牛人团】

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