

General Administration of Customs of PRC



商务部Ministry of Commerce海关总署〔中国〕General Administration of Customs [China]国家环保总局State Environmental Protection Administration
bulletin by ministry of commerce and general administration of customs (no.18 2007) announcement on adjusting codes for parts of automobiles and accessories


3,Top urgent 一些政府部门及单位的英文名称这样写OK吗Thanks

区政府 Districy Government of XX 外经委 Foreign Trade & Economy Commission 海关 Customs 环保局 Bureau of Environmental Protection 工商局 Bureau of Industry and Commerce 税务局 Tax Bureau 国税局 National Tax Bureau 也叫 Inland Revenue地税局 Land and Property Tax Bureau 财政局 Finance Bureau 商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau 质量技术监督局 Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 劳动局 Labour Bureau
District GovernmentForeign Economic CouncilCustomEnvironmental Protection Bureauindustrial and commercial bureau tax bureau national taxation bureau Local Taxation BureauFinance Bureau Commodity Inspection Bureau quality Bureau of Technical SupervisionLabour Bureau
海关 Customs

Top urgent 一些政府部门及单位的英文名称这样写OK吗Thanks


The customs general administration of customs on the national unified management. 2 for ZhiYun lading of consignee and original contract provisions inconsistent... Therefore the goods cannot be shipped 3 suppressed by the customs smuggling policy should implement 4 attack economic crimes of a nationwide movement is not yet over 5 import animal and plant product release, shall be based on the inspection certificate for vouchers 6 customs offcial cope with import and export cargo and ship with fuel... Materials and supplies supervised 7 joint inspection duty is to collect and check the necessary shipping documents to check whether there is illegal or ship violations 8 000-ton oceaning-going ships arriving at or leaving the customs territory, the captain or his agent shall be declared to the customs accurately, and submit the relevant documents and be subject to customs examination nine such as customs suspected smuggling behavior, relevant personnel shall assist the customs remove ship ?

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