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Nice too meet you
nice to meet you
英语:Nice to meet you. (是 to 不是 too)



confidently to be wild
I am self-confident I to be crazy
I am confident I am insane
I am confident. I am crazy



1.这对年轻夫妇为晚餐吃什么争论不休. The young couple are arguing with each other about having what for the dinner. 2.在过去的几年里,浦东已经呈现出了新面貌. Pudong has taken on a new appearence in the past a few years. 3.医生一再警告他吸烟的危害,可是他置若罔闻。 The doctor has warned him of the harms of smoking again and again, but he always turned a deaf ear to the doctor.
1)The couple are arguing with each other about what they will eat as supper. 2)Pudong has taken on a new appearence in the past time. 3)The doctor warns him of the damage of smoking ,but he turn a deaf ears to the doctor.
1. The young couple argued with each other about what to have for dinner. 2. During the past years, Pudong has taken on a new look. 3. The doctor warned him again and again of the danger of smoking, but he turned a deaf ear to it.

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