
1,医学用语 翻译


医学用语 翻译


送检医师/主治医师 Doctor-in-charge http://www.google.com/search?q=%E4%B8%BB%E6%B2%BB%E5%8C%BB%E5%B8%88%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1送检材料 Testing Sample送检日期 Submission date送检号(送检单号)Submission NO.门诊号 Outpatient NO.住院号 Hospital Admission NO.
1. delivered to2. delivered material3. delivered date4. delivery number5. admission number (AD)[汉英医学词典]住院号admission number(AD)6. out-patient clinic(OPD) number[汉英医学词典]门诊out-patient clinic(OPD)



降血脂药)Jassen ?Levothyroid 左甲状腺素?GERD 胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease) Ris- Synthroid 左甲状腺素钠 Gemfibrozil 吉非贝齐(二甲苯氧庚酸
Synthroid 左甲状腺素钠,左旋甲状腺素钠制剂的商品名Gemfibrozil 吉非贝齐(循环系统药物/调节血脂药及抗动脉粥样硬化药)GERD [=gastroesophageal reflux disease]胃食管返流疾病ris[=radioimmunosorbent]放射免疫吸附剂 [=resonance ionization spectroscopy]共振电离化光镜(术)Levothyroid 甲状腺素钠



发烧 :Fever 高烧 :High Fever 发冷 :Chillsz 发汗 :Sweats 盗汗 :Night Sweats 倦怠 :Tireness 失眠 :Insomnia 肩部发硬 :Stiffness in Shoulder 打喷嚏 :Sneeze 打嗝 :Hiccup 痒 :Itch 腰疼 :Low Back Pain 头疼 :Headache 痛 :Pain (Ache) 急性疼痛 :Acute Pain 压痛 :Pressing Pain 刺痛 :Sharp Pain 烧痛 :Burning Pain 裂痛 :Tearing Pain 溃烂痛 :Sore Pain 痉挛痛 :Crampy Pain 顽痛 :Persistent Pain 轻痛 :Slight Pain 一跳一跳地痛 :Throbbing Pain 持续痛 :Continuous Pain 针扎似地痛 :Prickling Pain 不舒服 :Uncomfortable 验血 :Blood Analysis 呼气 :Expiration 吸气 :Inspiration 呼吸困难 :Difficulty in Breathing 不规则脉搏 :Irregular Pulse 蛋白质 :Albuminuria


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6,高分 求几个关于 医学专业词汇 的英文翻译

Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical application Adopting the small rat trembles cage to change the ability machine method Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep a time method Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods. Establishing physiology brine matched control, stability and brain replies 康 etc. matched control. The main pharmacology function of medicine. Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep time. Raise E four nitrogens small rat surprised CD50 Showing the prolongs small rat to get an electric shock incubation period. There is obvious town to calm down, hypnotize, the anti- surprised and improvement study a memory
人工翻译:i hereby certify that the patient, 某某某,had a myopic refractive surgery in my hospital in may ,2012 . now he has a good recovery and regain a normal eyesight ,meeting the requirement of his position. the chief doctor,医生名 from 医院名 hospital june 5th,2012 (以6月5号为例)说明:1. had也可用accepted,但肯定不能用received 2.你写的“实力”我想应该是“视力”吧?
Conducts the experimental study to the A main pharmacodynamics, is theA clinical practice provides the experimental basis. Uses the mouse to shake the cage transducer law Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime law Mouse 戊四氮 CD50 value law and animal model andexperimental technique and so on mouse diving platform law Supposes physiological saline comparison the group, stability andcomparison group and so on brain duplicate Kang Medicine main pharmacological action Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime Enhances 戊四氮 the mouse to faint from fright the CD50value Remarkably lengthens the mouse to receive an electric shock theincubation period Has obvious is calm, the hypnosis, the anti- convulsion andpharmacological action and so on improvement study memory ability有个词不会,参考一下吧,呵呵
A main pharmacodynamics of the experiment, according to A clinical laboratory.Buffeting caged mice transducer law to extend the sleeping time in mice threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium mouse CD50 value and PTZ animal models such as mice platform and experimental methods. Normal saline control group.Brain stability and the rehabilitation of drug control group Pharmacological extended threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium, improve sleep mouse CD50 PTZ-induced seizure marked the electrocution latency significantly prolong sedation,Hypnosis, anticonvulsant pharmacological effects and improve learning and memory
Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods.
楼上的英语好棒啊,是专业英语吗 过了几级了

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