
Complementary Agreement
complementary agreement 这个amendment意思是 改正,修正



This agreement is not comprehensive, both parties shall sign supplementary agreement, the supplementary agreement as part of the agreement shall have the same legal effect as this agreement. 是我自己翻译的,不知道用词算不算恰当,希望能帮到你吧。



supplementary agreement to the contract
supplementary agreement to the contract
Supplementary Agreement
你好!Complementary agreement of contract如有疑问,请追问。
Supplementary Agreement to the Master Contract



补充协议 [汉英航海大词典]complementary agreement补充协议 [汉英经贸大词典]complementation agreements补充协议 [最新会计师汉英大词典]complementation agreement补充协议 [现代商务汉英大词典]complementation agreement
1、补充协议与原协议均是对建设工程的约定,二者有相同的效力。 2、如果所补充的内容与原协议的内容有矛盾的地方,应当明确约定以补充为准。 3、补充协议只是对某些项目的补充,无法全面替代原协议。如果,要否定原协议的主要内容,可终止原协议,重新签订协议。
Subsidiary agreement


This agreement is not comprehensive, both parties shall sign supplementary agreement, the supplementary agreement as part of the agreement shall have the same legal effect as this agreement.是我自己翻译的,不知道用词算不算恰当,希望能帮到你吧。
本协议未尽事宜双方另行签订补充协议 the parties to this agreement not only signed a supplemental agreement英 [??ɡri:m?nt] 美 [??ɡrim?nt] n. 协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致;


合同编号:×××××号 《XXX合同/协议》的补充协议 甲方:××公司(以下简称甲方)???乙方:XXXXX(以下简称乙方) 本协议中的所有术语,除非另有说明,否则其定义与双方于年?月日签订的《XXX合同/协议》(下称“原协议”)中的定义相同。 鉴于: 甲方和乙方于?年?月?日共同签署了《XXX合同/协议》,双方本着互利互惠的原则,经友好协商,就《XXX合同/协议》中未尽事项特订立以下补充协议。 合同内容补充部分 其它事项说明 本协议生效 本协议生效后,即成为《XXX合同/协议》不可分割的组成部分,与《XXX合同/协议》具有同等的法律效力。 除本协议中明确所作修改的条款之外,原协议的其余部分应完全继续有效。 甲方(公章):??????????乙方(公章): 法定人代表????????????法定人代表 (或授权代表):??????????(或授权代表): 开户银行:????????????开户银行: 银行帐号:????????????银行帐号: 通讯地址:????????????通讯地址: 联系人:????????????联系人: 联系电话:????????????联系电话: 传??真:????????????传??真:

7,关于价格的补充协议 英文翻印麻烦大大 谢谢

thissonggoesouttoallthosespecial people in my heart. 这首歌是要献给所有在我心中特别的人。 butthatonepersonthatmattersthemost, you know who you are. 但是,一个人最重要的,你知道你是谁。 doesn′tmatterfornow,doesn′tmatterlater.all i gotta do is make that come.turn around,there you are.and so to you from the bottom of my heart.i wanna say one thing.thank you. 不管是现在,还是将来,我想做的就是让爱到来,转过身,你就在这儿,对于占据我内心深处的你,我只想说一句话,谢谢你!
Both party a and party b in 2009, February 21 # # # # contract concluded. Both on the contract (or specific issues), the supplementary agreement reached consensus.A supplementary agreement is as follows:Because the price of A product from adjusting unit 1 to 3 this unit 2 aggregate supplement agreement with the original contract also have law The supplementary agreement with the original contract have the same effect, is the # # # contract, the original contract part this supplement agreement effectively

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