



英文翻译器在线转换是英文转为中文,或者中文转为英文,实现中英之间的交换翻译。翻译器是广义的翻译概念。也可以认为是翻译机,也可以认为是在线翻译,或者是翻译聊天工具。 翻译器综合了翻译工具,翻译服务为要素的概念。翻译器支持33种语言和方言的翻译,包括英语、中文、西班牙语、德语、俄语、法语等,并能够完成所有这些语言的交互翻译。应用的使用方法也非常简单,你只需选择你要翻译成的语言种类,轻点按钮,然后对着翻译器说话,应用会捕捉你的语音信息,将其翻译成指定语言的文本信息并用目标语言说出来。中英文翻译机独有双引擎翻译系统和人工智能模糊匹配技术,突破传统电子词典只能翻译单词、词组技术瓶颈,首次实现中英文双向整句翻译。不用考虑语法,输入整段中文立刻翻译成英文,输入整段英文立刻翻译成中文,精确率可达98.7%以上。以上内容参考:百度百科—翻译器



Biao sample





A fool, have a good recently? I miss you so much, really miss you, and you? Want to me?
Fool, recently been? I miss you, really want you, How about you? Want me?


LiLing, born in 1982. In 2002, just graduated from the university of LiLing, see plenty of rural school children at home, she was running in the hometown of initiation.
Li Ling was born in 1982. When she graduated from university in 2002, Li Ling found that in the country there were a lot of children quitting school, so the idea of running a school in her hometown hit her.
Li Ling was born in 1982. In 2002, she graduated from college. When she saw many children who dropped out of school and stayed at home, she had an idea that she would start a school in her hometown.


标 准 答 案 为 : Shouted do you no good . If you do not study hard , you can not pass the final exam . To catch up with the best students in the class you have to work harder Caixing . During the conversation , when you ask , do not rapidly change the subject . He told horror stories scaring these girls . 望 采 纳 。
Shouted do you no good.If you do not study hard, you can not pass the final exam.To catch up with the best students in the class you have to work harder Caixing.During the conversation, when you ask, do not rapidly change the subject.He told horror stories scaring these girls.


1 I insist you take action right away. 2. Once you enter the house, you have to listen to him. 3. It was in Tibet that we found the headstream of this river. 4. They decide to go to Shandong by flight as usual. 5. He got up so early that he caught the early bus. 6. To master a foreign language is necessary.
1.我坚持要求你立刻行动(take action)(insist) I insist that you should take action at once. 2一旦你进入了那栋房子,你就必须听他的(once) Once you enter the house, you must listen to him. 3我们的确是在西藏找到了这条河流的源头(强调句:It was...that...) It was in Tibet that we found the headwaters to the river. 4他们决定像往常一样乘飞机去山东(as usual) They decided to fly to Shandong as usual. 5他这么早起床以致于赶上了早班公共汽车(so...that...) He got up so early that he could catch up with the first bus. 6掌握(master)一门外语是必要的(to do...当主语) It is necessary to master a foreign language


1.I heard a disappointing news yesterday. I was so disappointed. 2.My physics teacher said that I did better than before. 3.My friend told me that he wouldnt be nervous in English class. 4.Micheal said that he liked living in the country. 补充 我今天下午要去见苏。你有什么话要我帮你带给她吗? 他不知道外面发生了什么事。 你能为晚会借到一些音乐唱片吗? 我的朋友非常擅长英语,所以她总是帮助我完成我的计划。 我很冷。我可以拿你的夹克衫吗?
1. Yesterday, I heard the news of a disappointing, I am very disappointed! 2. My physics teacher said that I do a better job than before. 3. My friend told me that he will not be tense in English class. 4. Mike said that he like to live in rural
1. Yesterday, I heard the news of a disappointing, I am very disappointed! 2. My physics teacher said that I do a better job than before. 3. My friend told me that he will not be tense in English class. 4. Mike said that he like to live in rural

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