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Legal consulting法律咨询






law services
建筑工程法律服务部,建设工程法律部,建筑工程法律事务部 三者实际上都是一回事,只要有一个就可以。建议用以下名称:建筑工程法律咨询服务部 construction law advisory & service dept. dept. 是department的缩写。如果是小单位可以不用,就是 construction law advisory & service 即可


4,诉讼仲裁法律服务 用英语怎么说

All disputes, controversies or claims arising in connection with this contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC”) by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said rules 中文翻译版本(1) 与这分合同有关的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决,而且国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则是由一名仲裁员按照上述规则指定 中文翻译版本(2) 凡因这分合同引起的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该由一名仲裁员按照该规则指定在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决. 满意,请先采纳,谢谢


首席法律顾问chief legal officer首席法律顾问chief legal officer
1. 法律服务范围 The Attorney will act as the legal council of Party A in P.R. China, within the service period, from January 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010. The legal services shall include:律师将在约定的服务期限内:即2010年1月1日至2010年12月30日,担任甲方在中国的法律顾问。其法律服务的范围包括:? Legal consultation for Party As business operation, include internal management and business with a third party, via telephone, email or face-to-face talk. 通过电子邮件、电话或面谈,为甲方的经营(包括内部管理和对外经济事务)提供法律咨询? Legalization on labor contract, companys labor management rules(e.g. staff handbook), Salary structure design. 规范劳动合同和公司劳动管理制度(例如员工手册),薪酬结构设计? Drafting contract according to Party As requirement or Amendment on the contract Party A provided (for example, a contract drafted by a business partner of Party A or by Party A itself). 根据甲方的要求起草合同或者修改甲方提供的合同(例如甲方生意伙伴起草的,或者甲方起草的)? Reviewing other legal documents provided by Party A(e.g. Notice, statement, letter, etc.)审查甲方提供的其他法律文书(例如通知、声明、信函等)? Preparing lawyers letters when Party As requests. 如甲方要求,出具律师函。? Participation in Party As labor dispute or economic dispute, in non-contentious phase, (e.g. personal talk, correspondence, negotiation, etc). 参与甲方劳动争议、经济纠纷的非诉讼处理,例如个人谈话、沟通、谈判等。

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