

The contract


2,合同中的几句英文翻译 外贸英语

关于付款:合同签订后即电汇预付合同全款的30% (300美元)。余额会在货物抵达运输公司办公室时支付。当供应商收到此笔款项时,即可指示运输公司发货。我觉得这段英文条款写得不咋样,对时间的要求很不严谨,语法错误不老少。不过只是要翻译的话,就是这样翻了。

合同中的几句英文翻译 外贸英语


9启事9.1所有通知或其他通信下一个党或与本协议应以书面形式提出的英文和被认为是适当和有效收到( a )如发出的挂号信,在最新的日期后7天内邮寄,或( b )如果发出的传真,确认后传输另一方,处理,在每一种情况下,具体情况如下: 第三十另一方
一位名医去给一个病得很严重的小孩看病。多亏了他高超的医术,这位小患者不久就病愈,并且能够再次起身和奔跑,小孩的母亲十分感激这位医生并拜访并感激这位医生来感谢他治好了他的儿子 她说:“你救了我的孩子我不知如何来感谢你,我觉得仅仅是金钱并不能报答你,我亲自做了这个钱包,作为我本次的感谢之情,我希望你能接受他。“ 这位医生挺直身体并且说:”这位女士,医生应该正确地注意他所关心的事情。“ 这位女士十分吃惊并且有点伤感,然而她平静的说:”那么你能告诉我你的诊费是多少钱吗?“ 他回答道”50镑“ 她打开了那么小钱包拿出50镑票据,她将其中一张给了医生,并将其余三张票据放进了钱包,对医生说了声早安并走出了房间 (这篇文章翻译的我一头雾水) (2)can you tell me how much does this shirt cost (3) can you lend your bike to me (4)she pull back the curtain and opened the window 括号里的是不是pull (5)how much money did you spend to buy the mobile


4,英译中 合同条款

合同双方均应当对由于自己过错造成损失(包括但不限于身体,财产,个人,商业,人身和名誉上的伤害)而导致的另一方的债务,损失,成本,费用或伤害进行赔偿。无论此过错方是由于任何实际情况限制,疏忽,缺席,或其他目标而造成损失,均应当对损失承受方或对受损失的财产其法定代理人或职员或继承人担负责任。 合同双方均不能依据此中未涉及到的担保,陈述或其他诱因来行使其中条款。 时间匆忙....不太细
对方(个人,团体,中介或其他任何有代表性的发言人)因疏忽、诈骗、隐瞒而使他方(团体,个人,财产,人格,商业,信誉),遭受任何损失(包括增加负债、成本、支出或者遭受到任何破坏),对方都应当赔偿并将损失将少到最小。 这是公司法里的内容,你的句子很长很乱,不太容易直接翻译,我的翻译不是根据你的句子结构来翻译的,不过就这个意思。你补充的那句话是:任何一方不得以如下理由不履行以上义务:无义务,无担保,无说明,无利益。不是直接翻译的,是根据我的理解来翻译的哦

5,汉英翻译 合同方面 很简单的

Close till December 3The first party and the second parties be in the light of the spirit of the friendly cooperation to sign this contract, according to the contract the first party appoints the second party as foreign staff member, the contract condition is as follows.我是一个在外国进修的英语老师.希望可以帮到你.
The party of the first part and the second party signs this contract in line with the friendship and cooperation spirit, invites the second party according to the contract the party of the first part for the foreign employee, the condition of contract as follows
This contract shall be signed between Party A and Party B on the basis of amicable co-operation. Party A shall hire Party B as a member of foreign staffs. The detail terms shall be as follows:


给您一份能看明白的翻译:subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, licensor hereby grants to licensee a limited, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide, exclusive license (without the right to sublicense except as provided in section 2.1.4 below, and without the right to assign except as provided in section 12.2 below), to the licensee licensed intellectual property identified on schedule 2.1.1 hereto, to practice, make and use the inventions, ideas and information embodied therein, and to make, use, offer to sell, sell, lease or import products, services, processes, methods and materials embodying or deriving from the inventions, ideas and information from such licensee licensed intellectual property solely in the conduct of the licensed business. 根据本协议所规定的条款与条件,许可方将其已付讫的、全球独家的、在附件2.1.1里所明确的知识产权资格证,有限制的授予被许可方免交特许费使用(除了本协议2.1.4节的规定以外,被许可方无权将本使用权再向下分发许可,而且除了12.2节的规定,被许可方也无权将此使用权转让出去)。只要是完全在授权业务的范畴内,被许可方可以对该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息进行操作、制造或使用;并且还可以制造、使用、提议出售、销售、租赁或进口源自于该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息所衍生的产品、服务、工艺、方法及材料。for the purpose of this agreement, an exclusive license means a license from licensor conferring on licensee, to the exclusion of all other persons (including licensor), the rights granted in this agreement in respect of the licensee licensed intellectual property in connection with the conduct of the licensed business. as to any item of licensee licensed intellectual property, the term of such license shall continue for the period of validity for such licensee licensed intellectual property.就本协议的目的而言,独家许可证是指许可方将本知识产权许可协议所指定涉及授权业务范畴的权利只授予被许可方,所有其他人士(包括许可方)都被排除在外。至于知识产权资格中的任何一项许可证,其有效期与该知识产权资格许可的有效期一致。【英语牛人团】

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