

中华人民共和国合同法(英文版)http://www.law-gun.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=4512 中华人民共和国民法通则(附英文) http://www.proz.cn/html/20/799.html一直往下找哦



法律快车网有公司法、证券法英文版。你所谓的投资法是哪部法?http://www.lawtime.cn/info/gongsi/gsfxglaw/20110422109275.html 公司法http://www.lawtime.cn/info/hetong/zjht/20100805/50101.html 证券法



答案:improve relevant laws and regulations 例句:中国将保持外资政策的连续性和稳定性,完善相关法律法规,为外商创造良好的投资环境。China will maintain the continuity and stability of its FDI policy, improve relevant laws and regulations and create a sound investment climate for foreign businesses
according to the law that.....根据法律规定。。。。


4,法律条文 英语怎么说

法律条文letter of the lawlegal provisionprovision of law援引法律条文invoke a legal provision科刑的法律条文vindicative parts of laws
法律条文articles of law或legal provision
legal provisions/provision of law/law provision再看看别人怎么说的。
legal provisions/provision of law/law provision

5,急求英文版 关于贯彻执行中华人民共和国劳动法若干问题

没听说过还有英文版的。法律规定,要求措辞很严谨的,翻译成英文很难准确地表达原意,翻译的人必须了解中国和西方相应国家的法律。在《劳动法》中“应该”,表达的意思是“必须”。可是在西方国家却并非如此。所以如果翻译成英文,肯定就走样了,必须以中文的愿意为依据。 可以找个熟悉劳动政策的专家,将有关条款解释一下,翻译在场与专家沟通清楚具体的意思表示后,再翻译成英文。你所说109号文是1995年的,一共100条,又称为“一百条”,很多规定都过时了,有些条款对外企没有用,现成英文版的可能性几乎为零。

6,请高手翻译 英文法律条文

10 。大家进一步商定,任何争议,索赔,或争端所引起的和/或有关的任何部分,整个或违反本协议,并没有解决它的签署方本身之间,应解决的和有约束力的,并通过仲裁按照规则,并通过该机构的国际商会。任何决定和/或裁决作出的仲裁员应是最终的,决定性的和有约束力的和可执行的法律当事方在该国的选择裁决的仲裁员。在发生争议的情况的英文本为准。如果没有达成正式协议,对国家的仲裁,仲裁应在苏黎世/瑞士根据瑞士法律。 10 : 11 。本协定应具有法律约束力的所有签名者双方各自的继承人,联营,行政人员,执行者,其继承人和受让人为: a )非规避损失,即总佣金,费用,利润本来由于和; b )所有损失由非违约方因这种违反,和; c )所有费用在执行任何法律补救措施的权利依据或因本协议。 12 。本协定签字的应被视为一个执行协议的强制执行和受理的所有目的而言,可能需要根据本协议的条款。本协定上签字的方式收到的传真,邮寄和/或电子邮件应被视为和执行合同。 13 。所有签署人承认,他们已经阅读并充分理解每个缔约方的条款及条件载于本协议和其初次和签字特此无条件地同意其使用条件之日指出此处。 14 。这样做的目的文书是建立一个国际公认的不回避,不公开,与工作之间的协定参加的缔约方。这和今后的交易应进行吨


Labour Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaArticle 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, regulate labour relationship, establish and safeguard a labour system suited to the socialist market economy, and promote economic development and social progress.Article 2 This Law shall apply to enterprises, individual economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as employing units) and labourers who form a labour relationship therewith within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China.State organs, institutions and public organizations as well as labourers who form a labour contract relationship therewith shall be bound by this Law.Article 3 Labourers shall have equal right to employment and choice of occupation, the right to remuneration for labour, to rest and vacations, to protection of occupational safety and health, to training in vocational skills, to social insurance and welfare, to submission of labour disputes for settlement and other rights relating to labour stipulated by law.Labourers shall fulfill their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.Article 4 The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that labourers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labour obligations.Article 5 The State shall take various measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, lay down labour standards, regulate social incomes, perfect social insurance system, coordinate labour relationship, and gradually raise the living standard of labourers.
law and regulation

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