

一,架空:间接费用的单位, 二,标记/委员会/利润:任何标记,佣金,或利润中不包括任何组成部分的成本以上。 三,货运,以离岸价点:运输单位成本的价格点。 四,总成本价格的由来:这是自动计算 五,总铂成本(雅芳加拿大,角克莱尔,质量控制:包括进口关税,运费,配额费用等 六,什么是原籍所在地运到离岸价点?例如工厂,最后的组装点,仓库-请指定的名称,城市 七,什么是离岸价点? -请指定的名称,城市,国家






Cargo transfer of risk: B before the delivery of goods by Party A commitment to deliver the goods Party B, Party B by the commitment if the Party is responsible for the delivery transport, cargo transport risks and responsibility for the quality of the goods to the transportation company when the transfer Party To B. B did not pay all the money before the ownership of the goods is still all Party



1. Party agreed to transfer this way will be under contract to pay the cost of designated bank account Party B, Party B does not accept cash payments. If Party A will be paid in cash or money to pay Party B designated bank account, leading to B did not receive related costs, as the Party did not pay. 2. Other outstanding issues could be drafted annex, such as the contents of the annex to the conflict to this contract and this contract shall prevail.


3.20不可抗力: 3.20.1尽管规定第3.17,3.18和3.19,供应商不得用于其高性能的安全责任没收违约金或违约而终止,如果并且只要其拖延执行或其他不履行其根据合同义务,是一个不可抗力事件的结果。 对于这一条款的目的3.20.2,“不可抗力”是指超出了供应商控制的事件,不涉及供应商的疏忽或过失,而不是可以预见的。这些事件可能包括,但不限于,买方在其主权的行为能力,战争或革命,火灾,洪水,流行病,检疫限制,货运禁运。 3.20.3如果不可抗力情况时,供应商应及时通知这种条件和原因及其书面买方。除非买方书面指示,供应商应继续履行合同规定的义务,尽可能在合理的切实可行,并应寻求一切合理的替代手段不属于不可抗力事件阻止性能。 3.21破产终止: 3.21.1买方可随时终止以书面通知到供应商的合同,如果供应商破产或无力偿还债务。在这种情况下,终止将不赔偿的供应商,提供的这种终止将不会损害或影响任何行动或补救措施已产生或将产生其后买方的权利。 3.22终止的便利: 3.22.1的书面通知买方,发送到供应商,可终止合同的全部或部分,它在任何方便的时间。终止通知应具体终止对买方的便利,在何种程度上对供应商绩效依照合同终止,以及当日即终止 生效。 3.22.2的货物齐全,并准备装运后三十日内供应商的终止通知后(30)天,应接受买方在合同条款和价格。至于余下的货物,买方可以选择: 1)有任何部分的完成,并在合同条款和价格交付;和/或 b)将取消余下的供应商支付商定的部分完成,以前采购的货物的数量。


给您一份能看明白的翻译:subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, licensor hereby grants to licensee a limited, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide, exclusive license (without the right to sublicense except as provided in section 2.1.4 below, and without the right to assign except as provided in section 12.2 below), to the licensee licensed intellectual property identified on schedule 2.1.1 hereto, to practice, make and use the inventions, ideas and information embodied therein, and to make, use, offer to sell, sell, lease or import products, services, processes, methods and materials embodying or deriving from the inventions, ideas and information from such licensee licensed intellectual property solely in the conduct of the licensed business. 根据本协议所规定的条款与条件,许可方将其已付讫的、全球独家的、在附件2.1.1里所明确的知识产权资格证,有限制的授予被许可方免交特许费使用(除了本协议2.1.4节的规定以外,被许可方无权将本使用权再向下分发许可,而且除了12.2节的规定,被许可方也无权将此使用权转让出去)。只要是完全在授权业务的范畴内,被许可方可以对该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息进行操作、制造或使用;并且还可以制造、使用、提议出售、销售、租赁或进口源自于该知识产权资格证所涵盖的发明、主意和信息所衍生的产品、服务、工艺、方法及材料。for the purpose of this agreement, an exclusive license means a license from licensor conferring on licensee, to the exclusion of all other persons (including licensor), the rights granted in this agreement in respect of the licensee licensed intellectual property in connection with the conduct of the licensed business. as to any item of licensee licensed intellectual property, the term of such license shall continue for the period of validity for such licensee licensed intellectual property.就本协议的目的而言,独家许可证是指许可方将本知识产权许可协议所指定涉及授权业务范畴的权利只授予被许可方,所有其他人士(包括许可方)都被排除在外。至于知识产权资格中的任何一项许可证,其有效期与该知识产权资格许可的有效期一致。【英语牛人团】

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