



商业合同常用英语词汇   导语:随着现代商务活动的日益频繁,社会对商务合同的需要也越来越迫切。下面是我收集整理的.有关商业合同的英语词汇,欢迎参考!   affiliation 附属   annual wage increase 年薪调升   call for 要求   collective bargaining 集体交涉   contract 合同   convention 大会   cooperation 合作   coordination 协调   employee 雇员   employer 雇工   labor 劳工   labor accident 劳工事故   labor contract 用工合同   management 经营者   labor-management struggle 劳资斗争   penal regulation 惩罚规则   proposal 提议   protest 抗议   reach an agreement 达成协议   stage a strike 发起罢工   terms of contract 合同条款   wage 实施   the Japanese Trade Union Confederation 日本劳工团体联盟   the right to strike 罢工权   the right to work 工作权   wage dispute 薪金争议   working hours 工作时间 ;



in duplicate、in two copies、in two folds 一式两份 in triplicate、in three copies、in three folds一式三份in quadruplicate、in four copies、in four folds一式四份in quintuplicate、in five copies、in five folds一式五份in sextuplicate、in six copies、in six folds一式六份in septuplicate、in seven copies、in seven folds一式七份in octuplicate、in eight copies、in eight folds一式八份in nonuplicate、in nine copies、in nine folds一式九份in decuplicate、in ten copies、in ten folds一式十份
This Agreement is made out in two (2) sets of originals,以此类推。



法律英语合同常见词汇汇总   写了这么多,无非在说一件事情:学习法律英语,就是学习法律;学习法律,就必须知道“what they are talking about”,要知道法律在说什么,就要找到那个议论的逻辑起点;要找到这个起点,就必须从法律的基础学起。这就是宏观学习法的全部内涵。有了基础知识,便找到了法律的逻辑起点;找到了起点,就会了解一项具体法律原则提出的.前提、意义和适用范围;这样就能学好英语国家的法律;法律通了,法律英语也就精通了。网分享法律英语合同常见词汇汇总如下:   『01』常见合同名称   carriage/transportation/forwardingcontract   construction engineering and installation contract   contract for compensation trade 补偿贸易合同   contract of sale for commodity houses   employment contract for legal consultant   factoring contract 保理合同   import and export contract   insurance contract   joint venture contract   labor contract   lease and transfer of the right to the use of land loan contract 租赁和转让土地使用权的贷款合同   mortgage contract 抵押合同   property management contract   purchase contract   warehousing contract 仓储保管合同   agency appointment contract   brokerage contract 居间合同   carriage contract   contract for construction project   contract for loan of money   contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat   financial leasing contract 融资租赁合同   gift contract 赠予契约   leasing contract   safe-keeping contract   sales contract   technology contract   trading trust contract 行纪合同   work-for-hire contract 承揽合同   『02』常见协议名称   adoption agreement   agency agreement   agreement on assignment of equity interests   articles of association/incorporation, memorandum of association   composition agreement 和解协议   confidentiality agreement   contract for assignment   divorce agreement   escrow/deposit agreement 有条件转让协议   financing agreement   human agency agreement   legacy-support agreement 遗赠扶养协议   letter of intent 意向书   heads of agreement   licensing agreement   memorandum (of understanding)   non-compete agreement   outsourcing agreement   partnership agreement   preliminary agreement 初步协议   retainer agreement 聘用协议   share transfer/purchase agreement   service agreement   security/suretyship agreement 担保协议   stock option agreement   supply agreement   technical consulting agreement   technical development agreement   technical service agreement   technical transfer agreement   tenancy agreement   venture capital management agreement 风险投资管理协议   『03』正文   Arbitration   Counterpart   Dispute Resolution/Settlement   Entirety/Entire Agreement 全部协议/完整合约   Headings   Indemnification 赔偿   Intellectual Property Right   Language   Liabilities for Breach of Contract/Default   Miscellaneous (Other Provisions) 其他条款   Notice   Representation and Warranties 陈述与保证   Rights and Obligations   Severability 合同中止条款   Survival   Transfer/Assignment   (No) Waiver 弃权条款 ;


外贸合同常用语句与词组有哪些?如果你想学习外贸英语,外贸行业英语,外贸专业术语,外贸贸易术语等等, 我推荐:深圳外贸论坛szfob--外贸英语版块 深圳外贸论坛的外贸英语版块包括了,外贸术语,商务函电,外贸口语,行业英语,物流、货代英语, 外贸英语角;外贸术语,是国际贸易的专业术语,例如FOB和CIF的使用,具体的在贸易中的使用,使用贸易术语的时候应该注意的事项等等; 商务函电,是国际贸易的专业书信表达,教你怎么样用英语专业地谈生意; 外贸口语,是外贸在实际交际中的日常用语和商务用语,可以提高你的表达能力和口语能力; 行业英语,是外贸出口,行业内的专业的外贸词汇,例如:家电的外贸词汇;电子方面的外贸词汇;服装方面的专业词汇;太阳能方面的专业词汇;等等; 物流英语,主要涉及在国际贸易中常用的物流词汇;更多请进入szfob,怎么样进入深圳外贸论坛szfob呢?其实只需要记得szfob 就好了,也就可以很容易找到深圳外贸论坛szfob; sz是深圳的首字母的缩写,fob是国际贸易术语的一种;所以只需要记住szfob,就可以学习和做好外贸;搜索一下:szfob 或者是 外贸szfob 或者是 szfob论坛 就可以进入了请认准szfob ,毕竟只有深圳外贸论坛szfob才是全国最专业的外贸论坛


商务英语在商务谈判中的重要性商务英语是英语的一种社会功能变体,是专门用途英语中的一个分支,是英语在商务场合中的应用。它涉及技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际合同、国际金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输等等,人们从事这些活动所使用的英语统称为商务英语。商务英语源于普通英语,并以此为基础,完全具有普通英语的语言学特征,但同时它又是商务知识和普通英语的综合体,因而具有其内在的独特性,主要集中以下几个方面:1.商务英语的语言形式、词汇、以及内容等方面与专业知识密切相关,它承载着商务理论和商务实践等方面的信息。2.商务英语用词明白易懂、正式规范、简短达意、语言平实。用词方面多使用常用词,以保证所用词语具有国际通用性,保证能为普通大众所理解,但又不能过于口语化,即商务英语所使用的语言不能过于非正式。有些商务文书(如合同)因为具有规范、约束力等公文性质,因此会使用一些很正式的词语,如使用prior to 或者 previous to 而不使用before;使用supplement 而不使用 add to 等。但在介词方面,商务英语往往使用以繁复的介词短语来代替简单的介词和连词,如:用 in the nature of 代替 like;3.商务英语句子结构比较复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招标文件和投资文件经及合同中更是如此。4.商务英语在陈述事物时往往具体、明确,绝不含糊其词。如商务英语不就“We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday”,而要说“We confirm our telex of July 2nd,2000.”因为前者笼统含糊,后者就清晰明了;5.在国际商务英语应用文特别是国际商务信函中,礼貌是其中非常重要的语言特点。


Whereas: In order to establish and realize long-term and comprehensive cooperation and common development between the Parties herein, and further to provide a solid foundation for other future programs, in witness hereof, both Parties herein reach this Agreement after amicable negotiations.手工原创,欢迎借鉴。
Where as: Party A and Party B, upon agreement by both parties, in order to build a long-term and comprehensive partnership, to achieve the collective development, and found a foundation for the outstanding projects,hereby make this Agreement which both Parties shall comply with.
Both parties of equal rights, the principle of complementary advantages, knot growth period, the comprehensive partnership of cooperation, realize common development, and later the other project a solid foundation on which to build, by mutual consensus, the enactment of this protocol, in order to keep

8,Protocol Agreement Contract Draft几个词有何区别

Protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”。Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名。比如:Security Agreement (担保协议), Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议)。Contract: 指法律上“合同”的概念。比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties。 商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉。Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利。而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方。国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的。正确的翻译是Credit Agreement。Draft: 一般指草稿。例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿。
protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:emergency response protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”。agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“agreement”命名。比如:security agreement (担保协议), deposit account control agreement (帐户控制协议)以及share subscription agreement(认股协议)。contract: 指法律上“合同”的概念。比如:the document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties。 商务环境里一般不会用contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如agreement来的委婉。agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利。而用到contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方。国内一些银行用loan contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的。正确的翻译是credit agreement。draft: 一般指草稿。例如:draft share subscription agreement = 认股协议草稿。不过draft在银行法里还有另一个意思: 如果a写了张条子,命令b(一般是银行)把一定数目的钱给c, 这张条子叫做draft,也就是汇票。


积载stow 卸载discharge 海牙时间Hague Period 整箱货Full container load(FCL) 背书indorsement 节省的全部时间all time saved 船级working time saved 租期charter period 交船delivery of vessel 还船re-deliver of vessel 货物选择权option of cargo 满载货物full and complete cargo 受载日laydays date 节约日cancelling date 卸船重量deliverde quantity 许可装卸时间lay tine (lay days) 连续日(或时)running or consecutive days/hours 损害damage 灭失loss 外来风险extraneous risks 全损total loss 实际全损actual total lose 推定全损constructive total loss 部分损失partial loss 单独海损particular average 共同海损general average 平安险free from particular average (FPA) 水渍险with particular average (Wa or WPA) 一切险all risks 仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause 转装费transfer charge 海运运费ocean freight 船方不负担装货费free in (F.I.) 船方不负担卸货费free out (F.O.) 船方不负担装卸费free in and out (F.I.O.) 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费free in and out,stowed,trimmed (F.I.O.S.T) 装船费loading charges 议价open rate 速遣费despatch money 滞期费demurrage 预付运费freight prepaid 到付运费freight at destination(freight to be collected) 运价表freight tariff 基本运费率basic rate 班轮运价liner freight 附加费surcharges 超重附加费heavy lift additional 超长附加费long length additional 燃油附加费bunker surcharge or bunker adjustment factor 直航附加费direct additional 转船附加费stranshipment surcharge 港口附加费port surcharge 装箱单packing list 重量单weight memo 信用证letter of credit 销售合同sales contract 销货确认书sales confirmation 汇票bill of exchange or draft 订舱单booking note 装货单shipping order 收货单(大副收据)mates receipt 过期提单stale B/L 舱面提单on deck B/L 预借提单advanced B/L 倒签提单anti-dated B/L 标准定期租船合同uniform time charter (BALTIME) 提单bill of lading(B/L) 已装船提单shipped(or on board)bill of lading 备运提单received for shipment bill of lading 清洁提单clean B/L 不清洁提单unclean or foul B/L 直达提单direct B/L 转船提单transhipment B/L 联运提单through B/L 联合运输提单combined transport B/L 记名提单straight B/L 指示提单order B/L 班轮提单liner B/L 租船提单charter Party B/L 全式提单long form B/L 立即装运 immediate shipment 即期装运 prompt shipment 尽速装运 shipment as soon as possible 允许装运 transshipment allowed 禁止转船 transshipment prohibited 允许分批 partial shipment allowed 禁止分运 partial shipment prohibited 干货集装箱 dry container 冷冻集装箱 reefer container 开顶集装箱 open top container 框架集装箱 flat rack container 干货船 dry cargo ship 冷藏船 refrigerated vessel 木材船 timber ship 散货船 bulk cargo ship
1:Non 被编织的化学键基本的&Fusable(Paper 泡沫) 2:Embroidery 依托纸 3:Microdot 熔化非编织 4:Double 旁边熔化 5:Non 被编织的平的地毯 6:Non 被编织的毛毡 7:Non 被编织的织品 8:Non 被编织的Geo 纺织品

文章TAG:英语合同常用术语英语  合同  常用  