
你好!合同自签订之日起生效用Since the contract comes into effect as of the date of use


2,在本协议有效期内 英文怎么说

During the effective period of this agreement或During the term of the agreement两个都行

在本协议有效期内 英文怎么说


Commencement contract
合同生效 contract entry into force 合同生效 contract entry into force



合同到期The contract expiresexpiration of contract
hottie summer 呵呵 比较可爱的说法hot summer summer heat


如果没有购买强制险,属于违法 若没有购买的是双方协商的商业险,属于违约,可以要求对方及时购买
during the valid period of the Contractcontract life


the contract expires within 3 years
The term of the contract is three years
Life of contract is three years.
合同里有效期从xx开始英文翻译the contract is valid from xx
The contract period of three years最准确的哦!!

7,合同期限内每月12日预付当月总数量30的货款 英语怎么表达

我感觉是这样的,探讨探讨:楼主帖子的要点强调的是合同期限内,在每个月固定的两个时间分比例付款。没说合同期限内有几个月,但可以体会到至少要多于一个月。所以,有交代 each month 好些。根据“当月总数量”的字眼看,各个当月货款的数量应该是不同的,因此,还要有体现 current month 的说头。也就是说 each month 与付款时间有关,而 current month 牵涉到的则是每个月的具体付款金额。句子这样开头来突出重点是不是好一些呢: On 5th of each month in contract duration,...fyi/awen
you should pay for 30% of the total amount of current month on 5th each month within expiry of contract, the balance 70% should be paid full within 3 work days after B/L date.
联系上下文,“其余70%”怎样说好些。the remaining of 70%,the balance 70%,70% balance,the rest 70%。fyi/awen
说些特定场合一些英语字眼的含义:expiry 通常指的是特定的时间点,如合同、信用证的到期日。duration 则是具体的延续时间段,如合同、信用证的效力时间的长度。contract duration 常常用 in 来界定,“段段”搭配合理,in contract duration 是合同有效期内的意思。within expiry of contract 的“线点”搭配很少见,用 within 限定 expiry of contract 这个时间点不太妥当。fyi/awen
Awen, you are always the winner! ..............
You have to pay 30% of every month amount on the 5th of the very month in the contract duration, and the balance 70 per cent of every month should be paid in full within 3 working days after the relevant B/L date.

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