



  法律英文翻译为  The Family violence is a social bad situation, in recent years more and more concern for society. In this paper, the judicial relief for domestic violence-related questions for analysis. This article is divided into the following three parts: The first part is the concept of domestic violence and their way of judicial relief, first introduced the concept of domestic violence on the outside of the domestic violence legislation and our country on the definition of domestic violence. Followed by means of judicial relief, separately from the criminal and civil legal systems are analyzed; the second part deals with domestic violence, the practice of judicial relief problems. By the lack of preventive measures against the possible victims of nowhere, the burden of proof difficult, law enforcement results in this connection, the lack of norms organize an analysis of five areas; the third part of domestic violence to improve judicial relief. From the development of "anti-domestic violence law", and improve mechanisms for the police to intervene, set up the Family Court, domestic violence, anti-society set up an integrated system of four areas for analysis in order to improve the judicial relief.  法律可翻译为“law”.  law  [英][l?:][美][l?]  n.法; 规律; 法学; 法制;  vt.& vi.[口语、方言]诉诸法律,对…起诉,控告;  vt.控告; 对…起诉;  例句:  1、They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties.  他们正寻求取得对他提起刑事诉讼的许可令,以控告他违反了有关政党资助的法律。  2、There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else.  我们必须迅速修订法律,以杜绝此类事情发生在其他人身上。  3、The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.  该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。


3,英语翻译 法律

大概译文如下:鉴于我的孩子可能参与由美国境内或境外A方或其合作者举办的活动项目,我方在此签订协议: 无论投保与否,活动项目期间内,我方免除A方对孩子当前或未来所遭受的索赔,指控和费用进行赔偿的责任,同时免除由于财产损失,人身伤害,意外事故,伤亡进行的诉讼。另外,此次项目期间,在孩子参与管理标准规定的所有活动或者其他活动所引发的事故中,我方同意认可及承担以上所有列出责任,其中包括对第三方责任。 ~~~翻译不好之处,还请指正。
预计我孩子的承诺来参与一个节目赞助和/或由一个或其合作伙伴在美国和国外,我们兹发布的任何和所有索赔、当前和未来,成本和/或引起的财产损失、人身伤害、疾病或死亡, 意外遭受我的孩子在他/她参加这个项目,无论由现行保险或不是。我们同意赔偿并保证所有的上述任何和所有债务,包括对第三方的责任,而产生的形式,我的孩子参与这个项目,包括所有的活动,在指定的行为准则,和其他地方。 大楷意思是这样

英语翻译 法律


8.3 赔偿的程序.如果一方当事人打算要求赔偿,根据这一章(即" 接受赔偿者 " ) 接受赔偿者应通知另一方( " 赔偿者 " ),以书面方式后,迅速成为知悉有任何声称可能受到要求赔偿(正理解和赞同,但是,失败接受赔偿者提供此类通知的,不得解除 赔偿者其赔偿义务,根据这项协议,除了且范围仅限于该赔偿者其实是偏见,是由于这样的失败作出的通知)。该赔偿者应有权要求承担和解释辩护律师团的赔偿要求,在自己的牺牲与律师中挑选出来的赔偿者和合理接受向接受赔偿者 ,提供的,不过,这是一个接受赔偿者都有权保留自己的律师,与费用及开支,以支付所接受赔偿者方面的这种说法。如果 赔偿者不承担国防的赔偿要求后,打招呼的情况下, 接受赔偿者五月保卫索赔,但须有没有这样做的义务。该接受赔偿者不得定居或损害赔偿索赔,没有事先书面同意,该赔偿者 和赔偿者不得定居或损害赔偿要求的任何方式,将有负面影响,对接受赔偿者的利益(包括但不限下的任何权利本协定或范围,有效性,可执行性乙方的权利和专有技术,如果没有事先书面同意,该接受赔偿者 ,其中同意的,在每种情况下,不得无理地拒绝或拖延。 接受赔偿者应合理配合赔偿者在赔偿者的费用,并应提供给赔偿者所有相关信息控制下的 接受赔偿者 ,其中资讯应受到的篇章。


2001 revised \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; for the first time in the field of marriage and family established a system of divorce damages, to fill our system of divorce damages the gaps in the legislative level, for the marriage divorce damages the parties to provide a legal basis for the request . This paper focuses on \u0026quot;Marriage\u0026quot; in the compensation system for Divorce law, divorce, and then as a basis for analysis of the constituent elements of damages, and damages system of divorce in recent years, combined with the application to the system\u0026#39;s shortcomings in the judicial practice discussed and then the perfect proposal, only hope that the system can adapt to the social development
都是机器翻译 ,现在的人啊,搞乱风气


The Company is a private company and accordingly: 公司是私营的,因此: a) the right to transfer shares is restricted in the manner hereinafter prescribed; 股份的转让权严格按照以下规定; b) the number of members of the Company (counting joint holders of shares as one and not counting any person in the employment of the Company or of its subsidiary and any person who while previously in the employment of the Company of of its subsidiary was and thereafter has continued to be a member of the Company) shall not exceed fifty (50); 公司成员(指股东)不能超过50(将联合股东计成一人,现任职的或曾任职的公司及其子公司雇员不计)。 c) any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares in or debentures of the Company is prohibited; and 禁止公开发行公司股份及债券 d) any invitation to the public to deposit money with the Company for fixed periods or payable at call, whether bearing interest or not bearing interest is prohibited. 不论是否支付利息,禁止公司向公众吸收定期或活期存款。
1 这些应该都是些法律条款的条款编号 section 2319 of title 18 应该是第18条下2319 项/款 2 according to section 506(a) of the copyright act...was punishable according to provisions of 18 usc 2319 根据版权法案的第506(a)项/款。。。根据美国国会法案的第2319款的规定,是应受惩罚的 以上供参考,本人非法律专业
私有性质的公司条件如下: 1.股份的转让权应严格按以下方式进行; 2.公司合伙人不能超过50人(这里的合伙人是以是否持有公司股份而进行计算的,公司或公司的下属企业的一般雇员、公司的下属企业或者曾经是下属企业的雇员、曾经是下属企业的雇员而现在成为公司成员的人都不视为合伙人) 3.任何一种其目的在于进行股票认购的公示和公司债券都是禁止的; 4.无论是否给予利息,任何一种其目的在于获得活期或者定期存款的公示都是被禁止的。
这是一家私企公司,应依照下列条款: 1限制股份转让权应依照以下规定的方式 2公司成员的人数(所有合资股东算作一人,公司或分公司所雇的职工不应算在内,以前在公司或分公司雇佣的工人而后成为公司内部人员的人也不算在内)不应超过50人 3任何公开征集认购公司股份或债券的行为应被禁止 4任何公开征集在公司定期抵押款项或电话付费的行为,不论是否提供利息都应被禁止

7,法律英语翻译 谢谢了

Legal English is a specialized English with normative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source language and target language .These are the basis of translating legal English files.Besides,keep in mind to maintain the normative of legal English style.大概~~
Legal English is a normativity, seriousness special english.During the process of translation, we need pay highly attention to its trait of terminology, phrase and sentence. and flexibly applying the skills of translation. Master the trait of original language and target language. these are the bases of accuracy translating legal document. Meantime, pay more attention to keeping the normativity of Legal English literary Form
还有代表旅行机构的出差的外国人a long-term residence visa with a validity term of up to one year and entitlement to reside of up to 360 days may be issued to foreigners conducting scientific research or students under one-year education programmes.中文翻译,是1年以下教育计划的学生,他们是从事科学研究的外国人:具有长达1年时间的有效期的长期居住签证和长达360天的居住资格权可能会签发给这些人外国人,还有包括, scholars or trainees,代表一个外国雇主并在促进投资程序下实行的被公认的投资活动的外国商务人员, foreigners on business trips on behalf of a tourist services contract as well as foreigners on business trips o behalf of a foreign employer for effecting investments certified under the procedure of the investment promotion act.如果满意,谢谢,请及时采纳,实习生,学者
Legal English is a kind of normative and serious professional English. In the translation process, we should pay close attention to the characteristics of terminologies, phrases and sentences. We should also use translation skills flexibly by grasping the difference between the source language and the target language. These are the fundamental of an accurately translated legal document. And at the same time, it is more important to maintain the normative style of legal English.

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