

你翻译得不错,我只在你原文上给修改意见了:货币政策是moeny policyso that同楼上,改为togrowing改为growth固定资产是fixed assets固定资产投资规模最好是翻译为the scale of the fixed-asset investment
是翻译成英文吗?our country promoted a loosening fiscal policy and a tightening monetary policy in 2011, for there had been the price inflation in the period.以我的理解,积极的财政政策就是要为民生考虑,多政府支出少税收,所以是经济里的loosening。稳健的意思就相反,因为通胀所以要控制,所以稳健就是指的政府部门控制通胀的手段稳步有力,就是tightening的政策。如果您是学经济的,应该可以理解我说的意思。望采纳,请勿随便copy我的翻译。要追究产权的!



美元最大面值为100$介绍:美元(英语:United States Dollar),又称(美国)联邦储备票据、美圆、美金等,是美国作为存款债务的官方货币,它的出现是由于《1792年铸币法案》的通过。同时也作为储备货币在美国以外的国家广泛使用。美元通常可以使用符号“$”来表示,而用来表示美分的标志则是“¢”。国际标准化组织为美元取的ISO 4217标准代号为USD。目前美元的发行是由美国联邦储备系统控制。1785年7月6日美元被选为美国的法定货币。面值:【纸币】$1、$2、$5、$10、$20、$50、$100 $1000, $10000(1969年停止流通) 【硬币】1¢、0.03$(1969年停止流通),5¢、10¢、0.20$(1897停止流通),25¢、50¢、$1
现流通硬币有1 分、5 分、10分、1/4 元、1/2 元、1 元六种面值。纸币的面值有1 美元 2美元 5美元 20美元 50美元 100美元 没有200的或1000的,在经济危机通货膨胀的时候好像发行过10000的,,,,



2010加拿大技术移民新政 申请时递交语言成绩加拿大移民局于2010年3月10日正式公布联邦技术移民修正法案,法案原文如下,主要变更内容是关于语言能力的文件,即从2010年4月10日开始在递交初审的时候必须同时递交雅思成绩。所以申请人需要先考雅思,有了合格的雅思成绩才能递交申请。Good afternoon members,Re: Administrative Change to Language AssessmentsCAPIC has received the following communiqué from Ms Heidi Smith, National Headquarters, CIC regarding a change in how language skills will be assessed to take effect April 10, 2010.---I am writing to inform you of an administrative change in the treatment of documents submitted as proof of language proficiency under the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) category and Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) understands that this change may affect the advice immigration representatives provide to their clients. With this in mind, we would ask that you kindly inform your members of the following administrative change.Effective April 10, 2010, visa officers will only consider the evidence of language proficiency provided at the time of application. Currently, if a written submission does not satisfy the visa officer that the applicant has demonstrated the level of language proficiency claimed, the applicant is offered the opportunity to undergo and submit the results of a designated language test. Under the new directive, visa officers will no longer offer the applicant a "second chance" to prove their language proficiency when the written evidence does not support their claim. This will apply to all FSW and CEC applications received on or after the effective date.This change is another improvement which supports the Action Plan for Faster Immigration. A survey of missions abroad revealed that a substantial proportion of applicants worldwide are providing written submissions as evidence of language proficiency, and a sizeable majority of these submissions do not support the level claimed. Offering these applicants a "second chance" not only lengthens the processing of their applications, but also adds to the overall processing burden for all FSW applications. Consequently, removing this extra step in the process will improve processing times.I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the option of providing a written submission as proof of language proficiency is only recommended for those for whom English or French is a first language, as they are able to easily demonstrate a high level of proficiency. Application kits provide guidance on the types of information that should be included. For others, providing the results of a language test by a designated language testing agency ensures a higher degree of reliability and transparency. FSW applicants will know from the outset how many language points will be awarded on the selection grid, and CEC applicants will know whether they meet the minimum language requirement. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these applicants have language test results before application.Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this matter.
2010年加拿大当地时间3月16日(北京时间3月17日)加拿大移民部长宣布,为了更快更及时的响应加拿大经济的复苏,加拿大的技术移民政策需要尽快调整,吸收劳动力短缺的技术工种与专业人才。移民更看重的是申请人的语言,年龄及专业(language skills, age and education account)。 2008年11月的新政大大减少了申请案子积压的情况,到2010年上半年,积压申请由60多万降到不足40万, 新政下的移民申请基本是1年内结案,大大缩短了申请等待周期;这种优先处理政策会继续,只是优先处理职业要根据加拿大当前的就业形势嗜待调整;新草案商讨期为2010年3月17日--2010年4月16日;商讨期后新政会随时公布。 太平洋加达 预测,加拿大联邦新出台的技术移民政策不仅会调整紧缺职业列表,同时还有可能对现有评分体系进行调整,新的评分体系将更侧重申请人的年龄,语言及专业。 太平洋加达 友情提示:建议符合目前紧缺职业满足申请条件的申请人第一时间递交申请。

