




Cooporative contractContract to cooporate
contract 合同agreement协议


3,友好会谈并签署双方友好合作协议 英文怎么说

After several friendly talks, the two sides signed the cooperative agreement
本协议自签署之日起生效this agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing

友好会谈并签署双方友好合作协议 英文怎么说


物流园建设合作协议书Cooperation agreement for the construction of logistics parks物流园建设合作协议书Cooperation agreement for the construction of logistics parks
字多麻烦 还是去物流公司 那一份单子就好了 什么都有了


15.1 在本合同有效期之内以及在合同失效之后,合同每一方(即“接受方”)谨此承诺尊重并保密它在履行本合同所规定之各项义务时有可能会得到由合同其他方(即“公布方”)所定义的所有保密信息。接受方谨此承诺,在没有得到公布方的书面许可之前,接受方不会将公布方的任何保密信息泄露给或者提供给任何第三方、个人、公司或企业,也不会为了自己之利或他人之利而复制、传播或者利用这些保密信息。接受方谨此进一步承诺,接受方自己使用以及/或者发布公布方的保密信息范围仅限于接受方自己的官员、雇员、代理人、咨询人、顾问、承包商以及再保险商,并且范围仅局限于为了顺利完成本合同所规定的各项义务。接受方应当确保接收保密信息的任何人都要根据本合同之规定来对待保密信息。根据以下各款之规定,本合同一方或者其任何董事、雇员、代理人、承包商或其他代表人在未能履行其合同义务时应当赔偿合同另一方及其董事、官员、代理人、承包商和其他代表人,并且要确保他们不会承担因此而招致、引发或者要求的所有索赔、要求、损失、债务、赔偿、判决、诉讼、起诉、清算、处罚、罚金、成本及费用(包括但并不局限于在辩护时或者在解决任何索赔时所引发的所有法律成本和其他成本)。16.1 如果合同一方(第一方)出现损失,其部分原因是另一方违反本合同,部分原因是第一方自己的过错,此时第一方要求另一方违约赔偿的权利要降低到一个公正合理的层面上,这主要考虑到第一方也要分担该损失的部分责任。16.3 合同一方给合同另一方董事、官员、雇员、代理人、承包商以及其他代表人的上述赔偿利益将由合同另一方为以上每位人士以信托的方式持有。手工翻译,供参考。
the party of the first part decided for is clear about the home station overhaul project contract for the second party the responsibility and the duty achieves after the bilateral friendly consultation a following agreement overhaul principal item this overhaul is carries on after the national minor repair standard the main overhaul project to for details see the appendix two overhaul time to sign this agreement the second party the official approach to complete in december 3, 2006 before february 5, 2007 the overhaul project three the party of the first part responsibilities and voluntary 1 the party of the first part must the blueprint technical data and the original installment firsthand information which provides to the second party needs 2 needs to replace the equipment and purchases by the party of the first part the second party to be responsible principal to replace 3 overhaul period the party of the first part to be responsible the security measure which < electric power production safety service regulations > request,namely the filling in operation ticket and so on 4 the parties of the first part provide power source factory fangqiao machine and the special-purpose tool use to the second party

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