

国际私法的对象、方法与范围问题 ~~~确认可用请给我分 http://www.lwwzx.com/Freepaper/21224_2.htm






国际私法(private international law)在世界各国民法和商法互相歧异的情况下,对含有涉外因素的民法和商法关系,解决应当适用哪国法律的法律。由于涉外因素又称国际因素,民法和商法在西方传统上称为私法,国际私法因而得名。为广义的民法可以包括商法,各国民法和商法互相歧异的情况,法律术语称为民法的抵触或民法的冲突,或称法律的抵触或法律的冲突,因此长期以来这一部门法被称为法律抵触法或法律冲突法。



1、在整个部门法学体系中,相对而言,国际法学研究生的英语要求高一点; 2、在考研的过程中,往往只有国际法(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)的试题会考到英语,例如对名词解释会以英文(甚至拉丁文)的形式命题,也有一些学校(如对外经贸大)会出一个英文的案例。当然,解题是中文的; 3、国际法学方向的研究生,在做论文和其他研究时,势必要接触更多的外文材料,既要求有一定的英语水平,又提高了英语水平,这个过程是动态的; 4、就英语本身而言,法学研究生应当不遗余力地去学好,这个不是国际法学所特别要求的,比如法理学,很多观点都是国外流传进来的,如果没有够硬的英语实力,不会读原著,那永远都是吃别人咀嚼过的翻译材料; 5、当然,也有一些学校的国际法学专业本身水平不怎么样,导师英语都不行,对学生也就没有过高要求了。
不高,上课是中文 考研名星顾问团为你解答任何考研问题

5,求一篇6000字以上的纯英语论文 题目The Influences of the Cultural

With the development of economy and the entering into the World Trade Organization, companies and enterprises in China have been taking part in international business negotiations. What does negotiation mean? Does it only mean to communicate or bargain with other people? The answer is not complete. Negotiation is the process by which at least two parties with common or conflicting interests try to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. This definition indicates that negotiations take place within the context of the four Cs: common interests, conflicting interests, compromise, and criteria (Moran and Stripp, 1991). From the definition, people know that negotiation is one of the most important processes in business trade. It directly relates to the result of the business. A successful negotiation may help people get the business, or even get much profit than they have expected. On the contrary, it may also make people lose the chance. So, business negotiation plays an important role in business trade. While, in cross-cultural business negotiation, negotiation teams often encounter conflicts between both sides benefits and cultures, which are mainly caused by culture differences. As some business negotiation styles are affected by cultures to some extent, negotiation teams from different cultural backgrounds adopt different negotiation strategies according to different cultural views, values and behaviors, etc.. These images, assumptions, values, beliefs and expectations differ across cultures, giving rise to various conflicts in the course of business negotiation. In order to get a satisfactory result in a business negotiation, the thesis aims to introduce how culture differences impact on intercultural business negotiation and particularize several countries negotiation styles in the purpose of avoiding conflicts and adopting appropriate strategies
还有有不少是现成的, 需要的话可以 采纳哦!
:The Influences of the Cultural Differences on the International Business Negotiations 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 私聊之 我来回答
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