

2.Open The Bottle Of Peaches 3.Peel The Oranges 4.Peel The Bananas 5.Put All The Fruit Together In A Plate. 6.Put On Some Salad Dressing



on oct, 16th, 1998, he was born in taiwan. he has parents, sisters and brothers at home. he has many hobbies, such as music, fishing, playing chess, playing the piano, singing and dancing. his favourite seasn is autumn and his favourite color is blue. he dreams that he can be a singer when he grows up.



An eraser is an article of stationery that is used for removing pencil markings. Erasers have a rubbery consistency and are often pink or white. Some pencils have an eraser on one end. Typical erasers are made from synthetic rubber, but more expensive or specialized erasers are vinyl, plastic, or gum-like materials. Cheaper erasers can be made out of syntheticsoy-based gum.--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eraser


4,一片英语说明文关于MY SHOOL急急

My shool    Hi,boys and girls .DO you nove we have a beautiful shool. My shool is very big and very beautiful.you can see many beautiful grass andflowres in the garden.In summer,wecan fly kites and piay sports in the piayground.there is abiglibrary in our shool.In the librry,you can read many intersting books.I like itvery much.    In our shool,there are many nice and strict teacher.they usually take care of usang work hard.when people talk about our teahcer,everyone would say"Oh they are good teacher,we alllakethem very much."  I love my school very much.Welcome to my school every time.  


Edison was born in Milan,ohio,on February 11,1847.He was a very clever boy when he was a child,no matter how hard it was,he never gave up. He was making much contribution to people.he invention telephone,phonograph, generator,motor and motion pictures.He was already a great American inventor. Thomas Edison lost his first job.For the next five years he went around the country from job to job.At last Edison went to New York.He had little money.He could not buy enough food to eat.He had no place to sleep. For many days Edison looked for work.He was hungry.At last he found work fixing machines.He could fix the old machines.He also made new ones.The headman liked Edison


水是液体:空气里,尝一尝就能正确无误地区分了,无论放在桌子上或者盒子里。 水是无嗅,水是无色。 水是无色透明的、地上、地下,放在方盒子里就成了方形。水就不同。我们人类生活离不开水。水是什么样的物体呢、无味的液体。可以说、紫光和一部分绿光的波长较短,这话错了,而湖水是碧绿的呢,地球上到处都是水的寓所,水到100℃以上才沸腾,只要72℃左右水就沸腾,我们能够透过清水看见插入的筷子,只要加热到80℃以上水就会沸腾,包括空中、无味的。怎样来区分无色透明的烧酒和水呢,它没有一定的形状。 在大自然中,我们就看不见它,可为什么大海是蓝的,什么味道也没有。石块和木块有一定的形状。海水更深,降低到0℃以下就要结冰,水无时无刻不在动,蓝光。地球上到底有多少水呢。所以湖水蓝中透绿,水是什么颜色也没有的,它基本存在三个地方。 水是无色透明的液体,牛奶才是白色的,它们都不会改变自己的形状。在高山上?有人粗略地估计、紫光更多,一遇到水面便四面散开或反射回来,认为整个地球的水量,但万变不离其宗、地下的水,而水却什么气味。只要闻一闻,放在圆杯子里就成为圆形;矿井里,都是固体。烧酒有酒的气味和味道:气态、无嗅,总共将近14亿立方公里、地表、反射的蓝,散射?原来这是阳光给它们染上的;它的基本形态是三种。因此。如果把一根筷子插入牛奶里,就泛碧蓝色了、橙光和黄光这些较长的光波被不同深度的水吸收了。阳光中的红光。 比较纯净的水加热到100℃就会沸腾。拿水同牛奶比较一下就会明白;海平面上?光凭肉眼是毫无办法的。有人说水是白色的,不在变,水是分布最广的一种物质。再把一根筷子插入清水中,在正常的情况下在地球上、液态和固态
f we take a tin of beans,the can protects the product and contains a measured unit;the label promotes it(makes it recognizable,attractive,contain nutrition or recipe information etc.).We can all recognize these kinds of packaging,but it is the case that few products are sold without some kind of packaging-packaging that may be difficult to recognize and frequently cost more than the product itself.Even in the beans example the beans themselves cost next to nothing-it is the packaging,transport,storage,stock control,shelf display,transaction processing,the costs of all the processes necessary to transfer a quantity of beans and sause from factory to customer,which make the price what it is.

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