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3,求CFA notes 2018 高清pdf
我们这有2018年CFA NOTES L1 L2 L3.私信请及时回复链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_6nz9d-UguWfvX9vfqTXsw 密码:ikxx链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1C5usBwJasg3BXp9wT0Kqzg 密码:vl1x链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vUOUM0xwn8IpgmbTAu1PZw 密码:q7yj我们这有2018年cfa notes l1 l2 l3.私信请及时回复
二、词语类 1、《英汉汉英法律用语辩证词典》陈忠诚 8分 2、《法律英语核心术语:实务基础》8分 3、《法律英语核心术语:实务高阶》8分 4、《法律英语同义近义术语辨析和翻译指南》 宋雷 7分 5、《悦读法律英语》陈忠诚 7分 6、《法窗译话》陈忠诚 7分 7、说下我的法律英语词汇书——《法律英语词汇——以美国法律为基础》(放弃出版)本文禁止转载(除非另有声明)本文来源于刘素林法律英语翻译 http://www.lawelites.com/ , 原文地址:http://www.lawelites.com/post/54.html
5,Delaware General Corporation Law
Delaware General Corporation Law: http://delcode.delaware.gov/title8/c001/index.shtml
Model Business Cooperation Act
Word: http://www.lawca.com/useful/files/F00145.rtf
PDF: http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/library/onlinepublications/mbca2002.pdf
Distribution of burden of proof is the core of the testifying theory in criminal proceedings. That who should bear the burden of proof is the primary problem to be solved in the process of criminal prosecution, which is also crucial in the implement of norms of the substantive criminal law. Therefore, to establish the distribution principle of criminal burden of proof is of great significance in guiding the practice of criminal proceedings in China. Based on a comparative study, this thesis is going to give a brief review and analysis on the difference between the statements of burden of proof, its distribution methods and its causes in the two legal genealogies (legal genealogy of civil law and legal genealogy of common law), aiming at briefly revealing the disputes existed in distribution of criminal burden of proof in our country and some places requiring improvements, and attempting to put forward an idea about constructing a distribution system of burden of proof in China.
【Key words】: criminal proceedings, burden of proof, subject of burden of proof, distribution of criminal burden of proof刑事诉讼 a criminal suit; a criminal action; a criminal prosecution
法律英语核心术语pdf百度云法律 法律英语 英语