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2,高手帮忙写一篇英语作文大概400词 题目Accounting is an economic

In the futures market, fair value is the equilibrium price for a futures contract. This equals the spot price, taking into account compound interest (and dividends lost by the investor owns the futures contract rather than physical stocks) over a period of time determinado.El “fair value” quoted on TV concerns the relationship between the futures contract on a market index and the real value of the index. If the futures are above fair value then traders are betting the market index will go higher, the opposite is true if futures are below fair value

高手帮忙写一篇英语作文大概400词 题目Accounting is an economic


my feelings人生感言The day was sunny, but I was in a bad mood.At the oncoming party I Would have to do some cleaning, for I was considered unable to dance or sing.I could not but accept the task.During the party, I tried hard to keep the room clean, and after he party I got rid of the rubbish.When seeing all those present joyful, I felt my job worthwhile.阳光普照,但我的心情并不好。在即将到来的舞会上,我将只能做些清洁的活儿,因为我被认为没有唱歌、跳舞这样的才能。我不得不做这项工作。舞会期间我尽最大努力将房间保持得千干净净,舞会后我清理好了垃圾。看到所有在场的人玩得很高兴,我觉得我的工作很值得。When being told that the entire room would have been a dustbin without me, I thought of a well-known saying, "There must be a use for my talent."My friends, you may have no special talent, but as long as you do your utmost to dowell everything useful, you will find everything is beautiful at every corner of your life.当有人告诉我,没有我整个房间就成为一个垃圾箱时,我想起了一句名言,“天生我材必有用”。朋友,你也许没有什么特殊才能,但只要尽力做好对人有益的每一件事,你就会发现,在你生命的每一个角落,事情都是美好的。



Global Economic Crisis From the year of 2008, there is a new global economic crisis breaking out through the whole world. It brings us harmful influences. Firstly, many companies and factories went bankrupt; A great deal of people lost their jobs and could not live on by themselves. Secondly, criminals rise obviously. More and more regions get crisis for resources contention, which really destroys our harmoniously peaceful world. Since the global economic crisis brings us such bad effects, how should we deal with it? As far as I am concerned, we need to face it bravely at first and then find out the relevant solutions. The global economic crisis is world-spreading; therefore, every country should unify and tackle the crisis together. Only by the whole worlds cooperation, can we defeat economic crisis successfully at last. 从百度找的 抱歉,我没仔细看。提点建议不知可以不 你可以先写成中文的,在用翻译工具 不过最好自己写,真情实感

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