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2,英译汉 建筑合同内容

Proforma Invoice for opening L/C 开立信用证所用形式发票
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英译汉 建筑合同内容

3,53建筑合同内容 英译汉

在项目交付后六个月,须向承包商支付一张Dhs.1,800,800(AED1.800,800)的定期给付支票. 这里的那个6 months after handing over the project这样翻可以么?感觉好狠啊...交付六个月才给钱...

53建筑合同内容 英译汉


1. According to time to finish2 in quality.3 party b, party a after the completion acceptance.4 in 10 days after completion of payment funds all clear.5 party b by contractor commerce accident completely full responsibility.6.Party a according to the progress of the project payment 50% to party b.7.After the completion acceptance pay brushstroke.8.for both parties agree, sign.


1. According to time to finish2 in quality.3 party b, party a after the completion acceptance.4 in 10 days after completion of payment funds all clear.5 party b by contractor commerce accident completely full responsibility. 6.Party a according to the progress of the project payment 50% to party b. 7.After the completion acceptance pay brushstroke. 8.for both parties agree, sign.


没有BUT合同吧,应该是BOT合同。BOT是英文Build-Operate-Transfer的缩写,通常直译为“建设-经营-转让”。这种译法直截了当,但不能反映BOT的实质。BOT 实质上是基础设施投资、建设和经营的一种方式,以政府和私人机构之间达成协议为前提,由政府向私人机构颁布特许,允许其在一定时期内筹集资金建设某一基础设施并并管理和经营该设施及其相应的产品与服务。简而言之,就是你和政府达成协议,你来承担建设费用,然后收取多少年费用,之后再无偿交给政府。就像我们搞的垃圾焚烧发电厂一样,和政府签订30年特许经营权协议,承担建设费用,收取30年垃圾焚烧处理费和环保电费差价,30年期满后无偿交给政府经营。以下为百度百科对于BOT合同的解答。http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=HB9BOZ7cgxbjL-NRCVE-nqvvTZvnJ44S-gxTkJIGNogAxHN7-UeEIlEv-MebPnemO0mvU2uTBpcKHQHTUo7ZoK
我国《中华人民共和国合同法》第十六章建设工程合同第二百六十九条规定,“建设工程合同是承包人进行工程建设,发包人支付价款的合同。建设工程合同包括工程勘察、设计、施工合同。”而且合同法第十六章整个一章都是规定建设工程合同的。 工程建设分为,大型和小型的工程建设。一般大型的工程建设合同才是建筑工程合同,而小型的工程就做承揽合同等了。具体在基础司法实践中不容易区分,要当事人自己把握。


在监管下 完成外墙工程的总费用 无条件从应得款里扣除 若正面的二级承包商不构成侵权 则可以给正面的二级承包商subcontracter--二级承包商 比如甲乙双方签订合同,甲方把整个项目交给乙方来办乙方找到了丙方,让丙方负责工程部分就甲方而言,丙方就是他们的sub-contractor
The costs,charges and expenses so incurred in completing the External Skin Contract Works together with a reasonable sum by way of overhead charges and supervision shall be set off against any monies due or that become due on any account whatsoever to the External Skin Contractor and insofar as not satisfied by any such setoff shall be payable by the External Skin Contractor to the Facade Sub-Contractor on demand without prejudice to any other claim or right of action which the Facade Sub-Contractor may have against the External Skin Contractor. 的费用,收费等完成了由间接费用和监管方式的合理款项一并对外工程承包皮肤发生的费用,应抵销任何款项或任何账户到期任何皮肤的外部承包商和insofar因为没有任何抵销应支付满意由外部承包商皮肤的外观分包商在不损害任何其他索赔或诉讼权利作出门面分包商可能对皮肤外部承包商的需求。

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