



2,He had been confined to the box为什么要加to呢

be confined to the box,英语词组,意思是被关禁闭。(被动形式}confine sb to the box关某人禁闭。(主动形式}
选择a 意思是他一直不能动弹 有问题请追问 没问题请加分

He had been confined to the box为什么要加to呢

3,be confined to the box为什么不用in

be confined to 是个固定短语 意为: 禁闭; 限于1. The previously free (= not paid for) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy. 以前免费发放课本,现在只给贫困学生。 来自《简明英汉词典》2. All prisoners will be confined to their cells. 所有的囚犯必须关在牢房里。 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
confine to 固定搭配
be confined to the box,英语词组,意思是被关禁闭。(被动形式}confine sb to the box关某人禁闭。(主动形式}

be confined to the box为什么不用in


关闭 例如:shut up 是闭嘴的意思
shut vt. 1. 关上.闭上.关闭 Shut the window. please. 请关窗. 2. 把...关住,禁闭[O] She shut herself in her bedroom sobbing her heart out. 她把自己关在卧室里.哭得死去活来. 3. 使停止营业,停止开放 Business is not good. He'll have to shut the shop. 生意不好.他只得打算停业. 4. 合拢,折起 The rain stopped and I shut my umbrella. 雨停了.我收拢伞. 5. 封闭 6. 夹住,夹进[O] She shut her skirt in the door. 她在关门时把裙子夹在门缝里了. vi. 1. 关上.合上 The doors shut. and the train moved off. 门都关了.火车开了. 2. 停止营业,打烊 The stores shut at 9:30 p.m. 这些商店晚上九点半打烊. n. 1. 关闭,关闭的时间[U] 2. (金属的)焊缝[C]

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