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晚期妊娠夭折的5头牛宝宝中,诊断出严重的破坏性多关节病伴随关节软骨的纤维性颤动和糜烂、关节面变形、关节软组织增生的情况。2头牛宝宝是单关节问题,都在肘关节,1头是膝关节,还有1头膝关节和跗关节都有问题,而最严重的那头牛宝宝臀部、膝关节、肩部和一个腕部都出现了问题。在患病的关节处,关节软骨的厚度有不规则地减小,含有纤维血管组织,有些甚至含有炎性细胞和纤维蛋白。 非医学专业,仅供参考。






超声所见: 子宫前位,大小约70※70※61mm,内膜清,居中,厚约10.6mm,这句是讲子宫的位置,大小和子宫内膜在超声情况下看到的情况。子宫正常情况下有前位和后位,你属于前位;正常成年女性的子宫,呈前倾前屈位。正常大小为:长径7--8cm,宽径4--5cm,厚径2--3cm,子宫腔容量5ml左右。你的子宫宽度超过正常。厚度及子宫内膜正常;子宫前壁肌层可见一大小约47※45mm稍强回声,边界欠清,这一句是讲,怀疑你的子宫前壁有47※45mm的 腺肌瘤或子宫肌瘤,具体需要手术后病理切片才能确诊;宫颈前后径给33mm,内可见 大小约5※5mm无回声,边界清。这一句是讲怀疑你的子宫颈部有个5※5mm纳氏囊肿,并且子宫颈前后径增大,考虑宫颈为肥大CDFI:上述异常回声内均末见血流信号。 超声提示:子宫肌层异常回声---1 腺肌瘤? 2肌瘤? 宫颈肥大并纳氏囊肿


这是我所知道的关于我的健康状况的概要背景我非常年轻(可能你打错了,应该是as a very young body)身体非常年轻,喉咙有堵塞物,不能进食或者消化食物。在两岁的时候做了大手术,身体里可能留下了一些疤痕。我的生活非常困难压力很大,我的内心压抑着很多不快和郁闷,这样我就能在这个世界上生活的好点。但是,结果我却患上了一些与压力相关的健康疾病。过去,我曾被诊断为大肠炎等等疾病,所有这些结合起来是我的肠道患上了慢性疾病。在我生命的某一段时刻,我也曾是个酒鬼,这对我的肠胃健康是个巨大的损害。现在我63岁了,我的肠道坏了,不知道能做些什么事来帮助我。 这是我一个一个的敲进去的啊。个人爱好哦!
自己翻的,水平有限,只能有个大概意思吧,希望能帮到你 :)这里是我所了解的关于自身健康状况的概述病历在我非常年幼的时候,我曾经幽门堵塞,不能进食,也无法消化。两个月大的时候,我接受了一次大手术,也许因此留下了一些伤疤。为了使自己能够在社会中良好地发挥,我过着艰难又充满压力的生活,身体也承受着种种压力和不快。因此,我有一些与压力有关的健康问题。过去我曾被诊断为结肠炎,肠胃功能紊乱症,和麦麸不耐症。所有这些结合起来,给我的肠道带来了麻烦。在我生命的某个阶段,我也是个酒鬼(现在不是了),这一点也对我的身体状况产生了一些损害。如今63岁的我,肠道已受损,我不知道还可以做些什么才帮助自己


linical Experience in the Non-extraction Correction of Lingual Tripping Deep Bite of the Front Teeth.Abstract. Result: Objective: To explore the factors, methods and matters of caution regarding the non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth.6 months. The overbite and overjet of the front teeth of patients have become normal and the facial profiles harmonized after the corrections.Method: To select 18 cases of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth and conduct relevant non-extraction corrections: The correction work was completed in 15-21 months, the average of each correction was 19
96 months. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average 1, facial side cover normal appearance was coordinationNaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment. Correction by first teeth together: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention

7,高分 求几个关于 医学专业词汇 的英文翻译

Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical application Adopting the small rat trembles cage to change the ability machine method Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep a time method Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods. Establishing physiology brine matched control, stability and brain replies 康 etc. matched control. The main pharmacology function of medicine. Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep time. Raise E four nitrogens small rat surprised CD50 Showing the prolongs small rat to get an electric shock incubation period. There is obvious town to calm down, hypnotize, the anti- surprised and improvement study a memory
人工翻译:i hereby certify that the patient, 某某某,had a myopic refractive surgery in my hospital in may ,2012 . now he has a good recovery and regain a normal eyesight ,meeting the requirement of his position. the chief doctor,医生名 from 医院名 hospital june 5th,2012 (以6月5号为例)说明:1. had也可用accepted,但肯定不能用received 2.你写的“实力”我想应该是“视力”吧?
Conducts the experimental study to the A main pharmacodynamics, is theA clinical practice provides the experimental basis. Uses the mouse to shake the cage transducer law Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime law Mouse 戊四氮 CD50 value law and animal model andexperimental technique and so on mouse diving platform law Supposes physiological saline comparison the group, stability andcomparison group and so on brain duplicate Kang Medicine main pharmacological action Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime Enhances 戊四氮 the mouse to faint from fright the CD50value Remarkably lengthens the mouse to receive an electric shock theincubation period Has obvious is calm, the hypnosis, the anti- convulsion andpharmacological action and so on improvement study memory ability有个词不会,参考一下吧,呵呵
A main pharmacodynamics of the experiment, according to A clinical laboratory.Buffeting caged mice transducer law to extend the sleeping time in mice threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium mouse CD50 value and PTZ animal models such as mice platform and experimental methods. Normal saline control group.Brain stability and the rehabilitation of drug control group Pharmacological extended threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium, improve sleep mouse CD50 PTZ-induced seizure marked the electrocution latency significantly prolong sedation,Hypnosis, anticonvulsant pharmacological effects and improve learning and memory
Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods.
楼上的英语好棒啊,是专业英语吗 过了几级了

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