
1,求翻译 英文翻译成中文优美的文字

When I see you, my heart misses a beatWhen I hold you, I feel aliveWhen I kiss you, I feel amazedWhen I wake up and see you, I feel like the happiest man in the worldI love you so much, that I never want to be without you当我看到你的时候,我的心漏了一拍。当我抱着你的时候,我觉得自己还活着。当我吻你的时候,我感到很惊讶。当我醒来看到你的时候,我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人。我太爱你了,我永远不想失去你。

求翻译 英文翻译成中文优美的文字


他已经离开我了,我怎么还是让她在我的脑海中,他已经离开我了,为什么我还爱他,他背叛了我,为什么我仍然等待着,随着时间的消逝,我们在爱的那一天,我打算明天的梦想。所以现在我们分开悲伤的爱情寄托在心里。,你就走了,埋下了无休止的不朽的剪影。不知道何时会褪色 ,亲爱的 停止,现在我们分开了,请不要找对方。我的爱,我们的命运是未完成的,请你不要来。亲爱的,我还记得我们在一起的时候,我们的记忆。现在我可以在哪里找到它,你走了。如果你还记得,或让它去! 应该是分手的吧



1 Can you come to my birthday party? Yes, I am very happy to.2 I have too much homework today.3 Li Ming was sick and had to go to the doctor4 Both L and P are Americans.5 we look different in some areas.6 Do a cats and a tiger look the same?7 I think my good friend should make me happy.8 This story is more interesting than that one.
1 You can come to my birthday party? Yes, I am very happy2 I have too many jobs today3 Li was sick and had to go to the doctor4L and P are both Americans5 we look different in some places6 cats and the tiger looks like it7 I think my friend should make me happy8 interesting story than the story



Alone for a while I"ve been searching through the dark, 曾几何时我孤身一人在黑暗中徘徊 For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart, 寻找你留于我寂寞心中爱的痕迹 To weave by picking up the pieces that remain, 重拾残存的旧梦 Melodies of life - loves lost refrain. 编织成生命的旋律-然而爱已不再 Our paths they did cross, though I can not say just why. 冥冥中我们生命的轨迹曾有过交点 We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye. 还清晰记得相聚时的欢声笑语,离别前的紧紧相拥 And who"ll hear the echoes of stories never told ? 那些故事还未曾讲述,其回声又有谁能听见 Let them ring out loud till they unfold. 让它们响彻云霄吧,传遍世界 In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me. 在我最珍爱的记忆中,看见你向我伸出双臂 Though you"re gone, I still believe that you can call out my name. 虽然你已离去,但我仍坚信你还能唤出我的名字 A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. 穿越时空的声音连接了你我 Adding up the layers of harmony. 烘托出一片和谐静谧 And so it goes, on and on,Melodies of life,To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and beyond. 生命的旋律,回荡于飞鸟也不能及的天外--永永远远. So far and away, see the birds as it flies by. 远远望见鸟儿从天边飞来 Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky. 流畅地滑过空中的云影 I"ve laid my memories and dreams upon those wings. 那些羽翼承载着我的记忆与梦想 Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings. 在今天把它们放飞,憧憬着明天的收获 In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me ? 在你最珍爱的记忆中,还记得你爱我吗? Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind ? 曾经让我们在一起,而今却留下我独自一人,这些都是命运的安排吗? A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. 穿越过空的声音连接了你我 Adding up the layers of harmony. 烘托出一片和谐静谧 And so it goes, on and on.Melodies of life,To the sky beyond the flying bird - forever and on. 生命的旋律,回荡于飞鸟也不能及的天外--直到永远. If I should leave this lonely world behind, 即使我注定要离开这个孤独的世界 Your voice will still remember our melody. 你的声音也仍会铭记着我们的旋律 Now I know we"ll carry on. 如今我明白我们将继续在一起 Melodies of life, 生命的旋律 Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts, as long as we remember. 只要记忆犹在,就将长存于我们的心中.

文章TAG:英文翻译成汉语很精妙的段落英文  英文翻译  翻译  