

我的翻译是: learning is a process of achieving dreams you had in your childhood. the more you learn, the shorter distance to the success. learning is not only for your country, but also for yourself.



Good morning everyone MY name is XX, I am 21 years old, I am a bright calm and kind boy. I love lives, I would like to eat and chat with my friends in normal days, I also like doing some simple things quietly. I am easy to get along with people and I am pleased to help my family. Wish I could meet the other part of me early, Hand in hand with you, grow old together.


3,英语翻译特殊疑问句汉译英百度翻译不正确急急急 搜

为你解答。1、王峰想去做什么? What does Wang Feng want to do? 2、你怎样学习英语? How do you study English?3、你们计划去哪里? Where do you plan to go?4、谁让你在那儿站这么长时间的? Who made you stand there for so long?5、他为什么打篮球这么好?(用wh-词) Why does he play basketball so well?
what would wangfen like to do?how do you study English?where do you plan to go?who make you stand there for so long time?why does he play basketball so well?
what does Wangfeng want to do? how do you learn English? where do you plan to go? who asked you to stand here for a such long time? why does he play basketball well?

英语翻译特殊疑问句汉译英百度翻译不正确急急急  搜


我们不能否认,轿车给我们带来了速度,舒适和机动性。然而,这一切都已经成为过去。We can not deny that cars has brought speed,comfortable and flexibility to our. However, all of this has become the past. 我们从轿车上所蒙受的灾难要远远大于我们所获得的益处。From the car, What we has suffered from as misfortune ismuch more than what we have benefited.由于我们每一秒都要呼吸被污染了的空气和由于我们在汽车上必须要花费的时间日益拉长这双重原因,我们的身体状况越来越糟。Because of the double reasons, we are breathing in polluted air every second and we have to spend increasing time in the car day by day, our health becomes worse and worse.我们该怎么办呢?从前面的论证中,我相信我们已经找到了解决方案:鼓励人们少开车!How can we do? From argument mentioned above , I believe (that) we have found out the solution : encourage people to drive less.我很清楚科学技术也在快速发展,将来也许会有更好的解决办法出现。 I know clearly that the science and technology are developping rapidly and the better solution shall probably appear in the future.但是,在这一切成为现实之前,让我们先通过这种被动的方式来自救吧!But, let us save ourself by the passive way before all we have dreamed of becomes true.


In fact, all along, she did not exist, and he yes. I am thankful for this. Perhaps too long experience of loneliness, or the closure of their own, a fictional need to comfort her own, a fictional understanding of their own to take care of themselves close to the best female friends to beautify their pale life. Now he appeared, all the problems slowly dissolve, life getting better and better. I believe that we become ever more convinced that their own, more confident love life. This should be enough, and he let me clear understanding and love that I have, all the strength that mine.
In fact, all along, she did not exist, and he yes. I am thankful for this. Perhaps too long experience of loneliness, or the closure of their own, a fictional need to comfort her own, a fictional understanding of their own to take care of themselves close to the best female friends to beautify their pale life. Now he appeared, all the problems slowly dissolve, life getting better and better. I believe that we become ever more convinced that their own, more confident love life. This should be enough, and he let me clear understanding and love that I have,

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