







当我们注意一下公司贸易利润间的关系时,会发现有趣的模式。在国内企业中(国企和私企),交易越多产品的企业每样产品的交易量越少。 在外企和合资企业中,这种关系并不是单调的,而是呈现u字型的规律:产品种类密集程度出于中流的企业平均每样产品的交易量最低。当我们用交易对象的多少来区分企业时,交易方式变得比企业的类型更为重要:无论企业的类型是哪种,从越多国家进口货物的进口商在每个国家的进口量越多。 另一方面,出口商也表现出u字型:那些交易对象的数量位于中间的企业出口到每个到达地地平均出口量最低。



去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:杰子文本青岛英语翻译公司【青岛英语翻译机构】解读合同翻译第一步—读懂合同文件 随着我国改革开放的进一步深化,世贸会组织的加入,经济领域的国际交往日趋频繁,经济合作更加密切,国际间的一切经济活动,如贸易、金融、投资、经济合作等都离不开互相制约的合同。合同文件的翻译已成为急待研究的课题。由于合同文件的翻译直接关系到合同双方的经济利益,因此译文必须精确、无误,这就需要充分理解原文的内在含义,译入语句构严谨、无漏,遣词准确、鲜明、专业词汇娴熟,使译文具有专业化、法律化的水准。 动手翻译前要读懂原文,这原本是任何译者都需要首先做到的,但在翻译合同时尤其要强调这一点,为什么?因为这是做好合同翻译的首要条件,合同语言不像文学语言那么有丰富的趣味性,看上隐了,不忍撒手,能让你读下去;也不像译散文那么“短、平、快”。有速战速决,优美而感人。看合同文件是件十分枯燥、乏味的事,句子又长、术语也多,理解上又颇费功夫,许多人往往看不到一半就撒手不管了,或者望而却步,不敢尝试,或者草草看过,按照自己的理解应付了事。因此,要读懂合同原文,对提高合同的翻译水平,如何强调都不过分。笔者认为要读懂原文需注意下面几个问题:一.★★★两个★
Party B agrees that he will pay 200000 YUAN as guarantee money for annual minimum sales and despoit of the order. If Party B fails to archieve such minimum sales, party B shall pay Party A 100000 YUAN as penalty for breach of contract. All payments for goods shall be made before the goods been dispatched from factory. Party A shall pay Party B 200000YUAN as penalty in case he fails to perform his obligation under the Contract.

5,商务英语合同的语言特点 英文开题报告怎么写

Business English contract characteristics of the English language problem that the format of the report (Universal) As the report of the problem that is embodied in the text of the total concept papers, which do not have too much space, but should plan to study how to study the application of theory, and other major issues to make it clear that should include two parts: Overview, outline. 1 Overview The overall problem that the report should make reference to some of the topics and concise explanation of the purpose of topics, issues related to the current study, the application of theory, methodology, the necessary data and so on. 2 outline Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be a broad-brush, is a study of the idea of the basic framework. May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in the form of an outline. In the opening phase of the title, the outline aims to make clear the basic framework of the paper, there is no need to catalog as detailed as the paper. 3 References Problem that the report should include the relevant reference directory 4 request Problem that should be the cover page of the report, the total number of pages should not be less than 4. Page format should meet the following requirements. Open title report Students: First, subjects significance 1, the theoretical significance 2, the practical significance Second, the paper Summary 1, the theory of the origin and evolution 2, the study of foreign Summary 3, domestic research Summary 4, I summarized above assessment Third, the papers outline Preface, I. 1, 2, 3, ? ? ? ? ? ? Two, 1, 2, 3, ? ? ? ? ? ? Three, 1, 2, 3, Conclusion Fourth, the progress of thesis writing arrangements Thesis problem that the outline of the report First, open the cover title of the report: Title, branches, professional, grade, name, tutor Second, the meaning and purpose of the study at home and abroad Third, the paper based on the theory, research methods, research Fourth, to study the conditions and possible problems Fifth, the desired results Sixth, progress of the arrangements

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